Discrete homotopy theory, introduced in [Reference Barcelo, Kramer, Laubenbacher and WeaverBKLW01, Reference Babson, Barcelo, de Longueville and LaubenbacherBBdLL06], is a homotopy theory in the category of simple graphs. It builds on the earlier work of Atkin [Reference AtkinAtk74, Reference AtkinAtk76], made precise in [Reference Kramer and LaubenbacherKL98], on the homotopy theory of simplicial complexes, and can also be generalized to the homotopy theory of finite metric spaces [Reference Barcelo, Capraro and WhiteBCW14]. It has found numerous applications [Reference Barcelo and LaubenbacherBL05, § 5–6], including in matroid theory, hyperplane arrangements, combinatorial time series analysis, and, more recently, topological data analysis [Reference Mémoli and ZhouMZ19].
The key invariants associated to graphs in discrete homotopy theory are the A-groups $A_n(G, v)$, named after Atkin, which are the discrete analogue of homotopy groups
$\pi _n(X, x)$, studied in the homotopy theory of topological spaces. In [Reference Babson, Barcelo, de Longueville and LaubenbacherBBdLL06], Babson, Barcelo, de Longueville, and Laubenbacher construct an assignment
$G \mapsto X_G$, taking a graph
$G$ to a topological space, constructed as a certain cubical complex, and conjecture that the A-groups of
$G$ coincide with the homotopy groups of
$X_G$. They further prove [Reference Babson, Barcelo, de Longueville and LaubenbacherBBdLL06, Theorem 5.2] their conjecture under an assumption of a cubical approximation property [Reference Babson, Barcelo, de Longueville and LaubenbacherBBdLL06, Proposition 5.1], a cubical analogue of the simplicial approximation theorem, which remains open.
The assignment $G \mapsto X_G$ arises as a composite

Here $\mathsf {cSet}$ denotes a particular category of cubical sets, which are well-studied combinatorial models for the homotopy theory of spaces [Reference CisinskiCis06]. (Specifically, cubical sets used in this paper are cubical sets with positive and negative connections; cf. [Reference Brown and HigginsBH81, Reference Buchholtz and MorehouseBM17, Reference Doherty, Kapulkin, Lindsey and SattlerDKLS24].) Informally, a cubical set consists of a family of sets
$\{ X_n \}_{n \in \mathbb {N}}$ of
$n$-cubes together with a family of structure maps indicating how different cubes ‘fit together’, e.g. that a certain
$(n-1)$-cube is a face of another
$n$-cube. More formally, it is a presheaf on the category
$\square$ of combinatorial cubes. The functor
$\mathrm {N}_{1} \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {cSet}$ is obtained by taking the
$n$-cubes of
$\mathrm {N}_{1}{G}$ to be maps
$I_1^{\otimes {n}} \to G$, where
$I_1^{\otimes {n}}$ denotes the
$n$-dimensional hypercube graph. The functor
$\lvert \mathord {- } \rvert \colon \mathsf {cSet} \to \mathsf {Top}$, called the geometric realization, assigns the topological
$[0,1]^n$ to each (formal)
$n$-cube of
$X$ and then glues these cubes together according to structure maps. (We will of course give precise definitions of all these notions later in the paper.)
A reader familiar with [Reference Babson, Barcelo, de Longueville and LaubenbacherBBdLL06] will recognize a change in notation: the functor $\mathrm {N}_{1}$ above was in [Reference Babson, Barcelo, de Longueville and LaubenbacherBBdLL06, § 4] denoted by
$M_*$. This change is intentional, as we wish to emphasize that this is only the first in a sequence of functors
$\mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {cSet}$ and natural transformations:

It is this sequence and its colimit

that we investigate. Our main technical results can be summarized by the following theorem.
Theorem (cf. Theorems 4.1 and 4.6)
(i) For a graph
$G$, the cubical set
$\mathrm {N} G$ is a Kan complex.
(ii) The natural transformations in (1) are natural weak equivalences.
(iii) For a based graph
$(G, v)$, there is a natural group isomorphism
$A_n(G, v) \mathrel {\cong } \pi _n(\mathrm {N} G, v)$.
A few words of explanation are in order. A Kan complex is a cubical set satisfying a certain lifting property making it particularly convenient for the development of homotopy theory. In particular, in a companion paper [Reference Carranza and KapulkinCK23], we develop the theory of homotopy groups of Kan complexes and show that these agree with their topological analogues under the geometric realization functor.
This establishes the key ingredient required for the proof of the conjecture of Babson, Barcelo, de Longueville, and Laubenbacher, which asks for the commutativity of the outer square in the following diagram.

By the theorem above, the two triangles on the left commute, with the upper one commuting up to a natural weak equivalence (which is sent by the composite functor $\pi _n \circ |\mathord {- }| \colon \mathsf {cSet}_* \to \mathsf {Grp}$ to a natural isomorphism). The upper right triangle commutes on the nose and the lower right triangle commutes since it expresses the compatibility between homotopy groups of cubical sets and those of topological spaces, established in [Reference Carranza and KapulkinCK23]. Thus, the
$A$-groups of
$(G, v)$ agree with those of
$(\mathrm {N} G, v)$, which in turn agree with those of
$(\lvert \mathrm {N}_{1} G \rvert, v)$, since the map
$\mathrm {N}_{1} G \to \mathrm {N} G$ is a weak equivalence.
Theorem (Conjectured in [Reference Babson, Barcelo, de Longueville and LaubenbacherBBdLL06]; cf. Theorem 5.1)
There is a natural group isomorphism $A_n(G, v) \cong \pi _n( \lvert \mathrm {N}_{1}{G} \rvert, v)$.
The insight of [Reference Babson, Barcelo, de Longueville and LaubenbacherBBdLL06] cannot be overstated. It is a priori not clear, or at the very least it was not clear to us, that the A-groups of a graph should correspond to the homotopy groups of any space. The fact that the space can be obtained from a graph in such a canonical and simple way is what drove us to the problem and to the field of discrete homotopy theory. The title of our paper, ‘Cubical setting for discrete homotopy theory, revisited’, pays tribute to this insight by alluding to the title ‘A cubical set setting for the A-theory of graphs’ of [Reference Babson, Barcelo, de Longueville and LaubenbacherBBdLL06, § 3].
It is also worth noting that the case of $n=1$ of Theorem 5.1 was previously proven in [Reference Barcelo, Kramer, Laubenbacher and WeaverBKLW01, Proposition 5.12] and perhaps helped inspire the statement of the conjecture in the general case.
Our main theorem allows us to derive a few more consequences of interest in discrete homotopy theory. The first of those is a strong form of the Hurewicz theorem for graphs. The Hurewicz theorem relates the first non-trivial homotopy group of a sufficiently connected space to its homology. In discrete homotopy theory, it relates the first non-trivial A-group of a graph to its reduced discrete homology, introduced in [Reference Barcelo, Capraro and WhiteBCW14].
Theorem (Discrete Hurewicz theorem; cf. Theorem 5.8)
Let $n \geq 2$ and
$(G,v)$ be a connected pointed graph. Suppose
$A_i (G,v) = 0$ for all
$i \in \{ 1, \ldots, n-1 \}$. Then the Hurewicz map
$A_n (G,v) \to \widetilde {DH}_n (G, v)$ from the
$n$th A-group to the
$n$th reduced discrete homology group is an isomorphism.
This generalizes the results of Lutz [Reference LutzLut21, Theorem 5.10], who proves surjectivity of the Hurewicz map for a more restrictive class of graphs, and complements the result of Barcelo, Capraro, and White [Reference Barcelo, Capraro and WhiteBCW14, Theorem 4.1], who prove the one-dimensional analogue of the Hurewicz theorem, namely that the Hurewicz map $A_1 (G,v) \to \widetilde {DH}_1 (G, v)$ is surjective with kernel given by the commutator
$[A_1 (G,v), A_1 (G,v)]$ subgroup.
Finally, our main theorem allows us equip the category of graphs with additional structure making it amenable to techniques of abstract homotopy theory and higher category theory.
By our theorem, the functor $\mathrm {N} \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {cSet}$ takes values in the full subcategory
$\mathsf {Kan}$ of
$\mathsf {cSet}$ spanned by Kan complexes. This subcategory is known to carry the structure of a fibration category in the sense of Brown [Reference BrownBro73]. In brief, a fibration category is a category equipped with two classes of maps: fibrations and weak equivalences, subject to some axioms. Fibration categories are one of the main frameworks used in abstract homotopy theory (see, for instance, [Reference SzumiłoSzu16]). We declare a map
$f$ of graphs to be a fibration/weak equivalence if
$\mathrm {N} f$ is one in the fibration category of Kan complexes. Our theorem guarantees that this gives a well-defined fibration category structure on
$\mathsf {Graph}$ (Theorem 5.9), hence allowing for the use of techniques from abstract homotopy theory in discrete homotopy theory. Furthermore, it follows that the weak equivalences of this fibration category are precisely graph maps inducing isomorphisms on all A-groups for all choices of the basepoint.
This also allows us to put the results of [Reference Babson, Barcelo, de Longueville and LaubenbacherBBdLL06, § 6] in the context of abstract homotopy theory by proving that the loop graph functor constructed there is an exact functor in the sense of fibration category theory (Theorem 5.27).
In a different direction, we observe that the functor $\mathrm {N} \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {cSet}$ is lax monoidal (Lemma 5.28). The category of graphs is enriched over itself, meaning that the collection of graph maps between two graphs forms not merely a set, but a graph, and that the composition of graph maps defines a graph homomorphism. Enrichment can be transferred along lax monoidal functors, which means that the category of graphs is, via
$\mathrm {N}$, canonically enriched over cubical sets, and, more precisely, over Kan complexes (Theorem 5.36). This establishes a presentation of the
$(\infty, 1)$-category of graphs, thus allowing for the use of techniques of higher category theory, developed extensively by Joyal and Lurie [Reference LurieLur09], in discrete homotopy theory, via the cubical homotopy coherent nerve construction of [Reference Kapulkin and VoevodskyKV20, § 2].
Organization of the paper
This paper is organized as follows. In §§ 1, 2, we review the background on discrete homotopy theory and cubical sets, respectively. In § 3, we explain the link between graphs and cubical sets by defining the functors $\mathrm {N}_{m}$ and
$\mathrm {N}$, and proving their basic properties. The technical heart of the paper is contained in § 4, where we prove our main results. In § 5, we proceed to deduce the consequences of our main theorem, as described above.
1. Discrete homotopy theory
The category of graphs
We define the category of simple undirected graphs without loops as a reflective subcategory of a presheaf category.
Let $\mathsf {G}$ be the category generated by the diagram

subject to the identities

We write $\widehat {\mathsf {G}}$ for the functor category
$\mathsf {Set}^{\mathsf {G}^{\mathrm {op}}}$.
For $G \in \widehat {\mathsf {G}}$, we write
$G_V$ and
$G_E$ for the sets
$G(V)$ and
$G(E)$, respectively. Explicitly, such a functor consists of sets
$G_V$ and
$G_E$ together with the following functions between them:

subject to the dual versions of identities in $\mathsf {G}$.
Definition 1.1 A graph is a functor $G \in \widehat {\mathsf {G}}$ such that the map
$(Gs, Gt) \colon G_E \to G_V \times G_V$ is a monomorphism (Figure 1).
Let $\mathsf {Graph}$ denote the full subcategory of
$\widehat {\mathsf {G}}$ spanned by graphs.

Figure 1. An example depiction of a graph.
In more concrete terms, a graph $G$ consists of a set
$G_V$ of vertices and a set
$G_E$ of ‘half-edges’. A half-edge
$e \in G_E$ has source and target, and these are given by the maps
$Gs$ and
$Gt$, respectively. Each half-edge is paired with its other half via the map
$G\sigma \colon G_E \to G_E$. Note that the edges paired by
$G \sigma$ have swapped source and target, making the pair (i.e. whole edge) undirected. The map
$Gr \colon G_V \to G_E$ takes a vertex to an edge whose source and target is that vertex (i.e. a loop). Finally, the condition that
$(Gs, Gt)$ is a monomorphism ensures that there is at most one (whole) edge between any two vertices. This is equivalent to specifying a binary ‘incidence’ relation on
$G_V$ which is reflexive and symmetric.
A map of graphs $f \colon G \to H$ is a natural transformation between such functors. However, since
$(Hs, Ht)$ is a monomorphism, such a map is completely determined by a function
$f_V \colon G_V \to H_V$ that preserves the incidence relation.
We may therefore assume that our graphs have no loops, but the maps between them, rather than merely preserving edges, are allowed to contract them to a single vertex. That is, a graph map $f \colon G \to H$ is a function
$f \colon G_V \to H_V$ such that if
$v, w \in G_V$ are connected by an edge, then either
$f(v)$ and
$f(w)$ are connected by an edge or
$f(v) = f(w)$.
Proposition 1.2
(i) The inclusion
$\mathsf {Graph} \hookrightarrow \widehat {\mathsf {G}}$ admits a left adjoint.
(ii) The category
$\mathsf {Graph}$ is (co)complete.
(iii) The functor
$\mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {Set}$ mapping a graph
$G$ to its set of vertices
$G_V$ admits both adjoints.
Proof. (i) The left adjoint is $\mathsf {Im} \colon \widehat {\mathsf {G}} \to \mathsf {Graph}$ given by

where $(Gs, Gt) (G_E)$ is the image of
$G_E$ under the map
$(Gs, Gt) \colon G_E \to G_V \times G_V$.
(ii) The category $\widehat {\mathsf {G}}$ is (co)complete as a presheaf category. The conclusion follows from (i) as
$\mathsf {Graph}$ is a reflective subcategory of a (co)complete category.
(iii) The left adjoint $\mathsf {Set} \to \mathsf {Graph}$ takes a set
$A$ to the discrete graph with vertex set
$A$. The right adjoint takes a set
$A$ to the complete graph with vertex set
Remark 1.3 Proposition 1.2 gives a procedure for constructing limits and colimits in $\mathsf {Graph}$. Given a diagram
$F \colon J \to \mathsf {Graph}$, the set of vertices of
$\lim F$ is the limit
$\lim UF$ of the diagram
$UF \colon J \to \mathsf {Set}$. The set of edges is the largest set such that the limit projections
$\lim F \to F_j$ are graph maps. The set of vertices of
$\operatorname {colim} F$ is the colimit
$\operatorname {colim} UF$ of the diagram
$UF \colon J \to \mathsf {Set}$ and the set of edges is the smallest set such that the colimit inclusions
$F_j \to \operatorname {colim} F$ are graph maps.
Examples of graphs
Definition 1.4 For $m \geq 0$,
(i) the
$I_m$ is the graph which has
– as vertices, integers
$0 \leq i \leq m$;
– an edge between
$i$ and
$i+1$ (see Figure 2);
(ii) the
$C_m$ is the graph which has
– as vertices, integers
$0 \leq i \leq m-1$;
– an edge between
$i$ and
$i + 1$ and an edge between
$m-1$ and
$0$ (see Figure 2);
(iii) the infinite interval
$I_\infty$ is the graph which has
– as vertices, integers
$i \in \mathbb {Z}$;
– an edge between
$i$ and
$i+1$ for all
$i \in \mathbb {Z}$.
Remark 1.5 The graphs $I_0$ and
$I_1$ are representable when regarded as functors
$\mathsf {G}^{\mathrm {op}} \to \mathsf {Set}$, represented by
$V$ and
$E$, respectively.
For $m \geq 0$, we have a map
$l \colon I_{m+1} \to I_{m}$ defined by

As well, we have a map $r \colon I_{m+1} \to I_m$ defined by

We write $c \colon I_{m+2} \to I_m$ for the composite
$lr = rl$. Explicitly, this map is defined by

We show the inclusion $\mathsf {Graph} \hookrightarrow \widehat {\mathsf {G}}$ preserves filtered colimits and use this to show all finite graphs are compact, i.e. if
$G$ is a finite graph then the functor
$\mathsf {Graph}(G, \mathord {- }) \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {Set}$ preserves filtered colimits.
Proposition 1.6 The inclusion $\mathsf {Graph} \hookrightarrow \widehat {\mathsf {G}}$ preserves filtered colimits.
Proof. Fix a filtered category $J$ and a diagram
$D \colon J \to \mathsf {Graph}$. Let
$i$ denote the inclusion
$\mathsf {Graph} \hookrightarrow \widehat {\mathsf {G}}$. Recall that
$\operatorname {colim} D$ is computed by
$\mathsf {Im} (\operatorname {colim} (iD))$. It suffices to show
$\operatorname {colim} (iD) \in \widehat {\mathsf {G}}$ is a graph, since then the unit map
$\operatorname {colim} (iD) \to i \mathsf {Im} (\operatorname {colim} (iD))$ is an isomorphism
$\operatorname {colim} (iD) \cong i (\operatorname {colim} D)$ natural in

Figure 2. The graphs $I_3$ and
$C_3$, respectively.
Let $\lambda \colon iD \to \operatorname {colim}(iD)$ denote the colimit cone. Suppose two edges
$e, e' \in \operatorname {colim}(iD)_E$ have the same source and target. Regarding
$e, e'$ as maps
$I_1 \to \operatorname {colim}(iD)$, these maps factor as

for some $x \in J$ since
$I_1 \in \widehat {\mathsf {G}}$ is representable. Let
$s, s' \in (iDx)_V$ denote the sources of
$\overline {e}, \overline {e}'$ and let
$t, t' \in (iDx)_V$ denote the targets, respectively. Using an explicit description of the colimit (Remark 1.3), since
$\lambda _x(s) = \lambda _x(s')$ and
$\lambda _x(t) = \lambda _x(t')$, there exist arrows
$f, g \colon y \to x$ and
$h, k \colon z \to x$ with vertices
$v \in iDy$ and
$w \in iDz$ such that

As $J$ is filtered, there exists an arrow
$l \colon x \to w$ in
$J$ such that
$lf = lg$ and
$lh = lk$. This implies the edges
$iDl(\overline {e}), iDl(\overline {e}') \in (iDw)_E$ have the same source and target. As
$iDw$ is a graph, it follows that
$\overline {e} = \overline {e}'$, thus
$e = e'$.
Corollary 1.7 For a finite graph $G$, the functor
$\mathsf {Graph}(G, \mathord {- }) \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {Set}$ preserves filtered colimits.
Proof. Given a filtered category $J$ and a diagram
$D \colon J \to \mathsf {Graph}$, we have a natural isomorphism

by Proposition 1.6 since $\mathsf {Graph}$ is a full subcategory. This then follows since
$G \in \widehat {\mathsf {G}}$ is a finite colimit of representable presheaves.
Monoidal structure on the category of graphs
Define a functor $\otimes \colon \mathsf {G} \times \mathsf {G} \to \widehat {\mathsf {G}}$ by

Left Kan extension along the Yoneda embedding yields a monoidal product $\otimes \colon \widehat {\mathsf {G}} \times \widehat {\mathsf {G}} \to \widehat {\mathsf {G}}$:

Note that $\mathsf {Graph}$ is closed with respect to this product, i.e. if
$G, H \in \mathsf {Graph}$ then
$G \otimes H \in \widehat {\mathsf {G}}$ is a graph. Thus, this product descends to a monoidal product
$\otimes \colon \mathsf {Graph} \times \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {Graph}$, called the cartesian product.
Explicitly, the graph $G \otimes H$ has:
– as vertices, pairs
$(v, w)$ where
$v \in G$ is a vertex of
$G$ and
$w \in H$ is a vertex of
– an edge from
$(v, w)$ to
$(v', w')$ if either
$v = v'$ and
$w$ is connected to
$w'$ in
$H$ or
$w = w'$ and
$v$ is connected to
$v'$ in
Definition 1.8 Let $G$ and
$H$ be graphs. The graph
$\operatorname {hom}^{\otimes }(G, H)$ has:
– as vertices, morphisms
$G \to H$ in
$\mathsf {Graph}$;
– an edge from
$f$ to
$g$ if there exists
$H \colon G \otimes I_1 \to H$ such that
${H}|_{G \otimes \{ 0 \}} = f$ and
${H}|_{G \otimes \{ 1 \}} = g$.
This structure makes the category of graphs into a closed symmetric monoidal category.
Proposition 1.9 $(\mathsf {Graph}, \otimes, I_0, \operatorname {hom}^{\otimes }(\mathord {- }, \mathord {- }))$ is a closed symmetric monoidal category.
Homotopy theory of graphs
We now review the basics of discrete homotopy theory. Our treatment is brief and more categorically oriented, but the reader can find full details in any of the references [Reference MalleMal83, Reference Barcelo, Kramer, Laubenbacher and WeaverBKLW01, Reference Barcelo and LaubenbacherBL05, Reference Babson, Barcelo, de Longueville and LaubenbacherBBdLL06].
Definition 1.10 Let $f, g \colon G \to H$ be graph maps. An A-homotopy (or just a homotopy) from
$f$ to
$g$ is a map
$\eta \colon G \otimes I_m \to H$ for some
$m \geq 0$ such that
${\eta }|_{G \otimes \{ 0 \}} = f$ and
${\eta }|_{G \otimes \{ m \}} = g$.
Note that one needs to allow the parameter $m$ appearing above to vary, as otherwise the notion of homotopy is not transitive. This is reminiscent of the notion of Moore path in topological spaces, which is a path parameterized by an interval of arbitrary length [Reference MayMay75, Reference van den Berg and GarnervdBG12, Reference Barthel and RiehlBR13].
Proposition 1.11 [Reference MalleMal83, Proposition 2.1]
For graphs $G$ and
$H$, homotopy is an equivalence relation on the set of graphs maps
$G \to H$.
We also define the A-homotopy groups of a graph. As in topological spaces, this requires the definition of based graph maps and based homotopies between them.
Definition 1.12 Let $A \hookrightarrow G$ and
$B \hookrightarrow H$ be graph monomorphisms. A relative graph map, denoted
$(G, A) \to (H, B)$, is a morphism from
$A \hookrightarrow G$ to
$B \hookrightarrow H$ in the arrow
${\mathsf {Graph}}^{{[1]}}$, where
$[1]$ denotes the poset
$\{ 0 \leq 1 \}$ viewed as a category.
Explicitly, this data consists of maps $G \to H$ and
$A \to B$ such that the following square commutes:

That is, $A$ is a subgraph of
$G$ and the map
$A \to B$ is the restriction of the map
$G \to H$ to
$A$, whose image is contained in the subgraph
In the context of relative graph maps, we denote a monomorphism $A \hookrightarrow G$ by
$(G, A)$, suppressing the data of the map itself. An exception to this is for monomorphisms of the form
$I_0 \to G$. This is exactly the data of a pointed graph, which we denote by
$(G, v)$, where
$v$ is the unique vertex in the image of the map
$I_0 \to G$.
For a relative graph map $(f, g) \colon (G, A) \to (H, B)$, the map
$g$ is uniquely determined by
$f$. If a map
$h \colon A \to B$ also forms a commutative square with
$f$ then
$g = h$ as the map
$B \hookrightarrow Y$ is monic. Thus, we denote a relative graph map by
$f \colon (G, A) \to (H, B)$. We additionally write
$f \colon G \to H$ for the bottom map in the square and
${f}|_{A} \colon A \to B$ for the top map.
We define relative homotopies between relative graph maps as follows.
Definition 1.13 Let $f, g \colon (G, A) \to (H, B)$ be relative graph maps. A relative homotopy from
$f$ to
$g$ is a relative map
$(G \otimes I_m, A \otimes I_m) \to (H, B)$ for some
$m \geq 0$ such that
– the map
$A \otimes I_m \to B$ is a homotopy from
${f}|_{A}$ to
– the map
$G \otimes I_m \to H$ is a homotopy from
$f$ to
Explicitly, a relative homotopy from $f$ to
$g$ consists of
– a homotopy
$\eta \colon G \otimes I_m \to H$ from
$f$ to
– a homotopy
${\eta }|_{A} \colon A \otimes I_m \to B$ from
${f}|_{A}$ to
such that the following square commutes:

Remark 1.14 For graph maps $f, g \colon G \to H$, a path of length
$m$ in
$\operatorname {hom}^{\otimes }(G, H)$ from the vertex
$f$ to the vertex
$g$ is exactly a homotopy
$G \otimes I_m \to H$ from
$f$ to
$g$. For relative graph maps
$f, g \colon (G, A) \to (H, B)$, a path of length
$m$ from
$f$ to
$g$ in the pullback graph

is exactly a relative homotopy from $f$ to
It follows that relative homotopy is an equivalence relation on relative graph maps.
Proposition 1.15 Relative homotopy is an equivalence relation on the set of relative graph maps $(G, A) \to (H, B)$.
Given a relative graph map $f \colon (G, A) \to (H, B)$, if the subgraph
$B$ consists of a single vertex
$v$ then we refer to
$f$ as a graph map based at
$v$ or a based graph map. We refer to a homotopy between two such maps as a based homotopy.
Definition 1.16 Let $G$ be a graph and
$n \geq 1$. For
$i = 0, \ldots, n$ and
$\varepsilon = 0, 1$, a map
$f \colon I_\infty ^{\otimes {n}} \to G$ is stable in direction
$(i,\varepsilon )$ if there exists
$M \geq 0$ so that for
$v_i > M$ we have

In words, a map $f \colon I_\infty ^{\otimes {n}} \to G$ is stable in direction
$(i, 0)$ if it becomes constant (with respect to change in the
$i$th coordinate) once the
$i$th coordinate is sufficiently large in the negative direction. It is stable in direction
$(i, 1)$ if it becomes constant (again, with respect to change in the
$i$th coordinate) once the
$i$th coordinate is sufficiently large in the positive direction.
For $n, M \geq 0$, let
$I_{\geq M}^{\otimes {n}}$ denote the subgraph of
$I_\infty ^{\otimes {n}}$ consisting of vertices
$(v_1, \ldots, v_n)$ such that
$|v_i| \geq M$ for some
$i = 1, \ldots, n$. Given a based graph map
$f \colon (I_\infty ^{\otimes {n}}, I_{\geq M}^{\otimes {n}}) \to (G,v)$ we may also regard
$f$ as a based graph map
$(I_\infty ^{\otimes {n}}, I_{\geq K}^{\otimes {n}}) \to (G,v)$ for any
$K \geq M$. This gives a notion of based homotopy between maps
$(I_\infty ^{\otimes {n}}, I_{\geq M}^{\otimes {n}}) \to (G, v)$ which, for some
$M \geq 0$, are based at
Proposition 1.17 [Reference MalleMal83, Proposition 3.2]
Based homotopy is an equivalence relation on the set of based maps

Definition 1.18 Let $n \geq 0$ and
$v \in G$ be a vertex of a graph
$G$. The
$n$th A-homotopy group of
$G$ at
$v$ is the set of based homotopy classes of maps
$(I_\infty ^{\otimes {n}}, I_{\geq M}^{\otimes {n}}) \to (G,v)$ based at
$v$ for some
$M \geq 0$.
Let $n \geq 1$ and
$i = 1, \ldots, n$. Given
$f \colon (I_\infty ^{\otimes {n}}, I_{\geq M}^{\otimes {n}}) \to (G, v)$ and
$g \colon (I_\infty ^{\otimes {n}}, I_{\geq M'}^{\otimes {n}}) \to (G, v)$, we define a binary operation
$f \cdot _i g \colon (I_\infty ^{\otimes {n}}, I_{\geq M + M'}^{\otimes {n}}) \to (G, v)$ by

This induces a group operation on homotopy groups $\cdot _i \colon A_n(G, v) \times A_n(G, v) \to A_n(G, v)$. For
$n \geq 2$ and
$1 \leq i < j \leq n$, it is straightforward to construct a homotopy witnessing that

for any $[f], [g] \in A_n(G,v)$. The Eckmann–Hilton argument gives
$[f] \cdot _i [g] = [f] \cdot _j [g]$ and that this operation is abelian.
Path and loop graphs
Definition 1.19 For a graph $G$, we define the path graph
$PG$ to be the induced subgraph of
$\operatorname {hom}^{\otimes }(I_\infty, G)$ consisting of maps which stabilize in the
$(1,0)$ and
$(1,1)$ directions.
As vertices of $PG$ are paths that stabilize, we have graph maps
$\partial ^{}_{1,0}, \partial ^{}_{1,1} \colon PG \to G$ which send a vertex
$v \colon I_\infty \to G$ to its left and right endpoints, respectively.
Proposition 1.20 For a graph $G$, we have an isomorphism

natural in $G$.
Proof. For each $m \geq 1$, we write
$m = 2k + b$, where
$k \geq 0$ and
$b \in \{0, 1\}$, and define a graph map
$I_\infty \to I_m$ by

Geometrically, this function maps the subinterval $[-k, k+b]$ surjectively onto
$I_m$, and collapses all other vertices to the endpoints. By pre-composition, this induces a cone

which one verifies is a colimit cone.
Definition 1.21 For a pointed graph $(G, v)$, the loop graph
$\Omega (G, v)$ is the subgraph of
$PG$ of paths
$I_\infty \to G$ whose left and right endpoints are
From the definition, the following proposition is immediate.
Proposition 1.22 For a pointed graph $(G, v)$, the square

is a pullback.
The loop graph of a pointed graph $(G, v)$ has a distinguished vertex which is the constant path at
$v$. This gives an endofunctor
$\Omega \colon \mathsf {Graph}_* \to \mathsf {Graph}_*$. From this, we define the notion of
$n$th loop graphs.
Definition 1.23 For $n \geq 0$, we define the
$n$th loop graph to be

In [Reference Babson, Barcelo, de Longueville and LaubenbacherBBdLL06], it is shown that the $n$th homotopy groups of a graph correspond to the connected components of
$\Omega ^{n}(G,v)$.
Proposition 1.24 [Reference Babson, Barcelo, de Longueville and LaubenbacherBBdLL06, Proposition 7.4]
For $n \geq 0$, we have an isomorphism

2. Cubical sets and their homotopy theory
Cubical sets
We begin by defining the box category $\Box$. As used in this paper, the box category will include both positive and negative connections. This variant of the box category was introduced in [Reference Brown and HigginsBH81] and was later used in [Reference Doherty, Kapulkin, Lindsey and SattlerDKLS24] to model
$(\infty, 1)$-categories. The objects of
$\Box$ are posets of the form
$[1]^n = \{ 0 \leq 1 \}^n$ and the maps are generated (inside the category of posets) under composition by the following four special classes:
– faces
$\partial ^n_{i,\varepsilon } \colon [1]^{n-1} \to [1]^n$ for
$i = 1, \ldots, n$ and
$\varepsilon = 0, 1$ given by
\begin{align*} \partial^n_{i,\varepsilon} (x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_{n-1}) = (x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_{i-1}, \varepsilon, x_i, \ldots, x_{n-1}); \end{align*}
– degeneracies
$\sigma ^n_i \colon [1]^n \to [1]^{n-1}$ for
$i = 1, 2, \ldots, n$ given by
\begin{align*} \sigma^n_i ( x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n) = (x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_{i-1}, x_{i+1}, \ldots, x_n); \end{align*}
– negative connections
$\gamma ^n_{i,0} \colon [1]^n \to [1]^{n-1}$ for
$i = 1, 2, \ldots, n-1$ given by
\begin{align*} \gamma^n_{i,0} (x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n) = (x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_{i-1}, \max\{ x_i , x_{i+1}\}, x_{i+2}, \ldots, x_n) . \end{align*}
– positive connections
$\gamma ^n_{i,1} \colon [1]^n \to [1]^{n-1}$ for
$i = 1, 2, \ldots, n-1$ given by
\begin{align*} \gamma^n_{i,1} (x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n) = (x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_{i-1}, \min\{ x_i , x_{i+1}\}, x_{i+2}, \ldots, x_n) . \end{align*}
These maps obey the following cubical identities:

This category enjoys many good properties, making it suitable for modeling homotopy theory. Formally speaking, these properties can be encapsulated in saying that $\mathord {\square }$ is an Eilenberg–Zilber category, which in particular implies that the object
$[1]^n$ has no non-identity automorphisms. However, we will not explicitly rely on the notion of Eilenberg–Zilber categories.
A cubical set is a presheaf $X \colon \mathord {\square }^{\mathrm {op}} \to \mathsf {Set}$. A cubical map is a natural transformation of such presheaves. We write
$\mathsf {cSet}$ for the category of cubical sets and cubical maps.
Given a cubical set $X$, we write
$X_n$ for the value of
$X$ at
$[1]^n$ and refer to the elements of
$X_n$ as
$n$-cubes of
$X$. We write cubical operators on the right, e.g. given an
$x \in X_n$ of
$X$, we write
$x\partial ^{}_{1,0}$ for the
$\partial ^{}_{1,0}$-face of
By a degenerate cube, we always mean a cube that is in the image of a degeneracy or a connection map. This nomenclature is borrowed from the theory of Reedy categories, where one can speak abstractly of degenerate elements in a presheaf ([Reference Riehl and VerityRV14], [Reference HoveyHov99, § 5.2], [Reference HirschhornHir03, Ch. 15]).
Definition 2.1 Let $n \geq 0$.
– The combinatorial
$\mathord {\square ^{n}}$ is the representable functor
$\mathord {\square }(-, [1]^n) \colon \mathord {\square }^{\mathrm {op}} \to \mathsf {Set}$,
– The boundary of the
$\partial \mathord {\square ^{n}}$ is the subobject of
$\mathord {\square ^{n}}$ defined by
\begin{align*} \partial \mathord{\square^{n}} := \bigcup_{\substack{j=0, \ldots,n \\ \eta = 0, 1}} \operatorname{im} \partial^{}_{j,\eta}. \end{align*}
– When
$n \geq 1$, given
$i = 0, \ldots, n$ and
$\varepsilon = 0, 1$, the
$(i,\varepsilon )$-open box
$\mathord {\sqcap ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon }}$ is the subobject of
$\partial \mathord {\square ^{n}}$ defined by
\begin{align*} \mathord{\sqcap^{n}_{i,\varepsilon}} := \bigcup_{(j,\eta) \neq (i,\varepsilon)} \operatorname{im} \partial^{}_{j,\eta}. \end{align*}
Observe $\mathord {\square ^{0}} \in \mathsf {cSet}$ is the terminal object in
$\mathsf {cSet}$.
Example 2.2 Define a functor $\mathord {\square } \to \mathsf {Top}$ from the box category to the category of topological spaces which sends
$[1]^n$ to
$[0, 1]^n$, where
$[0, 1]$ is the unit interval. The face and degeneracy maps are sent to the face inclusion and product projection maps, respectively. The negative connection
$\gamma ^{}_{i,0}$ is sent to the map
$[0, 1]^n \to [0, 1]^{n-1}$ defined by

and the image of the positive connection $\gamma ^{}_{i,1}$ is defined analogously.
Left Kan extension along the Yoneda embedding gives the geometric realization functor $\lvert \mathord {- } \rvert \colon \mathsf {cSet} \to \mathsf {Top}$:

This functor is left adjoint to the singular cubical complex functor $\operatorname {Sing} \colon \mathsf {Top} \to \mathsf {cSet}$ defined by

Define a functor $\otimes \colon \mathord {\square } \times \mathord {\square } \to \mathord {\square }$ on the cube category which sends
$([1]^m, [1]^n)$ to
$[1]^{m+n}$. Post-composing with the Yoneda embedding and left Kan extending gives a monoidal product on cubical sets:

This is the geometric product of cubical sets. Although, for $[1]^m, [1]^n \in \mathord {\square }$, there is an isomorphism
$[1]^m \otimes [1]^n \cong [1]^n \otimes [1]^m$, this isomorphism is not natural. As a result, the geometric product of cubical sets is not symmetric, i.e.
$X \otimes Y$ is not in general isomorphic to
$Y \otimes X$.
This product is however biclosed. For a cubical set $X$, we write
$\operatorname {hom}_{L}(X, \mathord {- }) \colon \mathsf {cSet} \to \mathsf {cSet}$ and
$\operatorname {hom}_{R} (X, \mathord {- }) \colon \mathsf {cSet} \to \mathsf {cSet}$ for the right adjoints to the functors
$\mathord {- } \otimes X$ and
$X \otimes \mathord {- }$, respectively. As the geometric product is not symmetric, the functors
$\operatorname {hom}_{L}(X, -)$ and
$\operatorname {hom}_{R}(X, -)$ are not naturally isomorphic.
Kan complexes
Definition 2.3
(i) A cubical map
$X \to Y$ is a Kan fibration if it has the right lifting property with respect to open box inclusions. That is, if for any commutative square,
$\mathord {\square ^{n}} \to X$ so that the triangles
(ii) A cubical set
$X$ is a Kan complex if the unique map
$X \to \mathord {\square ^{0}}$ is a Kan fibration.
We write $\mathsf {Kan}$ for the full subcategory of
$\mathsf {cSet}$ consisting of Kan complexes.
Example 2.4 For any $S \in \mathsf {Top}$, the cubical set
$\operatorname {Sing}{S}$ is a Kan complex. A map
$\mathord {\sqcap ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon }} \to \operatorname {Sing}{S}$ is, by adjointness, a map
$\lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon }} \rvert \to S$. The inclusion
$\lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon }} \rvert \hookrightarrow \lvert \mathord {\square ^{n}}\rvert$ has a retract in
$\mathsf {Top}$. Pre-composing with this retract gives a map
$\lvert \mathord {\square ^{n}}\rvert \to S$ which restricts to the open box map
$\lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon }} \rvert \to S$:

By adjointness, this gives a suitable map $\mathord {\square ^{n}} \to \operatorname {Sing}{S}$.
Definition 2.5 A map $f \colon X \to Y$ is a weak equivalence if the map
$\lvert f \rvert \colon \lvert X \rvert \to \lvert Y \rvert$ is a weak homotopy equivalence, i.e. for any
$n \geq 0$ and
$x \in \lvert X \rvert$, the map
$\pi _n \lvert f \rvert \colon \pi _n(\lvert X \rvert,x) \to \pi _n(\lvert Y \rvert, \lvert f \rvert (x))$ is an isomorphism.
We move towards describing the fibration category of Kan complexes.
Definition 2.6 [Reference BrownBro73, Definition 1.1]
A fibration category is a category $\mathscr {C}$ with two subcategories of fibrations and weak equivalences such that (in what follows, an acyclic fibration is a map that is both a fibration and a weak equivalence) the following statements hold:
(i) weak equivalences satisfy the two-out-of-three property, i.e. given two composable morphisms
\begin{align*} X \overset{f}\longrightarrow Y \overset{g}\longrightarrow Z. \end{align*}
$f, g, gf$ are weak equivalences then all three are;
(ii) all isomorphisms are acyclic fibrations;
(iii) pullbacks along fibrations exist; fibrations and acyclic fibrations are stable under pullback;
$\mathscr {C}$ has a terminal object 1; the canonical map
$X \to 1$ is a fibration for any object
$X \in \mathscr {C}$ (i.e. all objects are fibrant);
(v) every map can be factored as a weak equivalence followed by a fibration.
Example 2.7 [Reference HoveyHov99, Theorem 2.4.19]
The category $\mathsf {Top}$ of topological spaces is a fibration where:
– fibrations are Serre fibrations;
– weak equivalences are weak homotopy equivalences, i.e. maps
$f \colon S \to S'$ such that, for all
$s \in S$ and
$n \geq 0$, the map
$\pi _n f \colon \pi _n(S,s) \to \pi _n(S', f(s))$ is an isomorphism.
Definition 2.8 A functor $F \colon \mathscr {C} \to \mathscr {D}$ between fibration categories is exact if it preserves fibrations, acyclic fibrations, pullbacks along fibrations, and the terminal object.
Given a fibration category $\mathscr {C}$ with finite coproducts and a terminal object, the category of pointed objects
$1 \downarrow \mathscr {C}$ is a fibration category as well.
Proposition 2.9 Let $\mathscr {C}$ be a fibration category with finite coproducts and a terminal object
$1 \in \mathscr {C}$.
(i) The slice category
$1 \downarrow \mathscr {C}$ under 1 is a fibration category where a map is a fibration/weak equivalence if the underlying map in
$\mathscr {C}$ is.
(ii) The projection functor
$1 \downarrow \mathscr {C} \to \mathscr {C}$ is exact.
Proof. Statement (i) follows from [Reference HoveyHov99, Proposition 1.1.8].
For statement (ii), the projection functor preserves fibrations/weak equivalences by definition. It is a right adjoint to the functor $\mathord {- } \sqcup 1 \colon \mathscr {C} \to 1 \downarrow \mathscr {C}$ which adds a disjoint basepoint, hence preserves finite limits.
Theorem 2.10
(i) The category
$\mathsf {Kan}$ of Kan complexes is a fibration category where fibrations are Kan fibrations and weak equivalences are as defined above.
$\operatorname {Sing}{} \colon \mathsf {Top} \to \mathsf {Kan}$ is an exact functor
(iii) The category
$\mathsf {Kan}_*$ of pointed Kan complexes is a fibration category where a map is a fibration/weak equivalence if the underlying map in
$\mathsf {Kan}$ is.
Proof. (i) This is shown in [Reference Carranza and KapulkinCK23, Theorem 2.17].
(ii) This is [Reference Carranza and KapulkinCK23, Corollary 2.25].
(iii) This follows from Proposition 2.9.
Anodyne maps
We move towards defining anodyne maps of cubical sets, i.e. maps which are both monomorphisms and weak equivalences.
Definition 2.11 A class of morphisms $S$ in a cocomplete category
$\mathscr {C}$ is saturated if it is closed under
– pushouts: if
$s \colon A \to B$ is in
$S$ and
$f \colon A \to C$ is any map then the pushout
$C \to B \cup C$ of
$s$ along
$f$ is in
– retracts: if
$s \colon A \to B$ is in
${S}$ and
$r \colon C \to D$ is a retract of
$s$ in
${\mathscr {C}}^{{[1]}}$ then
$r$ is in
– transfinite composition: given a limit ordinal
$\lambda$ and a diagram
$\lambda \to \mathscr {C}$ whose morphisms lie in
$A$ for the colimit of this diagram, the components of the colimit cone
$\lambda _i \colon A_i \to A$ are in
Definition 2.12 For a set of morphisms $S$ in a cocomplete category
$\mathscr {C}$, the saturation
$\operatorname {Sat} S$ of
$S$ is the smallest saturated class containing
For a saturated class of maps, closure under pushouts and transfinite composition gives the following proposition.
Proposition 2.13 [Reference HoveyHov99, Lemma 2.1.13]
Saturated classes of maps are closed under coproduct. That is, given a collection $\{s_i \colon A_i \to B_i \mid i \in I \}$ of morphisms in a saturated class
${S}$, the coproduct

is in ${S}$.
Definition 2.14 A map of cubical sets is anodyne if it is in the saturation of open box inclusions

We use the following property of anodyne maps, which follows since saturations are closed under the left lifting property.
Theorem 2.15 [Reference Doherty, Kapulkin, Lindsey and SattlerDKLS24, Theorem 1.34]
Let $g \colon A \to B$ be an anodyne map and
$f \colon X \to Y$ be a Kan fibration. Given a commutative square,

there exists a map $B \to X$ so that the triangles

Theorem 2.16 A cubical map is anodyne if and only if it is a monomorphism and a weak equivalence.
Proof. This follows from [Reference Doherty, Kapulkin, Lindsey and SattlerDKLS24, Theorem 1.34], as the saturation of open box inclusions is exactly the class of maps which have the left lifting property with respect to fibrations.
In particular, we use that anodyne maps are sent to weak homotopy equivalences under geometric realization.
Corollary 2.17 If $f \colon X \to Y$ is anodyne then, for all
$n \geq 0$ and
$x \in \lvert X \rvert$, the map
$\pi _n \lvert f \rvert \colon \pi _n(\lvert X \rvert, x) \to \pi _n(\lvert Y \rvert, \lvert f \rvert (x))$ is an isomorphism.
Homotopies and homotopy groups
Using the geometric product, we may define a notion of homotopy between cubical maps.
Definition 2.18 Given cubical maps $f, g \colon X \to Y$, a homotopy from
$f$ to
$g$ is a map
$H \colon X \otimes \mathord {\square ^{1}} \to G$ such that the diagram

Let ${\mathsf {cSet}}_{2}$ denote the full subcategory of
${\mathsf {cSet}}^{{[1]}}$ spanned by monomorphisms. Explicitly, its objects are monic cubical maps
$A \hookrightarrow X$. A morphism from
$A \hookrightarrow X$ to
$B \hookrightarrow Y$ is a pair of maps
$(f, g)$ which form a commutative square of the following form:

We refer to the objects and morphisms of ${\mathsf {cSet}}_{2}$ as relative cubical sets and relative cubical maps, respectively. Following our convention for relative graph maps, we denote a relative cubical set
$A \hookrightarrow X$ by
$(X, A)$, suppressing the data of the map itself. If the domain of the map
$A \hookrightarrow X$ is the 0-cube
$A = \mathord {\square ^{0}}$, we denote it by
$(X, x)$, where
$x$ is the unique 0-cube in the image of the map
$\mathord {\square ^{0}} \hookrightarrow X$.
For a relative cubical map $(f, g) \colon (X, A) \to (Y, B)$, the map
$g$ is uniquely determined by
$f$ since
$B \hookrightarrow Y$ is monic. As a result, we denote a relative cubical map by
$f \colon (X, A) \to (Y, B)$. Mirroring our convention for relative graph maps, we write
$f$ for the map
$X \to Y$ and
${f}|_{A}$ for the map
$A \to B$.
We have a corresponding notion of homotopy between relative cubical maps.
Definition 2.19 Let $f, g \colon (X, A) \to (Y, B)$ be relative cubical maps. A relative homotopy from
$f$ to
$g$ is a morphism
$(X \otimes \mathord {\square ^{1}}, A \otimes \mathord {\square ^{1}}) \to (Y, B)$ in
${\mathsf {cSet}}_{2}$ such that:
– the map
$A \otimes \mathord {\square ^{1}} \to B$ is a homotopy from
${f}|_{A}$ to
– the map
$X \otimes \mathord {\square ^{1}} \to Y$ is a homotopy from
$f$ to
Proposition 2.20 [Reference Carranza and KapulkinCK23, Proposition 2.30]
If $B, Y$ are Kan complexes then relative homotopy is an equivalence relation on relative cubical maps
$(X, A) \to (B, Y)$.
It is essential in Proposition 2.20 that $B$ and
$Y$ are Kan complexes. If not, the relation of relative homotopy is neither symmetric nor transitive (and in this case, one considers the symmetric transitive closure of relative homotopy).
We write $[(X, A), (Y, B)]$ for the set of relative homotopy classes of relative maps
$(X, A) \to (Y, B)$. With this, we define the homotopy groups of a Kan complex.
Definition 2.21 [Reference Carranza and KapulkinCK23, Corollary 3.16]
Let $(X,x)$ be a pointed Kan complex. We define the
$n$th homotopy group
$\pi _n (X,x)$ of
$(X,x)$ as the relative homotopy classes of relative maps
$(\mathord {\square ^{n}}, \partial \mathord {\square ^{n}}) \to (X, x)$.
We give an explicit description of multiplication in the first homotopy group $\pi _1(X,x)$.
Definition 2.22 Given two 1-cubes $u, v \colon \mathord {\square ^{1}} \to X$ in a cubical set
(i) a concatenation square for
$u$ and
$v$ is a map
$\eta \colon \mathord {\square ^{2}} \to X$ such that
$\eta \partial ^{}_{1,0} = u$,
$\eta \partial ^{}_{1,1} = v\partial ^{}_{1,1}\sigma ^{}_{1}$,
$\eta \partial ^{}_{2,1} = v$.
(ii) a concatenation of
$u$ and
$v$ is a 1-cube
$w \colon \mathord {\square ^{1}} \to X$ which is the
$\partial ^{}_{2,0}$-face of some concatenation square for
$u$ and
Proposition 2.23 [Reference Carranza and KapulkinCK23, Theorem 3.11]
If $(X,x)$ is a pointed Kan complex then composition induces a well-defined binary operation

on relative homotopy classes of relative maps which gives a group structure on $[(\mathord {\square ^{1}}, \partial \mathord {\square ^{1}}), (X,x)]$.
As with spaces, the homotopy groups of a Kan complex are the connected components of its loop space, which we define.
Definition 2.24 For a pointed Kan complex $(X,x)$,
– the loop space
$\Omega (X,x)$ of
$X$ is the pullback
$x\sigma ^{}_{1} \colon \mathord {\square ^{0}} \to \Omega (X,x)$.
– for
$n \geq 0$, the
$n$th loop space
$\Omega ^{n}(X,x)$ of
$X$ is defined to be
\begin{align*} \Omega^{n}(X,x) := \begin{cases} (X,x) & n = 0 \\ \Omega(\Omega^{n-1}(X,x)) & n > 0. \end{cases} \end{align*}
Proposition 2.25 [Reference Carranza and KapulkinCK23, Corollary 3.16]
For a pointed Kan complex $(X,x)$ and
$0 \leq k \leq n$, we have an isomorphism

natural in $X$.
Using Proposition 2.25, the group structure on higher homotopy groups is induced by the bijection $\pi _n(X,x) \cong \pi _1(\Omega ^{n-1}(X,x))$.
This definition of homotopy groups agrees with the homotopy groups of its geometric realization.
Theorem 2.26 [Reference Carranza and KapulkinCK23, Theorem 3.25]
There is an isomorphism

natural in $X$.
We know that the loop space functor is exact.
Theorem 2.27 [Reference Carranza and KapulkinCK23, Theorem 3.6]
The loop space functor $\Omega \colon \mathsf {Kan}_* \to \mathsf {Kan}_*$ is exact.
3. Cubical nerve of a graph
Let $m \geq 1$. Geometrically, we view the graph
$I_m^{\otimes {n}}$ as an
$n$-dimensional cube. Making this intuition formal, we have face, degeneracy, and connection maps defined as follows.
– the face map
$\partial ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon } \colon I_m^{\otimes {n-1}} \to I_m^{\otimes {n}}$ for
$1 \leq i \leq n$ and
$\varepsilon = 0$ or
$1$ is given by
\begin{align*} \partial^{n}_{i\varepsilon}(v_1, \ldots, v_n) = (v_1, \ldots, v_{i-1}, \varepsilon m, v_{i}, \ldots, v_n); \end{align*}
– the degeneracy map
$\sigma ^{n}_{i} \colon I_m^{\otimes {n+1}} \to I_m^{\otimes {n}}$ for
$1 \leq i \leq n$ is given by
\begin{align*} \sigma^{n}_{i}(v_1, \ldots, v_n) = (v_1, \ldots, v_{i-1}, v_{i+1}, \ldots, v_n); \end{align*}
– the negative connection map
$\gamma ^{n}_{i,0} \colon I_m^{\otimes {n}} \to I_m^{\otimes {n-1}}$ for
$1 \leq i \leq n-1$ is given by
\begin{align*} \gamma^{n}_{i,0}(v_1, \ldots, v_n) = (v_1, \ldots, v_{i-1}, \max(v_i, v_{i+1}), v_{i+2}, \ldots, v_n); \end{align*}
– the positive connection map
$\gamma ^{n}_{i,1} \colon I_m^{\otimes {n}} \to I_m^{\otimes {n-1}}$ for
$1 \leq i \leq n-1$ is given by
\begin{align*} \gamma^{n}_{i,1}(v_1, \ldots, v_n) = (v_1, \ldots, v_{i-1}, \min(v_i, v_{i+1}), v_{i+2}, \ldots, v_n). \end{align*}
It is straightforward to verify that these maps satisfy cubical identities. This defines a functor $\mathord {\square } \to \mathsf {Graph}$ which sends
$[1]^n$ to
$I_m^{\otimes {n}}$. Left Kan extension along the Yoneda embedding gives an adjunction
$\mathsf {cSet} \rightleftarrows \mathsf {Graph}$:

Definition 3.1 For $m \geq 1$,
(i) the
$m$-realization functor
$\lvert {- } \rvert _{m} \colon \mathsf {cSet} \to \mathsf {Graph}$ is the left Kan extension of the functor
$\mathord {\square } \to \mathsf {Graph}$ which sends
$[1]^n$ to
$I_m^{\otimes {n}}$.
(ii) the
$m$-nerve functor
$\mathrm {N}_{m} \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {cSet}$ is the right adjoint of the
$m$-realization functor defined by
\begin{align*} (\mathrm{N}_{m}G)_n := \mathsf{Graph}(I_m^{\otimes{n}}, G). \end{align*}
Remark 3.2 The 1-nerve of a graph $G$ is constructed in [Reference Babson, Barcelo, de Longueville and LaubenbacherBBdLL06] as the cubical set associated to
$G$, denoted
$M_*(G)$. The geometric realization of this cubical set is referred to as the cell complex associated to
$G$, denoted
For a cubical set $X \in \mathsf {cSet}$, the graph
$\lvert X \rvert _{m}$ may be explicitly described as the colimit

$G_{m, 0}$ is the discrete graph whose vertices are
$G_{m, n+1}$ is obtained from
$G_{m, n}$ via the following pushout (where
$(X_n)_{\textsf {nd}}$ is the subset of
$X_n$ consisting of non-degenerate cubes)
$\partial I_m^{\otimes {n}}$ is the subgraph of
$I_m^{\otimes {n}}$ defined by
\begin{align*} \partial I_m^{\otimes{n}} := \{ (v_1, \ldots, v_n) \in I_m^{\otimes{n}} \mid v_i = 0 \text{ or } m \text{ for some } i=0, \ldots, n \} \end{align*}
$m = n = 1$ and full otherwise.
Example 3.3
(i) We describe the graph
$\lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{2}_{2,1}} \rvert _{1}$. The cubical set
$\mathord {\sqcap ^{2}_{2,1}}$ has four 0-cubes; thus, the graph
$G_{1, 0}$ is the discrete graph with four vertices. The open box
$\mathord {\sqcap ^{2}_{2,1}}$ has three non-degenerate 1-cubes. The pushout constructed to obtain
$G_{1, 1}$ glues three copies of
$I_1$ to
$G_{1, 0}$ (Figure 3). As
$\mathord {\sqcap ^{2}_{2,1}}$ contains only degenerate cubes above dimension 1, constructing
$G_{1, 1}$ completes the construction of the graph
$\lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{2}_{2,1}} \rvert _{1}$.
(ii) To construct
$\lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{2}_{2,1}} \rvert _{3}$, we instead glue three copies of
$I_3$ (Figure 4). Observe that this process adds new vertices to the graph.

Figure 3. The embedding of $G_{1, 0} \hookrightarrow G_{1, 1}$ for
$\lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{2}_{2,1}} \rvert _{1}$.

Figure 4. The graph $\lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{2}_{2,1}} \rvert _{3}$. The image of the embedding
$G_{3, 0} \hookrightarrow \lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{2}_{2,1}} \rvert _{3}$ is shaded.
For a graph $G$, let
$l^*, r^* \colon \mathrm {N}_{m}{G} \to \mathrm {N}_{m+1}{G}$ denote the cubical maps obtained by pre-composition with the surjections
$l^{\otimes {n}}, r^{\otimes {n}} \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}} \to I_m^{\otimes {n}}$ (Figure 5). We think of these maps as inclusions of
$n$-cubes of size
$m$ into
$n$-cubes of size
$m+1$ (Figure 6). We write
$c^* \colon \mathrm {N}_{m}{G} \to \mathrm {N}_{m+2}{G}$ for the composite
$l^*r^* = r^* l^*$.

Figure 5. For a 1-cube $f \colon I_1 \to G$ of
$\mathrm {N}_{1}{G}$, the map
$l^* \colon \mathrm {N}_{1}G \to \mathrm {N}_{2} G$ sends
$f$ to the 1-cube
$fl \colon I_2 \to G$ of
$\mathrm {N}_{2}{G}$, whereas
$r^* \colon \mathrm {N}_{1} G \to \mathrm {N}_{2} G$ sends
$f$ to the 1-cube
$fr \colon I_2 \to G$ of
$\mathrm {N}_{2}{G}$.

Figure 6. For a 2-cube $g \colon I_1^{\otimes {2}} \to G$ of
$\mathrm {N}_{1}{G}$, the map
$l^* \colon \mathrm {N}_{1}G \to \mathrm {N}_{2} G$ sends
$g$ to the 2-cube
$gl^{\otimes {2}} \colon I_2^{\otimes {2}} \to G$ of
$\mathrm {N}_{2}{G}$, whereas
$r^* \colon \mathrm {N}_{1} G \to \mathrm {N}_{2} G$ sends
$g$ to the 2-cube
$gr^{\otimes {2}} \colon I_2^{\otimes {2}} \to G$ of
$\mathrm {N}_{2}{G}$.
Remark 3.4 While the maps $l^{\otimes {n}}, r^{\otimes {n}}$ have sections
$I_m^{\otimes {n}} \to I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}}$, these maps do not commute with face maps, hence do not give retractions
$\mathrm {N}_{m+1}{G} \to \mathrm {N}_{m}{G}$. To demonstrate this, we show the map
$l^* \colon \mathrm {N}_{1}{I_2} \to \mathrm {N}_{2}{I_2}$ does not have a retraction. The identity map
$\operatorname {id}_{I_2} \colon I_2 \to I_2$ gives a 1-cube of
$\mathrm {N}_{2}{I_2}$ whose faces are the 0-cubes 0 and 2. Observe that a retraction of
$l^*$ must send the 0-cubes 0 and 2 to 0 and 2, respectively. There is no map
$f \colon I_1 \to I_2$ such that
$f\partial ^{}_{1,0} = 0$ and
$f\partial ^{}_{1,1} = 2$. That is, there is no 1-cube of
$\mathrm {N}_{1} I_2$ which
$\operatorname {id}_{I_2} \in (\mathrm {N}_{2} I_2)_1$ can be mapped to. Thus, the map
$l^*$ does not have a retraction.
For a cubical set $X$, we analogously have maps
$l_*, r_* \colon \lvert X\rvert _{m+1} \to \lvert X\rvert _{m}$. We write
$c_* \colon \lvert X\rvert _{m+2} \to \lvert X\rvert _{m}$ for the composite
$l_* r_* = r_* l_*$.
We define the nerve functor $\mathrm {N} \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {cSet}$ by

Cubical operators of $\mathrm {N} G$ are given as follows.
– The map
$\partial ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon } \colon (\mathrm {N} G)_n \to (\mathrm {N} G)_{n-1}$ for
$i = 1, \ldots, n$ and
$\varepsilon = 0, 1$ is given by
$f\partial ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon } \colon I_\infty ^{\otimes {n-1}} \to G$ defined by
\begin{align*} f\partial^{n}_{i,\varepsilon}(v_1, \ldots, v_{n-1}) = f(v_1, \ldots, v_{i-1}, (2\varepsilon - 1) M, v_i, \ldots, v_{n-1}) \end{align*}
$M$ is such that
$f$ is stable in direction
$(i,\varepsilon )$.
– The map
$\sigma ^{n}_{i} \colon (\mathrm {N} G)_n \to (\mathrm {N} G)_{n+1}$ for
$i=1, \ldots, n$ is given by
$f\sigma ^{n}_{i} \colon I_\infty ^{\otimes {n+1}} \to G$ defined by
\begin{align*} f\sigma^{n}_{i}(v_1, \ldots, v_{n+1}) = f(v_1, \ldots, v_{i-1}, v_{i+1}, \ldots, v_{n+1}). \end{align*}
– The map
$\gamma ^{n}_{i,0} \colon (\mathrm {N} G)_n \to (\mathrm {N} G)_{n+1}$ for
$i=1, \ldots, n-1$ is given by
$f\gamma ^{n}_{i,0} \colon I_\infty ^{\otimes {n+1}} \to G$ defined by
\begin{align*} f\gamma^{n}_{i,0}(v_1, \ldots, v_{n+1}) = f(v_1, \ldots, v_{i-1}, \max(v_i, v_{i+1}), v_{i+1}, \ldots, v_{n+1}). \end{align*}
– The map
$\gamma ^{n}_{i,1} \colon (\mathrm {N} G)_n \to (\mathrm {N} G)_{n+1}$ for
$i=1, \ldots, n-1$ is given by
$f\gamma ^{n}_{i,0} \colon I_\infty ^{\otimes {n+1}} \to G$ defined by
\begin{align*} f\gamma^{n}_{i,0}(v_1, \ldots, v_{n+1}) = f(v_1, \ldots, v_{i-1}, \min(v_i, v_{i+1}), v_{i+1}, \ldots, v_{n+1}). \end{align*}
One verifies these maps satisfy cubical identities, thus $\mathrm {N} G$ is a cubical set. A straightforward computation gives the following statement.
Proposition 3.5 We have an isomorphism

natural in $G$.
The nerve and realization functors satisfy the following categorical properties.
Proposition 3.6 For cubical sets $X, Y$ and
$m \geq 1$, we have an isomorphism

natural in $X$ and
Proof. The composite functors

preserve all colimits. As $\mathsf {cSet}$ is a presheaf category, every cubical set is a colimit of representable presheaves. Thus, it suffices to show these composites are naturally isomorphic on pairs
$(\mathord {\square ^{a}}, \mathord {\square ^{b}})$ for
$a, b \geq 0$. We compute

Corollary 3.7 Let $X$ be a cubical set and
$G$ be a graph. For
$m \geq 1$, we have isomorphisms

natural in $X$ and
Proof. The square

commutes up to natural isomorphism by Proposition 3.6, thus the corresponding square of right adjoints

commutes up to natural isomorphism. For naturality in $X$, the required square commutes by faithfulness of the Yoneda embedding
$\mathsf {cSet} \to \mathsf {Set}^{{\mathsf {cSet}^{\mathrm {op}}}}$. A similar argument involving
$X \otimes -$ constructs the isomorphism involving
$\operatorname {hom}_{R}(X, -)$.
Proposition 3.8 The nerve functor $\mathrm {N} \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {cSet}$ preserves finite limits.
Proof. By Proposition 3.5, the nerve of $G$ is a filtered colimit. This then follows as filtered colimits commute with finite limits and
$\mathrm {N}_{m} \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {cSet}$ is a right adjoint for all
$m \geq 1$.
We prove that the nerve functors preserve filtered colimits, which we use to give an analogue of Corollary 3.7 for the nerve functor $\mathrm {N} \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {cSet}$.
Proposition 3.9 For $m \geq 0$, the functors
$\mathrm {N}_{m}, \mathrm {N} \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {cSet}$ preserve filtered colimits.
Proof. For $\mathrm {N}_{m}$, it suffices to show filtered colimits are preserved componentwise, i.e. that

preserves filtered colimits. This follows from Corollary 1.7.
For $\mathrm {N}$, this follows since
$\mathrm {N}_{m}$ preserves filtered colimits and colimits commute with colimits.
For a cubical set $X$, define a functor
$P_{X} \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {Graph}$ by

As an example, the path graph $PG$ of a graph is exactly
$P_{\mathord {\square ^{1}}} G$.
Proposition 3.10 Let $X$ be a cubical set with finitely many non-degenerate cubes. We have isomorphisms

natural in $X$ and
Proof. By Proposition 3.5, the left term $\mathrm {N}(P_{X}{G})$ is the colimit

where the vertical maps are monomorphisms since $l_*, r_* \colon \lvert X\rvert _{m+1} \to \lvert X\rvert _{m}$ are epimorphisms for all
$m \geq 1$. Computing this colimit componentwise in
$\mathsf {Set}$, this colimit is naturally isomorphic to the colimit

along the diagonal. Applying Corollary 3.7, we may write

As $X$ has finitely many non-degenerate cubes, the functor
$\operatorname {hom}_{L}(X, \mathord {- })$ preserves filtered colimits. Thus,

An analogous proof applies in the case of $\operatorname {hom}_{R}(X, \mathrm {N} G)$.
We show that the nerve functors ‘detect’ concatenation of paths. That is, they contain all possible composition squares.
Proposition 3.11 Let $f \colon (I_\infty, I_{\geq M}) \to (G, v)$ and
$g \colon (I_\infty, I_{\geq N}) \to (G, v)$ be based graph maps for some
$M, N \geq 0$ such that
$f\partial ^{}_{1,1} = g\partial ^{}_{1,0}$. The concatenation
$f \cdot g$ of
$f$ followed by
$g$ is a concatenation of
$f$ and
$g$ in the
$\mathrm {N}_{(M + N)}{G}$.
Proof. The horizontal concatenation of $f\gamma ^{}_{1,0} \colon I_M^{\otimes {2}} \to G$ on the left and
$g\sigma ^{}_{2} \colon I_N^{\otimes {2}} \to G$ on the right gives a square
$\eta \colon I_{M+N}^{\otimes {2}} \to G$ such that

This is exactly a composition square witnessing $f \cdot g$ as a composition of
$f$ and
$g$ in
$\mathrm {N}_{(M + N)}{G}$.
As well, the nerve functors reflect isomorphisms.
Proposition 3.12 The nerve functors reflect isomorphisms. That is, given a graph map $f \colon G \to H$, if either
$\mathrm {N}_{m} f \colon \mathrm {N}_{m} G \to \mathrm {N}_{m} H$ is an isomorphism for some
$m \geq 1$, or
$\mathrm {N} f \colon \mathrm {N} G \to \mathrm {N} H$ is an isomorphism,
then $f$ is.
Proof. We prove that $\mathrm {N} \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {cSet}$ reflects isomorphisms as the case for
$\mathrm {N}_{m} \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {cSet}$ is analogous.
The inverse of $\mathrm {N} f$ is, in particular, an inverse on 0-cubes
$(\mathrm {N} H)_0 \to (\mathrm {N} G)_0$, i.e. an inverse of
$f$ on vertices
$H_V \to G_V$. It suffices to show this map
$g \colon H_V \to G_V$ is a graph map.
An edge in $H$ gives a map
$e \colon I_1 \to H$. This gives a 1-cube
$\overline {e} \colon \mathord {\square ^{1}} \to \mathrm {N} G$ by the inclusion
$\mathrm {N}_{1} H \hookrightarrow \mathrm {N} H$. As
$\mathrm {N} f \colon \mathrm {N} G \to \mathrm {N} H$ is an isomorphism, there is a unique 1-cube
$\overline {p} \colon \mathord {\square ^{1}} \to \mathrm {N} G$ such that
$\mathrm {N} f(\overline {p}) = \overline {e}$. This corresponds to a map
$p \colon I_\infty \to G$ such that
$p$ stabilizes in both directions and
$fp = e$.
As $f$ is injective on vertices and
$e$ is a path of length 1 (i.e. it consists of two vertices and one edge), we deduce that
$p$ is a path of length 1. That is,
$p$ is an edge, hence
$g$ is a graph map.
Recall that a functor which reflects isomorphisms also reflects any (co)limits which it preserves. Thus, we have the following corollary.
Corollary 3.13
(i) For
$m \geq 1$, the
$\mathrm {N}_{m} \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {cSet}$ reflects all limits.
(ii) The nerve functor
$\mathrm {N} \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {cSet}$ reflects finite limits.
4. Main result
Our main theorem is the following result.
Theorem 4.1 For any graph $G$,
(i) the nerve
$\mathrm {N} G$ of
$G$ is a Kan complex;
(ii) the natural inclusion
$\mathrm {N}_{1} G \hookrightarrow \mathrm {N} G$ is anodyne.
Before proving Theorem 4.1, we explain the proof strategy and establish some auxiliary lemmas.
To show that the nerve of any graph is a Kan complex, we construct a map $\Phi \colon I_{3m}^{\otimes {n}} \to \lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon }} \rvert _{m}$ so that the triangle

commutes. We show that every map $\mathord {\sqcap ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon }} \to \mathrm {N} G$ must factor through some
$\mathord {\sqcap ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon }} \to \mathrm {N}_{m} G \to \mathrm {N} G$. The map
$\Phi$ gives a filler for the composite
$\mathord {\sqcap ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon }} \to \mathrm {N}_{m} G \to \mathrm {N}_{3m} G$, thus a filler in
$\mathrm {N} G$.
To show that the map $\mathrm {N}_{1} G \hookrightarrow \mathrm {N} G$ is anodyne, we show the maps
$l^*, r^* \colon \mathrm {N}_{m} G \hookrightarrow \mathrm {N}_{m+1} G$ are anodyne. This is done by an explicit construction establishing
$l^*$ and
$r^*$ as a transfinite composition of pushouts along coproducts of open box inclusions. This implies
$\mathrm {N}_{1} G \hookrightarrow \mathrm {N} G$ is anodyne as the nerve of
$G$ is a transfinite composition of
$l^*$ and
Proof of part (i)
Construction 4.2 Fix $m, n \geq 1$,
$i \in \{ 1, \ldots, n \}$, and
$\varepsilon \in \{ 0, 1 \}$. We construct the map
$\Phi \colon I_{3m}^{\otimes {n}} \to \lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon }} \rvert _{m}$. For
$n = 1$, we compute
$\lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{1}_{i,\varepsilon }} \rvert _{m} \cong I_0$. In this case, the map
$\Phi$ is immediate. Thus, we assume
$n \geq 2$.
Define a map $\varphi \colon I_{3m} \to I_{3m}$ by

It is straightforward to verify this definition gives a graph map. From this, we have a map $\varphi ^{\otimes {n-1}} \colon I_{3m}^{\otimes {n-1}} \to I_{3m}^{\otimes {n-1}}$ which sends
$(v_1, \ldots, v_{n-1})$ to
$(\varphi v_1, \ldots, \varphi v_{n-1})$.
For $v = (v_1, \ldots, v_{n-1}) \in I_{3m}^{\otimes {n-1}}$, let
$d(v)$ denote the node distance between
$v$ and
$\varphi ^{\otimes {n-1}}v$. That is,

Observe this gives a graph map $d \colon I_{3m}^{\otimes {n-1}} \to I_\infty$ (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Vertices of $I_6^{\otimes {2}}$ labeled by their image under
$d \colon I_6^{\otimes {2}} \to I_\infty$.
For $t \geq 0$, we have a graph map
$\beta [t] \colon I_\infty \to I_{t}$ defined by

One thinks of $\beta [t]$ as bounding the graph
$I_\infty$ between 0 and
$t$. Recall that the map
$c^m \colon I_{3m} \to I_{m}$ is given by

For a vertex $(v_1, \ldots, v_n) \in I_{3m}^{\otimes {n}}$, we write
$\sigma ^{}_{i}v$ for the vertex
$(v_1, \ldots, v_{i-1}, v_{i+1}, \ldots, v_n) \in I_{3m}^{\otimes {n-1}}$. As well, let
$\alpha ^{v_i}_\varepsilon$ denote the value

We may also write this as

We define $\Phi \colon I_{3m}^{\otimes {n}} \to \lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon }} \rvert _{m}$ by

That is,

We first show this formula is well defined, i.e. that this tuple lies in the subgraph $\lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon }} \rvert _{m}$ of
$I_m^{\otimes {n}}$. Observe that if
$c^m v_k = 0$ or
$m$ for some
$k \neq i$ in
$\{ 1, \ldots, n \}$ then this tuple indeed lies in
$\lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon }} \rvert _{m}$. For
$k < i$, this tuple lies on the
$(k, 0)$- or
$(k, 1)$-face. For
$k > i$, this tuple lies on the
$(k+1,0)$- or
$(k+1,1)$-face. Otherwise, if
$0 < c^m v_k < m$ for all
$k \neq i$ then
$d(\sigma ^{}_{i}v) = 0$ since
$v_k = \varphi v_k$ for all
$k \neq i$. From this, it follows that

thus $\Phi (v_1, \ldots, v_n)$ lies on the
$(i,1-\varepsilon )$-face, i.e. the face opposite the missing face.
To see this formula gives a graph map, suppose $(v_1, \ldots, v_n)$ and
$(w_1, \ldots, w_n)$ are connected vertices in
$I_{3m}^{\otimes {n}}$. By definition, there exists
$k = 1, \ldots, n$ so that
$v_k$ and
$w_k$ are connected in
$I_{3m}$ and
$v_j = w_j$ for all
$j \neq k$. We first consider the case where
$k \neq i$. Observe that if
$c^m v_k = c^m w_k$ then this is immediate. If
$c^m v_k \neq c^m w_k$ then
$\sigma ^{}_{i}v = \varphi (\sigma ^{}_{i}v)$. This gives that
$d(\sigma ^{}_{i}v) = d(\sigma ^{}_{i}w)$, hence
$\Phi (v_1, \ldots, v_n)$ and
$\Phi (w_1, \ldots, w_n)$ are equal on all components except the
$k$th component. That is, they are connected. In the case where
$k = i$, we have that
$d v$ and
$d w$ differ by at most 1. This implies
$(1 - e)m + (2\varepsilon - 1)(\beta [\alpha ^{v_i}_{1-\varepsilon }](dv - \alpha ^{v_i}_\varepsilon ))$ and
$(1 - e)m + (2\varepsilon - 1)(\beta [\alpha ^{v_i}_{1-\varepsilon }](dw - \alpha ^{v_i}_\varepsilon ))$ differ by at most 1, thus
$\Phi (v_1, \ldots, v_n)$ and
$\Phi (w_1, \ldots, w_n)$ are connected.
Example 4.3 We look at the map $\Phi \colon I_{3m}^{\otimes {n}} \to \lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon }} \rvert _{m}$ in the case of
$n = 3$,
$m = 2$, and
$(i,\varepsilon ) = (3, 1)$ (Figure 8).
We may write the map $\Phi \colon I_6^{\otimes {3}} \to \lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{3}_{3,1}} \rvert _{2}$ as

If $v_3 \leq 2$ then
$(v_1, v_2, v_3)$ is contained in the
$\partial ^{}_{3,0}$-face of
$\lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{3}_{3,1}} \rvert _{2}$, which is the face opposite the missing face. For the cross-section where
$v_3 = 3$, if
$d(v_1, v_2) \geq 2$ then
$(v_1, v_2, v_3)$ is sent to a vertex in the
$v_3 = 1$ cross-section of
$\lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{3}_{3,1}} \rvert _{2}$. For
$v_3 \geq 3$, if
$d(v_1, v_2) = 1$ then
$(v_1, v_2, v_3)$ is sent to a vertex in the
$v_3 = 1$ cross-section. If
$d(v_1, v_2) \geq 2$ then
$(v_1, v_2, v_3)$ is sent to a vertex in the
$v_3 = 2$ cross-section. In all three cross-sections, if
$d(v_1, v_2) = 0$ then
$(v_1, v_2, v_3)$ is contained in the face opposite the missing face of
$\lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{3}_{3,1}} \rvert _{2}$ (Figure 9).
Lemma 4.4$ The diagram

Proof. For $n = 1$, we have
$\lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{1}_{i,\varepsilon }} \rvert _{m} \cong I_0$. The diagram then commutes as
$I_0$ is terminal in
$\mathsf {Graph}$.

Figure 8. The graph $\lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{3}_{3,1}} \rvert _{2}$ as a net. Vertices connected by a dotted line are identical.

Figure 9. The map $\Phi \colon I_6^{\otimes {3}} \to \lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{3}_{3,1}} \rvert _{2}$ split into cross-sections.
For $n \geq 2$, fix
$(v_1, \ldots, v_n) \in \lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon }} \rvert _{3m}$. It suffices to show

If $v_i = (1 - \varepsilon )(3m)$ then
$d(\sigma ^{}_{i}v) = 0$. Thus,

Otherwise, if $v_i \neq (1 - \varepsilon )(3m)$ then
$d(\sigma ^{}_{i}v) \geq m$ (since
$v_k = 0, 3m$ for some
$k \neq i$). For
$\varepsilon = 0$, we compute

For $\varepsilon = 1$, we compute

Theorem 4.5 For any graph $G$, the nerve
$\mathrm {N} G$ of
$G$ is a Kan complex.
Proof. Fix a map $f \colon \mathord {\sqcap ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon }} \to \mathrm {N}{G}$. We know that
$\mathrm {N}{G} \cong \operatorname {colim}(\mathrm {N}_{1}{G} \hookrightarrow \mathrm {N}_{3}{G} \hookrightarrow \mathrm {N}_{5}{G} \hookrightarrow \cdots )$ by Proposition 3.5. Recall that in a presheaf category, any map from a representable presheaf to a colimit must factor through some component of the colimit cone by the Yoneda lemma. Thus, for any
$k \geq 0$ and
$x \colon \mathord {\square ^{k}} \to \mathord {\sqcap ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon }}$, the map
$fx \colon \mathord {\square ^{k}} \to \mathrm {N}{G}$ factors through an inclusion
$\mathrm {N}_{m} G \hookrightarrow \mathrm {N} G$ for some
$m \geq 1$. As
$\mathord {\sqcap ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon }}$ has only finitely many non-degenerate cubes,
$f$ factors through the natural inclusion
$\mathrm {N}_{m}{G} \hookrightarrow \mathrm {N} G$ as a map
$g \colon \mathord {\sqcap ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon }} \to \mathrm {N}_{m}{G}$ for some
$m \geq 0$.
By adjointness, $g$ corresponds to a map
$\overline {g} \colon \lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon }} \rvert _{m} \to G$. Lemma 4.4 shows that
$\overline {g}\Phi \colon I_{3m}^{\otimes {n}} \to G$ is a lift of the composite map
$\overline {g}(c^*)^m \colon \lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon }} \rvert _{3m} \to G$:

By adjointness, this gives a filler $\mathord {\square ^{n}} \to \mathrm {N}_{3m}{G}$ for the map
$(c^*)^m g \colon \mathord {\sqcap ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon }} \to \mathrm {N}_{3m}{G}$. Post-composing with the natural inclusion
$\mathrm {N}_{3m}{G} \hookrightarrow \mathrm {N} G$, this gives a filler
$\mathord {\square ^{n}} \to \mathrm {N}{G}$ of
Via Theorem 4.5, we may speak of the homotopy groups of $\mathrm {N} G$. We prove that the A-homotopy groups of
$G$ are exactly the cubical homotopy groups of
$\mathrm {N} G$.
Theorem 4.6 We have an isomorphism $A_n(G, v) \cong \pi _n(\mathrm {N}{G}, v)$ natural in
$(G, v)$.
Proof. It is straightforward to verify that a relative graph map $(I_\infty ^{\otimes {n}}, I_{\geq M}^{\otimes {n}}) \to (G, v)$ is exactly a relative cubical map
$(\mathord {\square ^{n}}, \partial \mathord {\square ^{n}}) \to (\mathrm {N} G, v)$ and that a relative homotopy between two such relative graph maps is exactly a relative homotopy between two such relative cubical maps. This gives a set bijection
$A_n(G, v) \to \pi _n(\mathrm {N}{G}, v)$. Proposition 3.11 shows this map is a group homomorphism.
Remark 4.7 Theorem 4.6 shows why the functor $\mathrm {N} \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {cSet}$ fails to preserve arbitrary limits, even though, by Proposition 3.8, it preserves finite ones. To see that, we first note that

since a map $I_\infty \to \prod _{k \geq 5} C_k$ that stabilizes outside of a finite interval must necessarily be null-homotopic in all but finitely many
$C_k$. That is,
$A_1 \colon \mathsf {Graph}_* \to \mathsf {Grp}$ does not preserve infinite products. Theorem 4.6 shows that
$A_1 \cong \pi _1 \circ \mathrm {N}$, and
$\pi _1 \colon \mathsf {cSet}_* \to \mathsf {Grp}$ preserves infinite products by [Reference Carranza and KapulkinCK23, Proposition 4.1]. Thus, we conclude that

Proof of part (ii)
Now we show that the inclusions $l^*, r^* \colon \mathrm {N}_{m} G \hookrightarrow \mathrm {N}_{m+1} G$ are anodyne. We first explain the intuition for why this statement holds.
The 1-nerve $\mathrm {N}_{1} G$ of a graph
$G$ contains, as 1-cubes, all paths of length 1 in
$G$ (i.e. paths with two vertices and one edge). Consider the image of the embedding
$l^* \colon \mathrm {N}_{1} G \to \mathrm {N}_{2} G$ as a cubical subset
$X \subseteq \mathrm {N}_{2} G$ of the 2-nerve of
$G$. A 1-cube of
$\mathrm {N}_{2} G$ is exactly a path of length 2 in
$G$; a 1-cube of
$X$ is a path of length 1 regarded as a path of length 2 whose first two vertices are the same. Given a path
$f \colon I_2 \to G$ of length 2 in
$G$, we may define a
$3 \times 3$ square
$g \colon I_2^{\otimes {2}} \to G$ in
$G$ by

Observe that the $\partial ^{}_{1,0}$-,
$\partial ^{}_{1,1}$-, and
$\partial ^{}_{2,0}$-faces of
$g$ are 1-cubes of
$X$, i.e. they are paths of length 2 whose first two vertices are the same, whereas the
$\partial ^{}_{2,1}$-face of
$g$ is
$f$. That is, we have shown the restriction
${g}|_{\lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{2}_{2,1}} \rvert _{2}} \colon \lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{2}_{2,1}} \rvert _{2} \to G$ of
$g$ to the open box corresponds to a map
$\mathord {\sqcap ^{2}_{2,1}} \to \mathrm {N}_{2} G$ whose image is contained in
$X$ (Figure 10).

Figure 10. The square $g \colon I_2^{\otimes {2}} \to G$ constructed from the path
$f \colon I_2 \to G$.
Let $Y \subseteq \mathrm {N}_{2} G$ denote the cubical subset generated by
$X$ and
$g$, i.e. the cubical subset containing
$X$, the 2-cube
$g \in (\mathrm {N}_{2} G)_2$, and all faces, degeneracies, and connections of
$g$. The square

is a pushout by definition of $Y$. This gives exactly that the inclusion
$X \hookrightarrow Y$ is anodyne. Following this approach, one may construct an anodyne inclusion
$X \hookrightarrow X_n$ such that
$X_n$ contains all
$n$-cubes of
$\mathrm {N}_{2} G$. With this, the colimit of the sequence
$X \hookrightarrow X_1 \hookrightarrow X_2 \hookrightarrow \cdots$ is exactly
$\mathrm {N}_{2} G$ and the inclusion
$X \hookrightarrow \mathrm {N}_{2} G$ is anodyne by closure under transfinite composition.
For $n > 0$ and
$j \in \{ 0, \ldots, n \}$, the maps
$l, r \colon I_{m+1} \to I_m$ yield maps

For $j \in \{ 0, \ldots, n-1 \}$, we define maps
$\lambda ^{n}_{m,j}, \rho ^{n}_{m,j} \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}} \otimes I_1 \to I_{m+1}^{\otimes {j+1}} \otimes I_m^{\otimes {n-j-1}}$ by

That is, the restriction of $\lambda ^{n}_{m,j}$ to
$I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}} \otimes \{ 0 \}$ is the map
$\operatorname {id}_{I_{m+1}}^{\otimes {j}} \otimes \,l^{\otimes {n-j}}$ and its restriction to
$I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}} \otimes \{ 1 \}$ is
$\operatorname {id}_{I_{m+1}}^{\otimes {j+1}} \otimes \,l^{\otimes {n-j-1}}$ (likewise for
$\rho ^{n}_{m,j}$).

Figure 11. The graph $I_2 \otimes I_1$ with vertices labeled by their image under
$\lambda ^{n}_{1,0} \colon I_2 \otimes I_1 \to I_2$.

Figure 12. Cross-sections of the graph $I_2^{\otimes {2}} \otimes I_1$ with vertices labeled by their image under the maps
$\lambda ^{2}_{1,0} \colon I_2^{\otimes {2}} \otimes I_1 \to I_2 \otimes I_1$ and
$\lambda ^{2}_{1,1} \colon I_2^{\otimes {2}} \otimes I_1 \to I_2^{\otimes {2}}$.
The maps $l^m, r^m \colon I_{m+1} \to I_1$ denote application of the maps
$l, r$ a total of
$m$ times. That is,

We write $\bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,j}\colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n+1}} \to I_{m+1}^{\otimes {j+1}} \otimes I_m^{\otimes {n-j-1}}$ for the composition of
$\operatorname {id}_{I_{m+1}}^{\otimes {n}}\otimes \, l^m \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n+1}} \to I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}} \otimes I_1$ followed by
$\lambda ^{n}_{m,j} \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}} \otimes I_1 \to I_{m+1}^{\otimes {j+1}} \otimes I_m^{\otimes {n-j-1}}$ (Figure 11), and we write
${\bar {\rho }^{\, n}_{m,j}}\colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n+1}} \to I_{m+1}^{\otimes {j+1}} \otimes I_m^{\otimes {n-j-1}}$ for the composition of
$\operatorname {id}_{I_{m+1}}^{\otimes {n}} \otimes \, r^n \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n+1}} \to I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}} \otimes I_1$ followed
$\rho ^{n}_{m,j} \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}} \otimes I_1 \to I_{m+1}^{\otimes {j+1}} \otimes I_m^{\otimes {n-j-1}}$, respectively (Figure 12).
Proposition 4.8 Let $m, n > 0$ and
$j \in \{ 0, \ldots, n \}$. For
$i = 1, \ldots, n$ such that
$i \neq j+1$ and
$\varepsilon = 0, 1$,
$\bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,j} \partial ^{}_{i,\varepsilon } \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}} \to I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}}$ factors through
$\bar {\lambda }^{n-1}_{m,j} \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}} \to I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n-1}}$;
${\bar {\rho }^{\, n}_{m,j}}\partial ^{}_{i,\varepsilon } \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}} \to I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}}$ factors through
${\bar {\rho }^{n-1}_{m,j}} \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}} \to I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n-1}}$.
Proof. We consider the result for $\bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,j}$, as the result for
${\bar {\rho }^{n}_{m,j}}$ is analogous.
Fix $(v_1, \ldots, v_n) \in I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}}$. If
$i < j + 1$ then we have

Thus, $\bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,j} \partial ^{}_{i,\varepsilon } = \partial ^{}_{i,\varepsilon }\bar {\lambda }^{n-1}_{m,j}$.
Otherwise, we have $i > j+1$. Consider the embedding
$\iota \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n-1}} \to I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}}$ given by

With this, we may write

Thus, $\bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,j} \partial ^{}_{i,\varepsilon } = \iota \bar {\lambda }^{n-1}_{m,j}$.
Proposition 4.9 Let $m, n > 0$ and
$j \in \{ 0, \ldots, n \}$. Then
$\bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,j} \partial ^{}_{j+1,0}$ and
$\bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,j} \partial ^{}_{j+1,1}$ factor through
$\operatorname {id}_{I_{m+1}}^{\otimes {j}} \otimes \,l^{\otimes {n-j}} \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}} \to I_{m+1}^{\otimes {j}} \otimes I_m^{\otimes {n-j}}$;
${\bar {\rho }^{n}_{m,j}}\partial ^{}_{j+1,0}$ and
${\bar {\rho }^{n}_{m,j}}\partial ^{}_{j+1,1}$ factor through
$\operatorname {id}_{I_{m+1}}^{\otimes {j}} \otimes \,r^{\otimes {n-j}} \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}} \to I_{m+1}^{\otimes {j}} \otimes I_m^{\otimes {n-j}}$.
Proof. We show the result for $\bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,j}$ as the result for
${\bar {\rho }^{n}_{m,j}}$ is analogous.
Fix $(v_1, \ldots, v_n) \in I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}}$. We compute

thus $\bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,j} \partial ^{}_{j+1,0} = \partial ^{}_{j+1,0}\sigma ^{}_{n}(\operatorname {id}_{I_{m+1}}^{\otimes {j}} \otimes \,l^{\otimes {n-j}})$.
Consider the map $f \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {j}} \otimes I_m^{\otimes {n-j}} \to I_{m+1}^{\otimes {j+1}} \otimes I_m^{\otimes {n-j-1}}$ defined by

It is straightforward to verify this is a graph map. With this, we may write

Thus, $\bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,j} \partial ^{}_{j+1,1} = f(\operatorname {id}_{I_{m+1}}^{\otimes {j}} \otimes \,l^{\otimes {n-j}})$.
Lemma 4.10 Let $m, n > 0$,
$j \in \{ 0, \ldots, n-1 \}$, and
$G$ be a graph. Consider a subobject
$X$ of
$\mathrm {N}_{m+1} G$ which contains:
– all
$n$-cubes of
$\mathrm {N}_{m+1} G$ which factor through
$l^{\otimes {n}} \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}} \to I_m^{\otimes {n}}$;
– (if
$n > 1$) for any
$x \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {h}} \otimes I_m^{\otimes {k-h}} \to G$ where
$k < n$ and
$h \leq k$, the
$x \bar {\lambda }^{k}_{m,h-1} \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {k+1}} \to G$;
– (if
$j > 0$) for any
$x \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {j}} \otimes I_m^{\otimes {n-j}} \to G$, the
$x \bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,j-1} \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n+1}} \to G$ of
$\mathrm {N}_{m+1} G$.
Then, for any $n$-cube of
$\mathrm {N}_{m+1} G$ which factors through
$\operatorname {id}_{I_{m+1}}^{\otimes {j+1}} \otimes \,l^{\otimes {n-j-1}} \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}} \to I_{m+1}^{\otimes {j+1}} \otimes I_m^{\otimes {n-j-1}}$ as some
$x \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {j+1}} \otimes I_m^{\otimes {n-j-1}} \to G$, the restriction of the
$x\bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,j} \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n+1}} \to G$ to the open box
${x\bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,j} }|_{\mathord {\sqcap ^{n+1}_{n+1,1}}} \colon \mathord {\sqcap ^{n+1}_{n+1,1}} \to \mathrm {N}_{m+1} G$ factors through the inclusion
$X \hookrightarrow \mathrm {N}_{m+1} G$.
Proof. We first show that $X$ contains all
$n$-cubes which factor through the map
$\operatorname {id}_{I_{m+1}}^{\otimes {j}} \otimes \,l^{\otimes {n-j}} \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}} \to I_{m+1}^{\otimes {j}} \otimes I_m^{\otimes {n-j}}$. If
$j = 0$ then this follows by assumption. Otherwise, consider such an
$n$-cube, which we write as
$y(\operatorname {id}_{I_{m+1}}^{\otimes {j}} \otimes \,l^{\otimes {n-j}}) \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}} \to G$ for some
$y \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {j}} \otimes I_m^{\otimes {n-j}} \to G$. Recall
$\bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,j-1} \partial ^{}_{n+1,1} = \operatorname {id}_{I_{m+1}}^{\otimes {j}} \otimes \,l^{\otimes {n-j}}$. This gives that
$y(\operatorname {id}_{I_{m+1}}^{\otimes {j}} \otimes \,l^{\otimes {n-j}}) = y \bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,j-1} \partial ^{}_{n+1,1}$. By assumption,
$X$ contains
$y\bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,j-1}$. Thus, it contains all faces of
$y\bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,j-1}$, including
To see that each face of ${x\bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,j} }|_{\mathord {\sqcap ^{n+1}_{n+1,1}}}$ is contained in
$X$, fix
$(i, \varepsilon ) \neq (n+1,1)$. For
$i = n+1$ and
$\varepsilon = 0$, this follows as
$\bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,j} \partial ^{}_{n+1,0} = \operatorname {id}_{I_{m+1}}^{\otimes {j}} \otimes \,l^{\otimes {n-j}}$. Otherwise, if
$i \neq j+1$, this follows from Proposition 4.8. If
$i = j+1$ then Proposition 4.9 gives that
$\bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,j}$ factors through
$\operatorname {id}_{I_{m+1}}^{\otimes {j}} \otimes \,l^{\otimes {n-j}}$.
We have an analogous result for ${\bar {\rho }^{n}_{m,j}}$ as well.
Lemma 4.11 Let $m, n > 0$,
$j \in \{ 0, \ldots, n-1 \}$, and
$G$ be a graph. Consider a subobject
$X$ of
$\mathrm {N}_{m+1} G$ which contains:
– all
$n$-cubes of
$\mathrm {N}_{m+1} G$ which factor through
$r^{\otimes {n}} \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}} \to I_m^{\otimes {n}}$;
– (if
$n > 1$) for any
$x \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {h}} \otimes I_m^{\otimes {k-h}} \to G$ where
$k < n$ and
$h \leq k$, the
$x {\bar {\rho }^{n}_{m,h-1}} \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n+1}} \to G$;
– (if
$j > 0$) for any
$x \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {j}} \otimes I_m^{\otimes {n-j}} \to G$, the
$x {\bar {\rho }^{\, n}_{m,j-1}} \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n+1}} \to G$ of
$\mathrm {N}_{m+1} G$.
Then, for any $n$-cube of
$\mathrm {N}_{m+1} G$ which factors through
$\operatorname {id}_{I_{m+1}}^{\otimes {j+1}} \otimes \,r^{\otimes {n-j-1}} \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}} \to I_{m+1}^{\otimes {j+1}} \otimes I_m^{\otimes {n-j-1}}$ as some
$x \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {j+1}} \otimes I_m^{\otimes {n-j-1}} \to G$, the restriction of the
$x {\bar {\rho }^{\, n}_{m,j}} \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n+1}} \to G$ to the open box
${x {\bar {\rho }^{\, n}_{m,j}} }|_{\mathord {\sqcap ^{n+1}_{n+1,1}}} \colon \mathord {\sqcap ^{n+1}_{n+1,1}} \to \mathrm {N}_{m+1} G$ factors through the inclusion
$X \hookrightarrow \mathrm {N}_{m+1} G$.
Theorem 4.12 Let $m > 0$ and
$G$ be a graph. The maps
$l^*, r^* \colon \mathrm {N}_{m}{G} \to \mathrm {N}_{m+1}{G}$ are anodyne.
Proof. We show that $l^*$ is anodyne as the result for
$r^*$ is analogous. Let
$X_0$ denote the image of
$\mathrm {N}_{m}{G}$ in
$\mathrm {N}_{m+1}{G}$ under the embedding
$l^* \colon \mathrm {N}_{m}{G} \hookrightarrow \mathrm {N}_{m+1}{G}$. We show
$\mathrm {N}_{m+1}{G}$ can be obtained from
$X_0$ by a transfinite composition of pushouts along coproducts of open box inclusion. For
$n > 0$ and
$j \in \{ 1, \ldots, n \}$, let
$X_{n,j}$ be the subobject of
$\mathrm {N}_{m+1}{G}$ generated by:
– (if
$n > 1$) for any
$x \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {l}} \otimes I_m^{\otimes {k-l}} \to G$ where
$k < n$ and
$l \leq k$, the
$x \bar {\lambda }^{k}_{m,l-1} \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n+1}} \to G$ of
$\mathrm {N}_{m+1} G$;
– for any
$x \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {i}} \otimes I_m^{\otimes {n-i}} \to G$ where
$i \leq j$, the
$x \bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,i-1} \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n+1}} \to G$ of
$\mathrm {N}_{m+1} G$.
By construction, there is a sequence of embeddings

Note that the subobject $X_{n,n}$ contains all
$n$-cubes of
$\mathrm {N}_{m+1} G$. This is because any
$x \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}} \to G$ is the
$\partial ^{}_{n+1,1}$-face of
$x \bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,n-1} \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n+1}} \to G$. By construction,
$X_{n,n}$ contains
$x \bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,n-1}$. Thus, it contains all faces of
$x\bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,n-1}$, including
$x$. With this, we have

It remains to show $X_{n,j+1}$ is a pushout of
$X_{n,j}$ along a coproduct of open box inclusions and
$X_{n+1,1}$ is a pushout of
$X_{n,n}$ along a coproduct of open box inclusions.
Fix $n > 0$ and
$j \in \{ 1, \ldots, n-1 \}$. Let
$S_{n,j+1}$ be the set of
$I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}} \to G$ which factor through the map
$\operatorname {id}_{I_{m+1}}^{\otimes {j+1}} \otimes \,l^{\otimes {n-j-1}} \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}} \to I_{m+1}^{\otimes {j+1}} \otimes I_m^{\otimes {n-j-1}}$ and are not contained in
$X_{n,j}$. We write an element of
$S_{n,j+1}$ as
$x(\operatorname {id}_{I_{m+1}}^{\otimes {j+1}} \otimes \,l^{\otimes {n-j-1}})$ for some
$x \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {j+1}} \otimes I_m^{\otimes {n-j-1}} \to G$. By construction,
$X_{n,j+1}$ contains all
$n$-cubes of
$S_{n,j+1}$ as such an
$x(\operatorname {id}_{I_{m+1}}^{\otimes {j+1}} \otimes \,l^{\otimes {n-j-1}})$ is the
$\partial ^{}_{n+1,1}$-face of
$x\bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,j}$ (which is contained in
$X_{n,j+1}$ by construction). This gives a map

For each $x(\operatorname {id}_{I_{m+1}}^{\otimes {j+1}} \otimes \,l^{\otimes {n-j-1}}) \in S_{n,j+1}$, the restriction of the map
$x\bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,j}$ to the open box
$\mathord {\sqcap ^{n+1}_{n+1,1}}$ factors through
$X_{n,j}$ by Lemma 4.10:

As $x(\operatorname {id}_{I_{m+1}}^{\otimes {j+1}} \otimes \,l^{\otimes {n-j-1}})$ is not in
$X_{n,j}$, the (
$x\bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,j}$ is also not in
$X_{n,j}$ (as one of its faces is
$x(\operatorname {id}_{I_{m+1}}^{\otimes {j+1}} \otimes \,l^{\otimes {n-j-1}})$). The generating cubes of
$X_{n,j+1}$ which are not contained in
$X_{n,j}$ are exactly those of the form
$x\bar {\lambda }^{n}_{m,j}$ for some
$x \in S_{n,j+1}$. Thus, we may write
$X_{n,j+1}$ as the following pushout.

Thus, the map $X_{n,j} \to X_{n,j+1}$ is a pushout along a coproduct of open box inclusions.
We now show the map $X_{n,n} \to X_{n+1,1}$ is a pushout along a coproduct of open box inclusions. Let
$S_{n+1,1}$ be the set of
$(n+1)$-cubes which factor through the map
$\operatorname {id}_{I_{m+1}} \otimes \,l^{\otimes {n}} \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n+1}} \to I_{m+1} \otimes I_m^{\otimes {n}}$ and are not contained in
$X_{n,n}$. Similar to before, the generating cubes of
$X_{n+1,1}$ which are not contained in
$X_{n,n}$ are exactly those of the form
$x\bar {\lambda }^{n+1}_{m,0}$ for some
$x \in S_{n+1,1}$. Thus, Lemma 4.10 similarly shows that
$X_{n+1,1}$ may be written as the following pushout.

Thus, the map $X_{n,n} \to X_{n+1,1}$ is a pushout along a coproduct of open box inclusions.
From this, we conclude that the inclusion of the 1-nerve of a graph into its nerve is anodyne.
Corollary 4.13 The natural map $\mathrm {N}_{1}{G} \to \mathrm {N}{G}$ is anodyne.
Proof. By Proposition 3.5, $\mathrm {N}{G}$ is a transfinite composition of the maps
$c^* \colon \mathrm {N}_{m} G \to \mathrm {N}_{m+2} G$ for
$m > 0$. By Theorem 4.12, each
$c^*$ is anodyne. Thus, each component of the colimit cone
$\mathrm {N}_{m} \to \mathrm {N} G$ is anodyne.
This gives us our main theorem.
5. Consequences
Proof of the conjecture of Babson, Barcelo, de Longueville, and Laubenbacher
Using our main result, we obtain a proof of [Reference Babson, Barcelo, de Longueville and LaubenbacherBBdLL06, Theorem 5.2] which does not rely on the cubical approximation hypothesis [Reference Babson, Barcelo, de Longueville and LaubenbacherBBdLL06, Proposition 5.1].
Theorem 5.1 There is a natural group isomorphism $A_n(G, v) \cong \pi _n(\lvert \mathrm {N_{1}{G}}\rvert, v)$.
Proof. We have

Discrete homology of graphs
In this subsection, we prove the discrete Hurewicz theorem, relating discrete homotopy and homology groups. To do so, we begin with a quick review of cubical homology (cf. [Reference MasseyMas80, Reference Brown, Higgins and SiveraBHS11, Reference Barcelo, Greene, Jarrah and WelkerBGJW21]).
First, we recall the standard definition of homology (with integral coefficients) of a chain complex. A (bounded) chain complex (over $\mathbb {Z}$) consists of a collection
$\{ C_n \mid n \geq 0 \}$ of abelian groups and, for
$n \geq 1$, a group homomorphism
$\partial _{n} \colon C_n \to C_{n-1}$ such that
$\partial _{n-1} \partial _{n} = 0$. A map
$f \colon C \to D$ of chain complexes consists of maps
$f_n \colon C_n \to D_n$ for
$n \geq 0$ which make the respective squares commute. We write
$\mathsf {Ch}$ for the category of chain complexes. Define a functor
$H_* \colon \mathsf {Ch} \to \mathsf {Ab}^{{\mathbb {N}}}$ by taking a chain complex
$C$ to a sequence of homology groups given by

We refer to $H_nC$ as the
$n$th homology of
$C$ with integer coefficients. One verifies that a map of chain complexes
$C \to D$ induces maps
$H_n C \to H_n D$ between their
$n$th homologies.
Next, we explain how to construct a chain complex out of a cubical set via a construction analogous to the normalized complex in simplicial singular homology. We construct a functor $N \colon \mathsf {cSet}_* \to \mathsf {Ch}$ by

where $F_* X_n$ is the free abelian group on the pointed set
$X_n$ and
$D X_n$ is the subgroup of
$F_*X_n$ generated by degenerate cubes, i.e. those that lie in the image of a degeneracy or a connection
$X_{n-1} \to X_n$. The chain differentials
$\partial \colon (NX)_n \to (NX)_{n-1}$ are given by

Definition 5.2 The reduced cubical homology with integer coefficients functor is the functor $\widetilde {H}_* \colon \mathsf {cSet}_* \to \mathsf {Ab}^{{\mathbb {N}}}$ given by the composite

We contrast the definition of reduced homology with that of unreduced homology, which is defined on the category of non-pointed cubical sets by using non-pointed free abelian groups.
Unlike in the construction of simplicial homology, we are forced to take the quotient of $F_* X_\bullet$ by the subcomplex of cubes in the image of a degeneracy map. We do, however, have flexibility regarding whether or not to quotient by the subcomplex of cubes in the image of a connection map, as the two complexes are quasi-isomorphic [Reference Barcelo, Greene, Jarrah and WelkerBGJW21, Corollary 3.10].
Definition 5.3 (cf. [Reference Barcelo, Capraro and WhiteBCW14, § 2])
The reduced discrete homology functor $\widetilde {DH}_* \colon \mathsf {Graph}_* \to \mathsf {Ab}^{{\mathbb {N}}}$ is the composite of functors

By the homotopy invariance of cubical homology [Reference Carranza, Kapulkin and TonksCKT23, Theorem 3.11], we have the following fact.
Proposition 5.4 Let $f \colon (X,x) \to (Y,y)$ be a pointed cubical map. If
$f$ is a weak equivalence then
$H_*f \colon H_*(X,x) \to H_*(Y,y)$ is an isomorphism of graded abelian groups.
From this, we deduce that the discrete homology of a graph is the same as the cubical homology of its nerve.
Corollary 5.5 For a pointed graph $(G, v)$, the natural map
$\mathrm {N}_{1}{G} \to \mathrm {N}{G}$ induces an isomorphism

of graded abelian groups.
For any pointed Kan complex $(X, x)$, using the unit of the adjunction

between pointed cubical sets and cubical abelian groups, we may construct a natural map $\pi _n(X, x) \to \widetilde {H}_*(X, x)$, since
$\pi _n(U_*F_* (X, x)) \cong \widetilde {H}_n(X, x)$ by [Reference Carranza, Kapulkin and TonksCKT23, Theorem 4.11]. This is the Hurewicz homomorphism; cf. [Reference Carranza, Kapulkin and TonksCKT23, Definition 4.14].
We then have the classical theorem of Hurewicz, phrased in the language of cubical sets.
Theorem 5.6 [Reference Carranza, Kapulkin and TonksCKT23, Theorem 4.16]
Let $n \geq 2$ and
$(X,x)$ be a pointed connected Kan complex. Suppose
$\pi _i (X,x) = 0$ for all
$i \in \{ 1, \ldots, n-1 \}$, i.e.
$X$ is
$n$-connected. Then the Hurewicz homomorphism
$\pi _n (X,x) \to \widetilde {H}_n (X,x)$ is an isomorphism.
Definition 5.7 For any pointed connected graph $(G,v)$ and
$n \geq 2$, we therefore obtain the discrete Hurewicz homomorphism
$A_n(G, v) \to \widetilde {DH}_n (G, v)$ as the composite

One may verify that this map recovers the homomorphism defined in [Reference LutzLut21, § 5.2]. We then have the expected discrete analogue of the Hurewicz theorem.
Theorem 5.8 (Discrete Hurewicz theorem)
Let $n \geq 2$ and
$(G,v)$ be a pointed connected graph. Suppose
$A_i (G,v) = 0$ for all
$i \in \{ 1, \ldots, n-1 \}$. Then the induced Hurewicz map
$A_n (G,v) \to \widetilde {DH}_n (G, v)$ is an isomorphism.
Proof. This is an immediate consequence of the definition of the discrete Hurewicz homomorphism and Theorem 5.6.
Fibration category of graphs
Via Theorem 4.1, we may view the nerve functor as a functor $\mathrm {N} \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {Kan}$ taking values in Kan complexes. From this, we induce a fibration category structure on the category of graphs.
Theorem 5.9 The category $\mathsf {Graph}$ of graphs and graph maps carries a fibration category structure where:
– the weak equivalences are the weak homotopy equivalences, i.e. maps
$f \colon G \to H$ such that, for all
$v \in G$ and
$n \geq 0$, the map
$A_n f \colon A_n(G, v) \to A_n (H, f(v))$ is an isomorphism;
– the fibrations are maps
$f \colon G \to H$ which are sent to fibrations
$\mathrm {N} f \colon \mathrm {N} G \to \mathrm {N} H$ under the nerve functor
$\mathrm {N} \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {cSet}$.
Before proving this, we consider factorization of the diagonal map separately. Recall that, for any graph $G$, we have a commutative triangle

where $G \hookrightarrow PG$ sends a vertex
$v$ to the constant path on
Lemma 5.10 For any graph $G$, applying
$\mathrm {N} \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {cSet}$ to the diagram

gives a factorization of the diagonal map $\mathrm {N} G \to \mathrm {N} G \times \mathrm {N} G$ as a weak equivalence followed by a fibration.
Proof. Applying naturality of the isomorphism in Proposition 3.10 to the maps $\mathord {\square ^{1}} \to \mathord {\square ^{0}}$ and
$\partial \mathord {\square ^{1}} \to \mathord {\square ^{1}}$ gives that the diagram

commutes. Our earlier paper [Reference Carranza and KapulkinCK23, Proposition 2.22] shows that the bottom composite provides a factorization of the diagonal map into a weak equivalence followed by a fibration. Thus, the top left map is a weak equivalence and the top right map is a fibration.
Proof Proof of Theorem 5.9
Both the two-out-of-six property for weak equivalences and closure of acyclic fibrations under isomorphisms follow from Theorem 2.10. Pullbacks exist as $\mathsf {Graph}$ is complete; they preserve (acyclic) fibrations by Proposition 3.8. Theorem 4.1 shows that the nerve of every graph is a Kan complex. Factorization of the diagonal map is shown in Lemma 5.10, and this gives the factorization of an arbitrary map via [Reference BrownBro73, Factorization lemma].
The following proposition gives a useful criterion for verifying whether a map is a fibration.
Proposition 5.11 A graph map $f \colon G \to H$ is a fibration if and only if, for any commutative square

there exist $k \geq 0$ and a lift
$I_{m + 2k}^{\otimes {n}} \to G$ of the following square.

Proof. The map $f$ is a fibration if and only if any commutative square

admits a lift. As $\mathrm {N}$ is a sequential colimit, every such square and lift (if it exists) factors as

for some $m \geq 1$ and
$k \geq 0$. The left two squares in this diagram correspond to a diagram

in $\mathsf {Graph}$ by the realization-nerve adjunction.
By definition, the nerve functor $\mathrm {N} \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {cSet}$ reflects (and preserves) fibrations. We show that it reflects weak equivalences as well.
Proposition 5.12 The nerve functor $\mathrm {N} \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {cSet}$ reflects weak equivalences. That is, given a map
$f \colon G \to H$, if
$\mathrm {N} f \colon \mathrm {N} G \to \mathrm {N} H$ is a weak equivalence then
$f$ is a weak equivalence.
Proof. This follows from Theorem 4.6 and [Reference Carranza and KapulkinCK23, Theorem 4.7].
As the nerve functor preserves finite limits, it is straightforward to show it is exact.
Proposition 5.13 The nerve functor $\mathrm {N} \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {cSet}$ is exact.
Proof. The nerve functor preserves fibrations and acyclic fibrations by definition and by Proposition 5.12, respectively. Proposition 3.8 shows that it preserves all finite limits.
A consequence of Proposition 5.13 is that fibration sequences induce a long exact sequence of homotopy groups.
Theorem 5.14 Let $f \colon (G, v) \to (H, w)$ be a fibration between pointed graphs and
$(F, v)$ be the fiber of
$f$ over
$w$, i.e. the pullback

in $\mathsf {Graph}_*$. Then, there is a long exact sequence

Proof. By Proposition 5.13, the map $\mathrm {N} f \colon (\mathrm {N} G, v) \to (\mathrm {N} H, w)$ is a fibration and its fiber is naturally isomorphic to
$(\mathrm {N} F, v)$. The result then follows by applying [Reference Carranza and KapulkinCK23, Corollary 4.6] and Theorem 4.6.
There are two large classes of examples of fibrations: fiber bundles and $m$-fibrations.
Definition 5.15 (Babson)
For $m \geq 1$, a graph map
$f \colon G \to H$ is an
$m$-fiber bundle with fiber
$F$ if, for any
$u \colon I_1^{\otimes {n}} \to H$, the left map in the pullback diagram

is a product projection $I_1^{\otimes {n}} \times F \to I_1^{\otimes {n}}$ from the categorical product of
$I_1^{\otimes {n}}$ and
Definition 5.16 A fiber bundle $G \to H$ is trivial if it is a product projection
$H \times F \to H$.
Proposition 5.17 Any pullback of an $m$-fiber bundle is an
$m$-fiber bundle.
Proof. This follows from the two-pullback lemma.
Proposition 5.18 For $m \geq 1$, every
$(m+1)$-fiber bundle is an
$m$-fiber bundle.
Proof. Fix an $(m+1)$-fiber bundle
$f \colon G \to H$ and a map
$u \colon I_m^{\otimes {n}} \to H$. The map
$l^{\otimes {n}} \colon I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}} \to I_m^{\otimes {n}}$ admits a section
$i \colon I_m^{\otimes {n}} \to I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}}$. By assumption, the left map in the pullback diagram

is a product projection $I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}} \times F \to I_{m+1}^{\otimes {n}}$. As the right map in the pullback square

is a product projection, the left map is as well. Thus, the outer square in

is a pullback whose left map is a product projection.
Recall that a graph $G$ is a retract of a graph
$H$ if there is an inclusion
$i \colon G \hookrightarrow H$ with a retraction
$r \colon H \to G$, i.e.
$ri = \operatorname {id}$.
Lemma 5.19 If $H$ is a retract of
$I_1^{\otimes {n}}$ for some
$n \geq 0$ then any
$1$-fiber bundle
$G \to H$ is trivial.
Proof. As $H$ is a retract of
$I_1^{\otimes {n}}$, we fix an inclusion
$i \colon H \hookrightarrow I_1^{\otimes {n}}$ and retraction
$r \colon I_1^{\otimes {n}} \to H$. Given a fiber bundle
$f \colon G \to H$, the left map in the pullback diagram

is a product projection. By universal property of the pullback, the outer square in

induces a map $G \to F \times I_1^{\otimes {n}}$. By the two-pullback lemma, the left square in

is a pullback. Therefore, the outer square in

is a pullback, which proves that $G$ is a product of
$H$ and
$F$, and
$f$ is the projection onto the first component.
Theorem 5.20 For any $m \geq 1$, a
$1$-fiber bundle is an
$m$-fiber bundle.
Proof. Fix a $1$-fiber bundle
$f \colon G \to H$ and a map
$u \colon I_m^{\otimes {n}} \to H$. By Proposition 5.17, the left map in the pullback diagram

is a $1$-fiber bundle. By Lemma 5.19, it suffices to show
$I_m^{\otimes {n}}$ is a retract of
$I_1^{\otimes {k}}$ for some
$k \geq 0$.
Define an embedding $i \colon I_m \hookrightarrow I_1^{\otimes {m}}$ by sending a vertex
$k \in I_m$ to the tuple
$(x_1, \ldots, x_m)$ where
$x_i = 1$ if
$i \leq k$ and
$x_i = 0$ if
$i > k$. This map has a retraction
$r \colon I_1^{\otimes {m}} \to I_m$ which sends a tuple
$(x_1, \ldots, x_n)$ to its sum
$\sum _{i=1}^{n} x_i$. Thus, the map
$i^{\otimes {n}} \colon I_m^{\otimes {n}} \to I_1^{\otimes {mn}}$ has a retraction
$r^{\otimes {n}} \colon I_1^{\otimes {mn}} \to I_m^{\otimes {n}}$.
In particular, if $f \colon X \to Y$ is an
$m$-fiber bundle for some
$m \geq 1$ then it is a fiber bundle for all
$m \geq 1$. In the remainder of this section, we refer to such an
$f$ as simply a fiber bundle.
Theorem 5.21 Every fiber bundle is a fibration.
Proof. Fix a fiber bundle $f \colon G \to H$. We apply Proposition 5.11 and consider a lifting problem

Taking a pullback of the right and bottom map gives a factorization of this square as

The middle map is a fibration since it is a product projection. Hence, there exists $k \geq 0$ such that the outer square in

admits a lift. Post-composing this lift with the map $I_1^{\otimes {n}} \times F \to G$ gives a lift of the outer square in

Corollary 5.22 A pointed fiber bundle $f \colon (G, v) \to (H, w)$ with fiber
$(F, v)$ induces a long exact sequence

of A-homotopy groups.
The second class of maps which are fibrations is the class of $m$-fibrations.
Definition 5.23 For $m \geq 1$, a graph map
$f \colon G \to H$ is an
$m$-fibration if
$\mathrm {N}_{m} f \colon \mathrm {N}_{m} G \to \mathrm {N}_{m} H$ is a Kan fibration.
Proposition 5.24 Let $m, k \geq 1$.
(i) The inclusion
$\{ 0, km \} \to I_{km}$ is in the saturation of
$\{ \varnothing \to I_0, \{ 0, m \} \to I_m \}$.
(ii) For
$\varepsilon = 0, 1$, the end-point inclusion
$\{ \varepsilon km \} \to I_{km}$ is in the saturation of
$\{ \{ \varepsilon m \} \to I_{m} \}$.
(iii) The inclusion
$\partial I_{km}^{\otimes {n}} \to I_{km}^{\otimes {n}}$ is in the saturation of
$\{ \partial I_m^{\otimes {j}} \to I_m^{\otimes {j}} \mid j \leq n \}$.
(iv) The inclusion
$\lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon }} \rvert _{km} \to I_{km}^{\otimes {n}}$ is in the saturation of
$\{ \lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{j}_{i,\varepsilon }} \rvert _{m} \to I_{km}^{\otimes {j}} \mid j \leq n \}$.
Proof. (i) By induction, if $\partial I_{km} \to I_m$ lies in the saturation then the bottom map in the pushout

is in the saturation as a pushout of the coproduct of maps in the saturation, where $[f, g]$ is defined by

The inclusion $\{ 0, (k+1)m \} \to \{ 0, km, (k+1)m \}$ is a pushout along
$\varnothing \to I_0$, thus the composite
$\{ 0, (k+1)m \} \to I_{(k+1)m}$ lies in the saturation.
(ii) By induction, if $\{ \varepsilon m \} \to I_{km}$ lies in the saturation then the bottom map in the pushout

lies in the saturation. Pre-composing with the end-point inclusion $\{ \varepsilon m \} \to I_m$ gives the endpoint inclusion
$\{ \varepsilon (k+1)m \} \to I_{(k+1)m}$.
(iii) The inclusion $\partial I_{km}^{\otimes {n}} \to I_{km}^{\otimes {n}}$ may be written as a pushout product

Noting the equality

this follows from (i) by [Reference Hovey, Shipley and SmithHSS00, Proposition 5.3.4].
(iv) The inclusion $\lvert \mathord {\sqcap ^{n}_{i,\varepsilon }} \rvert _{km} \to I_{km}^{\otimes {n}}$ may be written as a pushout product

Noting the equality

this follows from (i) and (ii) by [Reference Hovey, Shipley and SmithHSS00, Proposition 5.3.4].
Theorem 5.25 Let $k, m \geq 1$. Every
$m$-fibration is both a
$km$-fibration and a fibration.
Proof. Let $f \colon G \to H$ be an
$m$-fibration. We have that
$f$ is a
$km$-fibration by Proposition 5.24. To see
$f$ is a fibration, we apply Proposition 5.11. For a commutative square

let $k \geq 0$ be the smallest non-negative integer such that
$t + k$ is a multiple of
$m$. As
$f$ is a
$(t+k)$-fibration, the required lift exists.
Proposition 5.13 also shows that the nerve functor preserves loop spaces.
Proposition 5.26 The square

commutes up to natural isomorphism.
Proof. Fix a pointed graph $(G,v)$. By Proposition 1.22, the square

is a pullback. Proposition 3.8 shows that the nerve functor preserves this pullback, thus the square

is a pullback. Proposition 3.8 also shows the nerve preserves products and the terminal object. Lemma 5.10 implies that $\mathrm {N}(PG) \cong \operatorname {hom}_{R}(\mathord {\square ^{1}}, \mathrm {N} G)$, hence the square

is a pullback. That is, $\mathrm {N} (\Omega (G,v)) \cong \Omega (\mathrm {N} G, v)$.
By Proposition 2.9, the category $\mathsf {Graph}_*$ of pointed graphs has a fibration category structure as well. Thus, the loop graph functor
$\Omega \colon \mathsf {Graph}_* \to \mathsf {Graph}_*$ is a functor between fibration categories.
Theorem 5.27 The loop graph functor $\Omega \colon \mathsf {Graph}_* \to \mathsf {Graph}_*$ is exact.
Proof. By Proposition 5.13, Theorem 2.27, the composite $\Omega (\mathrm {N} \mathord {- }, \mathord {- }) \colon \mathsf {Graph}_* \to \mathsf {cSet}_*$ is exact. Applying Proposition 5.26, this gives that the composite
$\mathrm {N}(\Omega (\mathord {- }, \mathord {- })) \colon \mathsf {Graph}_* \to \mathsf {cSet}_*$ is exact. The nerve functor reflects fibrations and acyclic fibrations as, by definition, it creates them. It reflects finite limits by Corollary 3.13. From this, it follows that
$\Omega \colon \mathsf {Graph}_* \to \mathsf {Graph}_*$ preserves fibrations, acyclic fibrations, and finite limits.
Cubical enrichment of the category of graphs
Recall (e.g. from [Reference RiehlRie14, Definition 3.4.1]) that a functor $F \colon \mathscr {C} \to \mathscr {D}$ between monoidal categories
$(\mathscr {C}, \otimes _\mathscr {C}, I_\mathscr {C})$ and
$(\mathscr {D}, \otimes _\mathscr {D}, I_\mathscr {D})$ is lax monoidal if there exist natural transformations

subject to the associativity and unitality conditions, which we omit here.
Lemma 5.28
(i) For
$m \geq 1$, the functor
$\mathrm {N}_{m} \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {cSet}$ is lax monoidal.
(ii) The functor
$\mathrm {N} \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {cSet}$ is lax monoidal.
Proof. By Proposition 3.6, the functors $\lvert {- } \rvert _{m} \colon \mathsf {cSet} \to \mathsf {Graph}$ are strong monoidal, and hence, in particular, oplax monoidal. Thus, their right adjoints
$\mathrm {N}_{m} \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {cSet}$ are lax monoidal, proving (i).
Clearly, $\mathrm {N} I_0 \mathrel {\cong } \mathord {\square ^{0}}$. As the geometric product preserves colimits in each variable and colimits commute with colimits, the cubical set
$\mathrm {N} G \otimes \mathrm {N} H$ (for graphs
$G$ and
$H$) is the colimit of the following diagram.

Computing this colimit componentwise in $\mathsf {Set}$, one verifies that the colimit of the diagonal

computes the same cubical set. As $\mathrm {N} (G \otimes H)$ is the colimit

the lax monoidal maps $\mathrm {N}_{m} G \otimes \mathrm {N}_{m} H \to \mathrm {N}_{m} (G \otimes H)$ induce a map on colimits
$\mathrm {N} G \otimes \mathrm {N} H \to \mathrm {N} (G \otimes H)$ which satisfies the required associativity and unitality conditions.
Remark 5.29 An alternative proof of (ii) can be given using [Reference Doherty, Kapulkin, Lindsey and SattlerDKLS24, Proposition 1.24], which gives an explicit description of the geometric product of cubical sets. Explicitly, the $n$-cubes of
$\mathrm {N} G \otimes \mathrm {N} H$ are in bijective correspondence with pairs of cubes

where $k+l = n$. By definition of
$\mathrm {N}$, each such pair corresponds in turn to pair of maps

that stabilize in all directions. Taking products of these maps, we obtain a map $I_\infty ^{\otimes {n}} \to G \otimes H$ that stabilizes in all directions.
Corollary 5.30 The nerve functor $\mathrm {N} \colon \mathsf {Graph} \to \mathsf {cSet}$ preserves homotopy equivalences.
We describe the notion of enriched categories informally, with a reference to [Reference RiehlRie14, Definition 3.3.1] in lieu of a fully formal statement.
Definition 5.31 For a monoidal category $(\mathscr {V}, \otimes, 1)$, a
$(\mathscr {V}, \otimes, I)$-enriched category
$\mathscr {C}$ consists of
– a class of objects
$\operatorname {ob}\mathscr {C}$;
– for
$X, Y \in \operatorname {ob}\mathscr {C}$, a morphism object
$\mathscr {C}(X, Y) \in \mathscr {V}$;
– for
$X, Y, Z \in \operatorname {ob}\mathscr {C}$, a composition morphism
$\circ \colon \mathscr {C}(Y, Z) \otimes \mathscr {C}(X, Y) \to \mathscr {C}(X, Z)$ in
$\mathscr {V}$;
– for
$X \in \operatorname {ob}\mathscr {C}$, an identity morphism
$1 \to \mathscr {C}(X, X)$ in
$\mathscr {V}$,
subject to appropriate associativity and unitality axioms (cf. [Reference RiehlRie14, Definition 3.3.1]).
Example 5.32 Any locally small category is a $(\mathsf {Set}, \times, \{ \ast \})$-enriched category, where the objects, morphism sets, composition function, and identity morphisms are as usually defined.
Example 5.33 Any closed monoidal category is enriched over itself. In particular, $\mathsf {Graph}_{\mathsf {G}}$ is a
$(\mathsf {Graph}, \otimes, I_0)$-enriched category where:
$\operatorname {ob}\mathsf {Graph}_{\mathsf {G}}$ is the collection of all graphs;
– for graphs
$G, H$, the morphism graph is
$\operatorname {hom}^{\otimes }(G, H)$;
– for graphs
$G, H, J$, the composition morphism is the graph map given by composition of graph maps regarded as vertices,
\begin{align*} \operatorname{hom}^{\otimes}(H, J) \otimes \operatorname{hom}^{\otimes}(G, H) \to \operatorname{hom}^{\otimes}(G, J); \end{align*}
– the identity morphism is the identity map on
$G$ as a vertex
$\operatorname {id}_{G} \colon I_0 \to \operatorname {hom}^{\otimes }(G, G)$.
Example 5.34 Since enrichment can be transferred along lax monoidal functors [Reference RiehlRie14, Lemma 3.4.3], Lemma 5.28 implies there is a $(\mathsf {cSet}, \otimes, \mathord {\square ^{0}})$-enriched category
$\mathsf {Graph}_{\mathord {\square }}$ of graphs where
$\mathrm {N}(\operatorname {hom}^{\otimes }(G, H))$ is the morphism cubical set. Composition and identity morphisms are defined analogously.
Definition 5.35 A $(\mathsf {cSet}, \otimes, \mathord {\square ^{0}})$-enriched category
$\mathscr {C}$ is locally Kan if, for all
$X, Y \in \operatorname {ob}\mathscr {C}$, the cubical set
$\mathscr {C}(X, Y)$ is a Kan complex.
Theorem 5.36 The $(\mathsf {cSet}, \otimes, \mathord {\square ^{0}})$-enriched category
$\mathsf {Graph}_{\mathord {\square }}$ of graphs is locally Kan.
Proof. This follows from Theorem 4.1.
By the results of [Reference Kapulkin and VoevodskyKV20], we have established a presentation of the $(\infty, 1)$-category of graphs (localized at
$A$-homotopy equivalences). In subsequent work, we use this presentation to show that A-homotopy equivalences are not part of a model structure on the category of graphs, as well as to study homotopy limits in discrete homotopy theory.
We thank Bob Lutz for comments on an earlier draft of this paper and for the beautiful talks on discrete homotopy theory (at MSRI in Spring 2020 and at Western University in Fall 2020) that got us interested in this area. We are also very grateful to Yeonjoon Choi, Udit Mavinkurve, and Mohabat Tarkeshian, members of an informal seminar on discrete homotopy theory that we organized in Spring 2021. In particular, Choi was the first to observe Lemma 5.28. Finally, we would like to thank Eric Babson for suggesting to us the notion of a fiber bundle (cf. Definition 5.15).
Conflicts of interest
Financial support
During the work on this paper, the first author was partially supported by an NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award and the second author was partially supported by an NSERC Discovery Grant. We thank NSERC for its generosity.
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Compositio Mathematica is owned by the Foundation Compositio Mathematica and published by the London Mathematical Society in partnership with Cambridge University Press. All surplus income from the publication of Compositio Mathematica is returned to mathematics and higher education through the charitable activities of the Foundation, the London Mathematical Society and Cambridge University Press.