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C&C Early Career Essay Prize

The editors of Continuity and Change have established this prize with the aim of encouraging, recognizing and promoting high-quality research among early career scholars.

Continuity and Change early career prize

The winner’s prize will consist of:

●        Publication of the winning submission in Continuity and Change

●        £400 worth of CUP books

Other entries of quality may be invited to publish their submissions in the journal, subject to the usual peer review process.

Editorial statement of Continuity and Change

Continuity and Change aims to define a field of historical sociology concerned with long-term continuities and discontinuities in the structures of past societies. The journal encourages articles whose agenda or methodology combines elements from a range of fields such as history, sociology, law, demography, economics or anthropology, or ranges freely between them. As a result, there is considerable scope for authors to explore ideas and issues that traverse traditional disciplinary boundaries in their examination of past societies. The journal also has a strong commitment to comparative studies over a broad range of cultures and time spans. Although case studies and articles of shorter chronological coverage will always have a home in the journal, this breadth enables authors to explore topics across geographical regions or to break down period boundaries should they wish. Essays should, however, still retain a strong foundation in original archival research wherever possible.

The entry requirements and rules for the Continuity and Change essay prize are as follows:

 - The prize is open to anyone currently registered for a PhD (or equivalent), or to anyone within 5 years of receiving their PhD (excepting career breaks*), without geographic limitation. *We define a career break as any extended period of time during which the applicant is not actively engaged in scholarly research or teaching at a Higher Education Institution. We reserve the right to define which activities constitute a career break.

 - Submissions are to be no longer than 10,000 words, excluding endnotes, references tables and figures.

 - All entries should be accompanied by a short biographical note in a separate document that includes a statement of how the author meets the eligibility requirements for the Prize.

 - Co-authored essays are welcome, but all authors will need to meet the eligibility criteria for the essay to be considered for the prize.

 - Essays should be submitted by 1 May 2023 to all of the journal co-editors, with a clear indication that they be considered for the Prize:

     - Alex Brown, [email protected]

     - Mary Louise Nagata, [email protected]

     - Susan Hautaniemi Leonard, [email protected]

     - Helena da Silva, [email protected]

- All submissions should conform to the author guidelines on the Continuity and Change website.

- The prize-winner will be notified by the co-editors by 1 September 2023. It is expected that the prize-winning essay will be published in the journal, subject to the usual peer-review process, and so all entries must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere or been published previously.

- The submission can be on any topic within the journal’s broad remit of social, economic and legal history. This might include, but is by no means limited to, any aspect of social relations, family and the household, gender and authority, the life cycle and mortality patterns, occupational and social structure, crime and the law, property rights and the social hierarchy. If you have any questions about the eligibility of a topic, please contact the co-editors.

- Securing permissions for the reproduction of illustrations and use of copyrighted materials remains the responsibility of the author and should be sought before submitting the essay.

- Entries will be judged by a panel comprised of members of the Continuity and Change editorial team. The decision of the judges will be final and no correspondence about it will be entered into by the editors.

- No alternative prizes will be available. If in the judges’ opinion, the material submitted is not of a suitable standard, no prize will be awarded.

- There will be a single prize-winner, and no runners-up, but authors other than the winner may be invited to publish their work in Continuity and Change, subject to the usual peer-review process, if the judges of the prize consider such work to be of sufficient quality.

- Any entry accepted for publication will be published under the journal’s standard license to publish policy, and thus acceptance of those terms (the detail of which can be found here) is a condition of entry.