Jan Kmenta is the author of the internationally respected text The
Elements of Econometrics [1] and co-editor of several books
related to econometric model building. His published research over 40
years relates to many facets of econometric theory and practice, including
the estimation of production functions, the evaluation of structural
econometric models, and estimation in the face of missing data. This work
has appeared in the leading journals of the profession. A 1966 paper
[11] is of historical interest for being the second econometric
model constructed of the Australian economy. In his work, through both
constructive contributions and methodological critique, he has always
sought to highlight and advance the evidently close connection between
economics and econometrics.
Kmenta was born on January 3, 1928, in Prague, the Czech Republic. He
was educated at the Jirasek State Gymnasium in Prague (1939–47) and
the Czech University of Technology in Prague (1947–49). At the
University of Sydney (1952–55), Australia, he graduated with a
Bachelor of Economics degree (First Class Honors). He obtained a Master of
Arts degree (1959) and a Doctor of Philosophy degree (1964) from Stanford
University with a doctoral dissertation entitled “Australian Postwar
Immigration: An Econometric Study.” After teaching stints in
Australia, Stanford, and Wisconsin, he taught at Michigan State from 1965
to 1973 and at the University of Michigan from 1973 to 1993. He is
currently Professor Emeritus of Economics and Statistics, University of
Michigan, and Visiting Professor, CERGE-EI, Charles University,
His various academic awards and prizes include the Alexander von
Humboldt Foundation Award for Senior U.S. Scientists, the Michigan
Economic Society Best Professor Award, the Royal Economic Society Lecturer
at the University of Leicester, and the Karel Englis Medal of the Academy
of Sciences of the Czech Republic. He was awarded an honorary doctorate
from the University of Saarland, Germany, and served as associate editor,
Journal of the American Statistical Association (1973–1979
and 1985–1992), associate editor, Review of Economics and
Statistics (1975–1992), and associate editor, Metrika
(1981–1985). Kmenta was listed as 40th among all economists ranked
by the total number of citations (Medoff 1989).
This is an edited transcript of two tape-recorded interviews conducted
with Professor Kmenta in Sydney on March 12, 2004, as he visited the
University of New South Wales to present the seminar Econometrics: A
Failed Science? I am indebted to one of Kmenta's former
students, Eric Sowey, for suggesting this project and for his enthusiasm
and support throughout.