1. Introduction
Throughout we fix a base field $k$ and all constructions are linear over
$k$. In 1997, Orlov proved the following result.
Theorem 1.1 [Reference OrlovOrl97, Theorem 2.2]
Let $X/k, Y/k$ be smooth projective schemes. Then every fully faithful exact functor
$\Psi :D^b(\mathop {\text {coh}}(X)) \rightarrow D^b(\mathop {\text {coh}}(Y))$ is isomorphic to a Fourier–Mukai functor associated with an object of
$D^b(\mathop {\text {coh}}(X \times _k Y))$, the Fourier–Mukai kernel.
This result is of seminal importance because it allows for such a functor $\Psi$ to be analysed by means of a geometric study of the kernel.
1.1 Non-Fourier–Mukai functors
The first example of a non-Fourier–Mukai functor between bounded derived categories of smooth projective schemes was given by the second and third authors, and can be found in [Reference Rizzardo, Van den Bergh and NeemanRVdBN19] together with an appendix by Amnon Neeman improving on one of the key results. The functor is of the form

where $Q$ is a three-dimensional smooth quadric and
${\mathbb {P}}^4$ is its ambient projective space. The construction proceeds in two steps.
(i) First a prototypical non-Fourier–Mukai functor is constructed between certain non-geometric DG-categories.
(ii) Then, using a quite involved argument, this functor is turned into a geometric one.
In step (i), for a smooth projective variety $X$, and given a Hochschild cohomology class
$0 \neq \eta \in {\rm HH}^{2\dim _k(X)}(X,\omega _X^{\otimes 2})$, a functor

is constructed, where $D_{\infty }(\mathcal {X}_\eta )$ is the derived category of an
$A_{\infty }$-category
$\mathcal {X}_\eta$ which can be thought of as a generalized deformation of
$X$ in the
$\eta$-direction (see § 5 for more details). This functor is not Fourier–Mukai in a generalized sense, see Definition 2.2.
In step (ii), one needs to move from the non-geometric category $D_{\infty }(\mathcal {X}_\eta )$ to an honest derived category of coherent sheaves. In [Reference Rizzardo, Van den Bergh and NeemanRVdBN19, § 11] this is achieved by showing that the inclusion
$f:X \rightarrow Y$ of a smooth quadric
$X=Q$ of maximal isotropy index in
$Y={\mathbb {P}}^4$ annihilates
$\eta$ (in the sense that
$f_*\eta =0$), which allows for the construction of the functor
$\Psi$ as a composition of
$L$ with a pushforward to
$D^b(\mathop {\text {coh}}({\mathbb {P}}^4))$, back to the geometric world. The composition with the pushforward yields the required functor

but the drawback is the need to again check that the composition is non-Fourier–Mukai. This is achieved using an obstruction theory that quickly gets hard to control as the dimension of $X$ grows, and indeed the original paper [Reference Rizzardo, Van den Bergh and NeemanRVdBN19] only gave one concrete example of a non-Fourier–Mukai functor despite the very general initial setup.
In this paper we show that, as long as one is not worried about keeping $\dim _k(Y)$ small, it is possible to bypass this intricate analysis and construct non-Fourier–Mukai functors starting from
$L$ in a different way.
Remark 1.2 In a short note [Reference VologodskyVol19], Vologodsky shows that over a field of positive characteristic non-Fourier–Mukai functors arise quite naturally. Given a smooth projective scheme $X$ over
${\mathbb{Z}}_p$, one considers the embedding
$i:X \hookrightarrow Z$ of the special fiber. The main result is a criterion for the endofunctor
$Li^* \circ i_*$ of
$D^b(\mathop {\text {coh}}(X))$ not to be of Fourier–Mukai type. This criterion is satisfied, in particular, for
$X$ the flag variety of
$\operatorname {GL}_n$, for
$n>2$. However, the functors obtained in this way do admit a
${\mathbb{Z}}$-linear DG-lift.
1.2 New examples
In this paper we show that if one is not interested in ‘small’ examples the second part of the construction can be simplified, giving rise to many more examples of non-Fourier–Mukai functors.
Recall that if $X$ is a scheme, then a tilting bundle
$T$ on
$X$ is a vector bundle on
$X$ such that
$\operatorname {Ext}^{>0}_X(T,T)=0$ and such that
$T$ generates
$D_{\operatorname {Qch}}(\mathcal {O}_X)$. The following is our main result.
Theorem 1.3 (see § 5)
Let $X$ be a smooth projective scheme of dimension
$m\ge 3$ which has a tilting bundle. Then there is a non-Fourier–Mukai functor

where $Y$ is a smooth projective scheme.
As a concrete example, we may for instance take $X={\mathbb {P}}^m$,
$m\ge 3$, which has the Beilinson tilting bundle
$T=\bigoplus _{i=0}^m \mathcal {O}_X(i)$.
1.3 Geometric realizations
To prove Theorem 1.3, we combine results from [Reference OrlovOrl16] with ideas from [Reference OrlovOrl20]. There are again two main steps involved.
(i) In a first step, we construct a fully faithful functor
$\mathrm {Aus}$
$\mathcal {A}$ of
$L$ to a triangulated category
$\mathcal {T}$ with a full exceptional collection. This construction is based on a version of the Auslander(–Dlab–Ringel) algebra for filtered
$A_{\infty }$-algebras, which is explained in § 3.
(ii) We then invoke Orlov's gluing result [Reference OrlovOrl16, Theorem 4.15], which implies the existence of a fully faithful functor
$Y$ (this is often referred to as a geometric realization, not to be confused with the geometric realization of a simplicial set).
One can then show that the composed functor

is still non-Fourier–Mukai, thus proving Theorem 1.3.
2. Preliminaries on
Fix an arbitrary base field $k$.Footnote 1 Our general reference for
$A_\infty$-algebras and
$A_\infty$-categories will be [Reference Lefèvre-HasegawaLef03]. For a good reference in English, consult [Reference Efimov, Lunts and OrlovELO10]. Sometimes we silently use notions for categories which are only introduced for algebras (i.e. categories with one object) in [Reference Efimov, Lunts and OrlovELO10]. We assume that all
$A_\infty$-notions are strictly unital. Unless otherwise specified we use cohomological grading.
Remark 2.1 We rely throughout on the fact that the homotopy categories of $A_\infty$-categories and DG-categories are equivalent. See [Reference Canonaco, Ornaghi and StellariCOS19]. This implies, in particular, that we can freely use Orlov's gluing results in [Reference OrlovOrl16] in the
Definition 2.2 Let $\mathfrak {a}$,
$\mathfrak {b}$ be pretriangulated
$A_\infty$-categories [Reference Bespalov, Lyubashenko and ManzyukBLM17] and put
$\mathcal {A}=H^0(\mathfrak {a})$,
$\mathcal {B}=H^0(\mathfrak {b})$. We say that an exact functor
$F:\mathcal {A}\rightarrow \mathcal {B}$ is Fourier–Mukai if there is an
$f:\mathfrak {a}\rightarrow \mathfrak {b}$ such that
$F\cong H^0(f)$ as graded functors.
Often $\mathfrak {a}$,
$\mathfrak {b}$ are uniquely determined by
$\mathcal {A}$,
$\mathcal {B}$ (see [Reference Canonaco and StellariCS18, Reference Lunts and OrlovLO10]) or else implicit from the context, and then we do not specify them.
Remark 2.3 If $X$,
$Y$ are smooth projective varieties and
$F:D^b(\mathop {\text {coh}}(X))\rightarrow D^b(\mathop {\text {coh}}(Y))$ is a traditional Fourier–Mukai functor which means that it can be written as
$R\mathop {\text {pr}}\nolimits _{2\ast }(\mathcal {K}\overset {L}{\otimes }_{X\times Y}L\mathop {\text {pr}}\nolimits _1^\ast (-))$ for
$\mathcal {K}\in D^b(\mathop {\text {coh}}(X\times Y))$, then it is Fourier–Mukai in our sense. This follows from the easy part of [Reference ToënToë07, Theorem 8.15] combined with Remark 2.1.
For an $A_\infty$-category
$\mathfrak {a}$ we denote byFootnote 2
$\mathcal {D}_\infty (\mathfrak {a})$ the DG-category of left
$A_\infty$-modules. The
$A_\infty$-Yoneda functor

is quasi-fully faithful [Reference Lefèvre-HasegawaLef03, Lemma]. The corresponding homotopy category $D_{\infty }(\mathfrak {a}):= H^0(\mathcal {D}_\infty (\mathfrak {a}))$ is a compactly generated triangulated category [Reference KellerKel06, § 4.9] with compact generators
$\mathfrak {a}(X,-)$ for
$X\in \operatorname {Ob}(\mathfrak {a})$. We write
$\mathcal {P}\mathrm {erf}(\mathfrak {a})$ for the full DG-subcategory of
$\mathcal {D}_\infty (\mathfrak {a})$ spanned by the compact objects in
$D_{\infty }(\mathfrak {a})$ and we also put
$\operatorname {Perf}(\mathfrak {a})=H^0(\mathcal {P}\mathrm {erf}(\mathfrak {a}))$.
If $\mathcal {A}$ is a triangulated category and
$S\subset \operatorname {Ob}(\mathcal {A})$, then the category classically generated by
$S$ [Reference Bondal and Van den BerghBVdB03, § 1] is the smallest thick subcategory of
$\mathcal {A}$ containing
$S$. It is denoted by
$\langle S\rangle$. By [Reference KellerKel94, § 5.3],[Reference NeemanNee92, Lemma 2.2]
$\operatorname {Perf}(\mathfrak {a})$ is classically generated by the objects
$\mathfrak {a}(X,-)$.
If $f:\mathfrak {a}\rightarrow \mathfrak {b}$ is an
$A_\infty$-functor, then we may view
$\mathfrak {b}$ as an
$\mathfrak {b}$-
$\mathfrak {a}$-bimodule. Hence, we have a ‘standard’ DG-functor

which (for algebras) is introduced in [Reference Lefèvre-HasegawaLef03, § 4.1.1]. We recall the following basic result.
Lemma 2.4 For $A_{\infty }$-categories
$\mathfrak {a}, \mathfrak {b}$ and a quasi-fully faithful
$A_{\infty }$-functor
$f:\mathfrak {a} \to \mathfrak {b}$, the induced functor
$\mathfrak {b}\overset {\infty }{\otimes }_{\mathfrak {a}}-:D_{\infty }(\mathfrak {a})\rightarrow D_{\infty }(\mathfrak {b})$ is fully faithful. Moreover, this functor restricts to a fully faithful Fourier–Mukai functor
$\operatorname {Perf}(\mathfrak {a})\rightarrow \operatorname {Perf}(\mathfrak {b})$.
Proof. By the same argument as in the proof of [Reference Lefèvre-HasegawaLef03, Lemme] there is a quasi-isomorphism

for $X \in \operatorname {Ob}(\mathfrak {a})$, functorial in
$X$. In other words there is a pseudo-commutative diagram

where the vertical arrows are the Yoneda embeddings $X\mapsto \mathfrak {a}(X,-)$,
$Y\mapsto \mathfrak {b}(Y,-)$. The full faithfulness of the lower arrow follows by dévissage. The claim about
$\operatorname {Perf}$ follows immediately from (3).
The following lemma is a variant on Lemma 2.4 and could have been deduced from it.
Lemma 2.5 Assume that $\mathfrak {a}$ is a pre-triangulated
$A_\infty$-category [Reference Bespalov, Lyubashenko and ManzyukBLM17] such that
$H^0(\mathfrak {a})$ is Karoubian and classically generated by
$T\in \operatorname {Ob}(\mathfrak {a})$. Put
$\mathsf {R}=\mathfrak {a}(T,T)$. The

defines a quasi-equivalence

or, equivalently, an equivalence of triangulated categories

Proof. We must prove (4). We have $H^0(f)(T)=\mathsf {R}$. By hypothesis
$H^0(\mathfrak {a})$ is classically generated by
$T$ and by the previous discussion
$\operatorname {Perf}(\mathsf {R}^\circ )$ is classically generated by
$\mathsf {R}$. Moreover, because the Yoneda functor is quasi-fully faithful,
$H^0(f)$ is fully faithful when restricted to
$T$. The rest follows by dévissage.
3. Geometric realization of a filtered
$A_{\infty }$-algebra
Let $(\mathsf {R},m_*)$ denote a finite-dimensional
$A_{\infty }$-algebra equipped with a (decreasing) filtration
$F^*:= \{F^p\mathsf {R}\}_{p \geq 0}$. This means that
$\{F^p\mathsf {R}\}_{p \geq 0}$ is a decreasing filtration of the underlying (finite-dimensional) graded vector space of
$\mathsf {R}$ satisfying the compatibility conditions

for all $p$ and all
Assume $F^n\mathsf {R}=F^n=0$ for some
$n\ge 0$. In this case we may define the (modified) Auslander
$A_{\infty }$-category
$\mathsf {\Gamma }=\mathsf {\Gamma }_{\mathsf {R},F^*}$ of
$(\mathsf {R},F^*)$. The objects of
$\mathsf {\Gamma }$ are the integers
$0,\ldots,n-1$ and we set

By setting $\mathsf {\Gamma }_{i,j}=\mathsf {\Gamma }(j,i)$, we can represent
$\mathsf {\Gamma }$ schematically via the matrix

so that composition is given by matrix multiplication.
The grading on $\mathsf {R}$ induces a grading on
$\mathsf {\Gamma }$. Because of condition (5), the higher multiplications on
$\mathsf {R}$ also induce higher multiplications on
$\mathsf {\Gamma }$. Indeed,


In addition,

so $m_p$ passes to the quotients

making $\mathsf {\Gamma }$ into an
$A_{\infty }$-category.
Remark 3.1 The same construction also yields the $A_\infty$-algebra
$\bigoplus _{i,j} \mathsf {\Gamma }_{i,j}$, which encodes the same data as
$\mathsf {\Gamma }$. The above construction is similar in spirit to [Reference Kuznetsov and LuntsKL15, § 5]. If
$\mathsf {R}$ is concentrated in degree
$0$ and
$F$ is the radical filtration, we obtain a subalgebra of Auslander's original algebra [Reference AuslanderAus99], which is nowadays often referred to as the Auslander–Dlab–Ringel algebra (see, for example, [Reference Conde and ErdmannCE18]).
As $\mathsf {\Gamma }_{0,0}=\mathsf {R}$, by thinking of
$\mathsf {R}$ as an
$A_\infty$-category with one object we have a fully faithful strict

whence we obtain the following result by Lemma 2.4.
Corollary 3.2 There is a fully faithful functor

Proposition 3.3 Let $\bar {\mathsf {R}}=R/F^1$. There are
$n$ quasi-fully-faithful

giving rise to a semi-orthogonal decomposition

Proof. For $i=0,\ldots,n-1$ let

and $P_n=0$. For
$i=0,\ldots,n-1$ the element
$P_i \in D_{\infty }(\mathsf {\Gamma })$ corresponds to the
$(i+1)$th column in (7) and we have obvious inclusion maps


(in particular, $S_{n-1}=P_{n-1}$). By the Yoneda lemma we see that

We also find using the long exact sequence for the distinguished triangle


We now have by (13) semi-orthogonal decompositions

which, by induction, yield a semi-orthogonal decomposition

Using (12) and the compatibility conditions (5) for the filtration $F^*$, we check that the
$S_i$ are, in fact,
$A_\infty -\mathsf {\Gamma }-\bar {\mathsf {R}}$-bimodules. Thus, we have DG functors

and the corresponding exact functors

which send $\bar {\mathsf {R}}$ to
$S_i$ and therefore are fully faithful by (14) and Lemma 2.4. Thus, they establish equivalences

finishing the proof.
Let us call an $A_\infty$-algebra
$A$ geometric if there is a fully faithful Fourier–Mukai functor (in the sense of Definition 2.2)
$f:\operatorname {Perf} A\hookrightarrow D^b(\mathop {\text {coh}}(X))$ for
$X$ a smooth and projective
$k$-scheme, such that in addition
$f$ has a left and a right adjoint.
In the following corollary, we make use of Orlov's powerful gluing result, which in our setting may be formulated as follows (see also Remark 2.1).
Theorem 3.4 [Reference OrlovOrl16, Theorem 4.15]
Given $A_{\infty }$-algebras
$A, B, C$ with
$C$ proper and a semi-orthogonal decomposition

If $A$ and
$B$ are geometric, then so is
Corollary 3.5 (Geometric realization)
Let $\mathsf {R}$ be a finite-dimensional
$A_\infty$-algebra equipped with a finite descending filtration such that
$\bar {\mathsf {R}}=\mathsf {R}/F^1\mathsf {R}$ is geometric. Then there exists a fully faithful Fourier–Mukai functor
$\operatorname {Perf}{\mathsf {R}}\hookrightarrow D^b(\mathop {\text {coh}}(X))$ where
$X$ is a smooth projective
Proof. Combining Proposition 3.3 with Theorem 3.4 we obtain that there exists a fully faithful Fourier–Mukai functor

where $X$ is a smooth projective
$k$-scheme. Then we pre-compose this functor with the fully faithful Fourier–Mukai functor

of Corollary 3.2.
Corollary 3.6 Assume $\mathsf {R}$ is an
$A_\infty$-algebra such that
$H^\ast (\mathsf {R})$ is finite dimensional and concentrated in degrees
$\le 0$, and moreover
$H^0(\mathsf {R})$ is geometric. Then there exists a fully faithful Fourier–Mukai functor
$\operatorname {Perf}{\mathsf {R}}\hookrightarrow D^b(\mathop {\text {coh}}(X))$, where
$X$ is a smooth projective
Proof. Without loss of generality we may assume that $\mathsf {R}$ is minimal. We now apply Corollary 3.5 with the filtration
$F^p\mathsf {R}=\bigoplus _{i\ge p} \mathsf {R}^{-i}$.
Remark 3.7 As $H^0(\mathsf {R})$ is assumed to be a finite-dimensional algebra, the following lemma may be helpful for checking geometricity of
$H^0(\mathsf {R})$ in order to apply Corollary 3.6:
Lemma 3.8 Assume that $A$ is a finite-dimensional
$k$-algebra. The following are equivalent:
$A$ is geometric;
$A$ is smooth (i.e.
$\operatorname {p\,dim}_{A^e}A<\infty$);
$A/\operatorname {rad} A$ is separable over
$k$ and
$\operatorname {gl\,dim} A<\infty$.
(i)⇒(ii) This is [Reference OrlovOrl16, Theorem 3.25].
(ii)⇒(iii) The fact that
$A/\operatorname {rad} A$ is separable over
$k$ is [Reference Reyes and RogalskiRR22, Theorem 3.6], which in turn comes from a MathOverflow answer by Rickard [Reference RickardRic16]. Finite global dimension is classical.
(iii)⇒(i) This is [Reference OrlovOrl16, Corollary 5.4].
Remark 3.9 If $k$ is algebraically closed, one can even assume that the scheme
$X$ in Corollary 3.6 has a full exceptional collection. Indeed, using the radical filtration
$F^pH^0(\mathsf {R})=\operatorname {rad}^p H^0(\mathsf {R})$ for the finite-dimensional algebra
$H^0(\mathsf {R})$, we see that there is a fully faithful functor

and a semi-orthogonal decomposition

In particular, each copy $\mathcal {A}_i=\operatorname {Perf} (H^0(\mathsf {R}))$ in the semi-orthogonal decomposition

admits a fully faithful functor $\mathcal {A}_i \to \mathsf {C}_i$ for some category
$\mathsf {C}_i$ with a full exceptional collection. We claim this implies there is also a fully faithful functor

for some category $\mathsf {C}$ with a full exceptional collection. Indeed, first assume
$n=2$, then we can base change the (perfect) gluing
$\mathcal {A}_1$–
$\mathcal {A}_2$-bimodule
$M$ (responsible for (17)) to a perfect
$\mathsf {C}_1$–
$\mathsf {C}_2$-bimodule, say
$M'$. The corresponding gluing
$\mathsf {C}$ of
$\mathsf {C}_1$ and
$\mathsf {C}_2$ along
$M'$ then has a semi-orthogonal decomposition

and, by construction, $\mathsf {C}$ has a full exceptional collection. Moreover, one can check that the induced functor

is still fully faithful. For $n>2$, we proceed by induction.
Finally, by applying [Reference OrlovOrl16, Theorem 5.8], there exists a fully faithful Fourier–Mukai functor

for some smooth projective $k$-scheme
$X$ with a full exceptional collection.
$A_\infty$-deformations of schemes and objects
In this section we review some material on $A_\infty$-deformations of schemes and the corresponding results for deformations of objects. For the benefit of the reader, we collect the results we need in the rest of the paper, in the generality that we need in this situation. A more general treatment of this can be found in [Reference Rizzardo, Van den Bergh and NeemanRVdBN19, §§ 6 and 8].
Definition 4.1 Let $\mathcal {X}$ be a
$k$-linear category and
$\mathcal {M}$ be a
$\mathcal {X}$-bimodule. The Hochschild complex
$\mathbf {C}^\bullet (\mathcal {X}, \mathcal {M})$ is defined as

with the usual differential (see [Reference MitchellMit72]).
The Hochschild cohomology ${\rm HH}^\bullet (\mathcal {X}, \mathcal {M})$ is the cohomology of the Hochschild complex
$\mathbf {C}^\bullet (\mathcal {X}, \mathcal {M})$.
Remark 4.2 Let $\mathcal {X}$ be a
$k$-linear category,
$A$ be a
$k$-algebra, and
$\mathcal {M}$ be a
$\mathcal {X}$-bimodule. There is a morphism

where $\eta \cup 1$ is defined by

for suitable composable arrows $x_1,\ldots,x_n$ in
$\mathcal {X}$, where the sign is given by the Koszul convention.
Definition 4.3 Let $\mathcal {X}$ be a
$A_\infty$-category and
$A$ be a
$k$-algebra. The tensor product
$\mathcal {X}\otimes A$ is the
$A_\infty$-category with the same objects as
$\mathcal {X}$ and morphisms
$\mathcal {X}(-,-)\otimes _k A$. The codifferential
$b_{\mathcal {X}\otimes _k A}$ is given by the Taylor coefficients

for suitable composable arrows, where the sign is given by the Koszul convention.
For the rest of this section, unless specified otherwise, $X$ denotes a quasi-compact separated
Definition 4.4 If $M\in D(\mathcal {O}_X)$, then the Hochschild cohomology of
$M$ is defined as

where $i_\Delta :X\rightarrow X\times X$ is the diagonal map.
Definition 4.5 Let $X=\bigcup _{i=1}^n U_i$ be an affine covering. For
$I\subset \{1,\ldots,n\}$ let
$U_I=\bigcap _{i\in I} U_i$. Let
$\mathcal {I}$ be the set
$\{I\subset \{1,\ldots,n\}\mid I\neq \emptyset \}$. Then
$\mathcal {X}$ is defined to be the category with objects
$\mathcal {I}$ and
$\operatorname {Hom}$-sets

Roughly this allows us to think of $\operatorname {Mod}(\mathcal {X})$ as the category of presheaves associated with an affine covering of
$X$. This construction has many good properties, some of which are summarized in the following.
Lemma 4.6 There is a fully faithful embedding

and a corresponding fully faithful embedding for bimodules

where $D^{\delta }(\operatorname {Qch}(X))=i_{\Delta,*}D(\operatorname {Qch}(X))$ is the category with the same objects as
$D(\operatorname {Qch}(X))$ and morphisms

Moreover, for a quasi-coherent sheaf $M$ on
$X$ we have

For $A$ a (not necessarily commutative)
$k$-algebra, there exists an
$A$-equivariant version of

which is also a fully faithful embedding.
Proof. For the construction of the embeddings $w$ and
$W$ see [Reference Rizzardo, Van den Bergh and NeemanRVdBN19, § 8.3]. The proof of the equivalence (23) is also sketched in [Reference Rizzardo, Van den Bergh and NeemanRVdBN19, § 8.3], for a full proof see [Reference Lowen and Van den BerghLVdB05]. The
$A$-equivariant version is constructed in [Reference Rizzardo, Van den Bergh and NeemanRVdBN19, § 8.5].
We also need a deformed version of $\mathcal {X}$. We give the definition in this case, but the general construction can be found in [Reference Rizzardo, Van den Bergh and NeemanRVdBN19, § 6].
Definition 4.7 Let $\mathcal {M}$ be a
$\mathcal {X}$-bimodule and
$\eta \in {\rm HH}^n(\mathcal {X},\mathcal {M})$. Let
$\tilde {\mathcal {X}}$ be the DG-category
$\mathcal {X}\oplus \Sigma ^{n-2}\mathcal {M}$: its objects are the objects of
$\mathcal {X}$, morphisms are given by
$\mathcal {X}(-,-)\oplus \Sigma ^{n-2}\mathcal {M}(-,-)$, and composition is coming from the composition in
$\mathcal {X}$ and the action of
$\mathcal {X}$ on
$\mathcal {M}$.
Lift $\eta \in {\rm HH}^n(\mathcal {X},\mathcal {M})$ to a Hochschild cocycle, which we also denote by
$\eta$. We can think of
$\eta$ as a map
$(\Sigma \mathcal {X})^{\otimes n}\to \Sigma (\Sigma ^{n-2}\mathcal {M})$ of degree one.
We define as $\mathcal {X}_{\eta }$ the
$A_{\infty }$-category
$\tilde {\mathcal {X}}$ with deformed
$A_{\infty }$-structure given by

where $b_{(-)}$ denotes the codifferential on the corresponding bar construction giving the
$A_{\infty }$-structure, and where we view
$\eta$ as a map of degree one
$(\Sigma \mathcal {X})^{\otimes n}\to \Sigma (\Sigma ^{n-2}\mathcal {M})$ and extend it to a map
$\eta :(\Sigma \mathcal {X}_{\eta })^{\otimes n}\to \Sigma \mathcal {X}_\eta$ by making the unspecified component zero. Clearly we have
$H^*(\mathcal {X}_\eta )=\tilde {\mathcal {X}}$; the only nontrivial Taylor coefficients of the codifferential
$b_{\mathcal {X}_{\eta }}$ are
$b_{\mathcal {X}_{\eta },2}$ and
$b_{\mathcal {X}_{\eta },n}$.
Remark 4.8 For $\eta$ a cocycle in
$\mathbf {C}^\bullet (\mathcal {X}, \mathcal {M})$ and
$\eta \cup 1$ the corresponding cocycle in
$\mathbf {C}^\bullet (\mathcal {X}\otimes _k A, \mathcal {M}\otimes _k A)$ we have that
$(\mathcal {X}\otimes _k A)_{\eta \cup 1}=\mathcal {X}_\eta \otimes _k A$.
Definition 4.9 Let $\mathcal {U}\in \operatorname {Mod}(\mathcal {X})$. A colift of
$\mathcal {U}$ to
$\mathcal {X}_\eta$ is a pair
$(\mathcal {V}, \phi )$, where
$\mathcal {V}\in D_{\infty }(\mathcal {X}_\eta )$ and
$\phi$ is an isomorphism of graded
$H^*(\mathcal {X}_\eta )$-modules
$H^*(\mathcal {V})\cong \operatorname {Hom}_\mathcal {X}(H^*(\mathcal {X}_\eta ), \mathcal {U})$.
Proposition 4.10 Assume that $\mathcal {M}$ is an invertible
$\mathcal {X}$-bimodule and
$\mathcal {X}_\eta$ is as in Definition 4.7. The object
$\mathcal {U}\in \operatorname {Mod}(\mathcal {X})$ has a colift to
$\mathcal {X}_\eta$ if and only if
$c_\mathcal {U}(\eta )=0$, where
$c_\mathcal {U}$ is the characteristic morphism

obtained by interpreting $\eta \in {\rm HH}^{n}(\mathcal {X},\mathcal {M})$ as a map
$\mathcal {X}\to \Sigma ^{n}\mathcal {M}$ in
$D(\mathcal {X}\otimes _k \mathcal {X}^\circ )$ and then applying the functor
$-\otimes _\mathcal {X} \mathcal {U}$ to get a map
$U\to \Sigma ^{n}\mathcal {M}\otimes _\mathcal {X} \mathcal {U}$.
Proof. This is a combination of [Reference Rizzardo, Van den Bergh and NeemanRVdBN19, Lemma 6.4.1] and [Reference Rizzardo, Van den Bergh and NeemanRVdBN19, Lemma 6.3.1].
5. Proof of Theorem 1.3
We now proceed to give a construction of an exact functor $L:D^b(\mathop {\text {coh}}(X))\to D_{\infty }(\mathcal {X}_\eta )$, originally given in [Reference Rizzardo, Van den Bergh and NeemanRVdBN19]. We summarize the construction in this particular case for the benefit of the reader. More details in the general setting are in [Reference Rizzardo, Van den Bergh and NeemanRVdBN19, § 10].
Construction 5.1 Let $X$ be a smooth projective scheme of dimension
$m\ge 3$, which has a tilting bundle. Let
$M=\omega _X^{\otimes 2}$; by [Reference Rizzardo, Van den Bergh and NeemanRVdBN19, Lemma 9.6.1] we have
${\rm HH}^{2m}(X,M)\cong k$, so that we can pick
$0\neq \eta \in {\rm HH}^{2m}(X,M)$. View
$\eta$ as an element of
${\rm HH}^*(\mathcal {X},\mathcal {M})$, for
$\mathcal {M}=W(M)$, via (23). Construct the
$\mathcal {X}_\eta$ as in Definition 4.7.
We are now in the situation of [Reference Rizzardo, Van den Bergh and NeemanRVdBN19, § 10.1] and we can define an exact functor

as in [Reference Rizzardo, Van den Bergh and NeemanRVdBN19, (10.3)], where $\mathcal {X}^{\operatorname {dg}}_\eta$ is the unital DG-hull of
$\mathcal {X}_\eta$. Then we obtain our exact functor (also denoted by
$L$) as the composition

where $D_{\infty }(\mathcal {X}_\eta )\cong D_{\infty }(\mathcal {X}_\eta ^{\mathrm {dg}}) \cong D(\mathcal {X}_\eta ^{\mathrm {dg}})$ by [Reference Lefèvre-HasegawaLef03, Lemme] (cf. also Remark 2.1).
Lemma 5.2 Let $T\in D^b(\mathop {\text {coh}}(X))$ and
$\mathcal {T}=w(T)$. Let
$L$ be the functor constructed in Construction 5.1. The following is a distinguished triangle in
$D_{\infty }(\mathcal {X}_\eta )$:

Proof. This is the distinguished triangle in [Reference Rizzardo, Van den Bergh and NeemanRVdBN19, Lemma 10.3] under the equivalence of categories $D(\mathcal {X}^{\operatorname {dg}}_\eta ) \cong D_{\infty }(\mathcal {X}_\eta )$.
Lemma 5.3 Let $X$ be a smooth projective scheme of dimension
$m\ge 3$ that has a tilting bundle. Then the exact functor

of Construction 5.1 is non-Fourier–Mukai (see Definition 2.2).
Proof. This proof follows the proof of [Reference Rizzardo, Van den Bergh and NeemanRVdBN19, Lemma 11.4] (the argument is written there for the case $m=3$, but the proof is the same for a general
$m\geq 3$). We repeat it here for the benefit of the reader.
Let $T$ be a tilting bundle for
$A=\operatorname {End}_X(T)$ and
$\mathcal {T}=w(T)$. We can think of
$\mathcal {T}$ as an element in
$\operatorname {Mod}(\mathcal {X}\otimes _k A)$. If
$L$ were a Fourier–Mukai functor with an
$\ell$ such that
$H^0(\ell )\cong L$, then by
$\ell (T)$ could be viewed as an object in
$\mathcal {D}_\infty (\mathcal {X}_\eta \otimes _k A)$ and, consequently,
$L(T)$ would be an element in
$D_{\infty }(\mathcal {X}_\eta \otimes _k A)$.
On the other hand, thanks to the distinguished triangle (24) we have

By construction, this isomorphism is compatible with the $H^\ast (\mathcal {X}_\eta )$- and
$A$-actions. Using Remark 4.8 we obtain that
$L(T)$ is a colift of
$\mathcal {T}\in \operatorname {Mod}(\mathcal {X}\otimes _k A)$ to
$D_{\infty }((\mathcal {X}\otimes _k A)_{\eta \cup 1})=D_{\infty }(\mathcal {X}_\eta \otimes _k A)$.
By Proposition 4.10 the obstruction against the existence of such a colift is the image of $\eta \cup 1$ under the characteristic morphism

Let $c_{\mathcal {T},A}$ be the composition

By the $A$-equivariant version of [Reference Rizzardo, Van den Bergh and NeemanRVdBN19, (8.14)] we have a commutative diagram

of $A$-equivariant characteristic maps. The rightmost map is an isomorphism by [Reference Rizzardo, Van den Bergh and NeemanRVdBN19, (8.13)] and the fact that the
$A$-equivariant version of
$w$ is fully faithful (Lemma 4.6). The leftmost map is an isomorphism by (23). By [Reference Rizzardo, Van den Bergh and NeemanRVdBN19, Proposition 8.9.2], the upper horizontal map is also an isomorphism. It follows that, because we chose
$\eta \neq 0$, its image
$c_{\mathcal {T},A}(\eta )$ is also nonzero and provides an obstruction to the existence of a colift. Thus,
$L$ cannot be a Fourier–Mukai functor.
Proof of Theorem 1.3 Let $\mathcal {A}$ be the smallest thick subcategory of
$D_{\infty }(\mathcal {X}_\eta )$ containing the essential image of
$D^b(\mathop {\text {coh}}(X))$ under
$L$. It is clear that the corestricted functor

is still non-Fourier–Mukai.
Let $\mathfrak {a}$ be the full sub-DG-category of
$\mathcal {D}_\infty (\mathcal {X}_\eta )$ spanned by
$\operatorname {Ob}(\mathcal {A})$ and let
$T$ be a tilting bundle for
$X$. Then we have
$H^0(\mathfrak {a})=\mathcal {A}$. Let
$\mathsf {R}=\mathfrak {a}(L(T),L(T))$. By Lemma 2.5 we have a quasi-equivalence
$\mathfrak {a}\rightarrow \mathcal {P}\mathrm {erf}(\mathsf {R}^\circ )$. The composed functor

is still non-Fourier–Mukai because quasi-equivalences are invertible up to homotopy [Reference Lefèvre-HasegawaLef03, Théorème].
Let $\mathcal {T}=w(T)$ be the left
$\mathcal {X}$-module associated with
$T$ and let
$\mathcal {M}=W(M)$ be the
$\mathcal {X}$-bimodule associated with
$M$. By the discussion before [Reference Rizzardo, Van den Bergh and NeemanRVdBN19, (11.5)] we have a distinguished triangle of complexes of vector spaces (taking into account that in the current setting the quantity
$n$ in [Reference Rizzardo, Van den Bergh and NeemanRVdBN19, (11.5)] is equal to

Using [Reference Rizzardo, Van den Bergh and NeemanRVdBN19, Lemma 9.4.1] this becomes

which is equivalent to

The cohomology of $\operatorname {RHom}_{X}( T, M\otimes _X T)$ is concentrated in degrees
$\le m$. Whence the cohomology of
$\Sigma ^{2m-2}\operatorname {RHom}_{X}( T, M\otimes _X T)$ is concentrated in degrees
$\le m-(2m-2)<0$ (as
$m\ge 3$). It now follows from (26) that
$\mathsf {R}$ is an
$A_\infty$-algebra such that
$H^\ast (\mathsf {R})$ is finite dimensional and concentrated in degrees
$\le 0$ and moreover
$H^0(\mathsf {R})=\operatorname {End}_X(T)$. As
$\operatorname {End}_X(T)^\circ$ is tautologically geometric we obtain by Corollary 3.6 a fully faithful Fourier–Mukai functor

The functor (1) is now the composition of (25) and (27). To see that is non-Fourier–Mukai we factor it as

where $\operatorname {Perf}(\mathsf {R}^\circ )\,\tilde {}$ is the essential image of (27). Note that because
$A_\infty$-quasi-equivalences may be inverted up to homotopy by [Reference Lefèvre-HasegawaLef03, Théorème], the inverse of
$\operatorname {Perf}(\mathsf {R}^\circ )\cong \operatorname {Perf}(\mathsf {R}^\circ )\,\tilde {}$ is also a Fourier–Mukai functor. Now if the composition (28) were Fourier–Mukai, then so would be the corestricted functor
$D^b(\mathop {\text {coh}}(X))\rightarrow \operatorname {Perf}(\mathsf {R}^\circ )\,\tilde {}$. Hence, the composition

would also be a Fourier–Mukai functor; but this composition is equivalent to (25). This is a contradiction.
Remark 5.4 With a little bit more work one may show that the fact that (25) is non-Fourier–Mukai is also true without the hypothesis that $X$ has a tilting bundle. However the tilting bundle is anyway needed for the rest of the construction.
Remark 5.5 If $k$ is algebraically closed, then using Remark 3.9, one may show that
$Y$ can be chosen to have a full exceptional collection.