The Relational Psychotherapy Mothers' Group (RPMG), a developmentally informed,
supportive psychotherapy designed to serve heroin-addicted mothers with children up to 16 years
of age, aims at addressing psychosocial vulnerabilities, and facilitating optimal parenting, among
at-risk mothers. We present preliminary evidence on the efficacy of RPMG as an “add
on” treatment in comparison with standard methadone counseling alone. At the end of the
24-week treatment period, mothers receiving RPMG plus standard methadone counseling
demonstrated lower levels of risk for child maltreatment, greater involvement with their children,
and more positive psychosocial adjustment than women who received methadone counseling
alone. Children of RPMG participants also reflected fewer problems in multiple areas. At 6
months posttreatment, RPMG recipients continued to be at a relative advantage, although the
magnitude of group differences was often attenuated. Notably, urinalyses indicated that RPMG
mothers showed greater improvements in levels of opioid use over time than comparison