Published online by Cambridge University Press: 16 June 2020
$v \ne 0$
be a vector in
${\mathbb {R}}^n$
. Consider the Laplacian on
${\mathbb {R}}^n$
with drift
$\Delta _{v} = \Delta + 2v\cdot \nabla $
and the measure
$d\mu (x) = e^{2 \langle v, x \rangle } dx$
, with respect to which
$\Delta _{v}$
is self-adjoint. This measure has exponential growth with respect to the Euclidean distance. We study weak type
$(1, 1)$
and other sharp endpoint estimates for the Riesz transforms of any order, and also for the vertical and horizontal Littlewood–Paley–Stein functions associated with the heat and the Poisson semigroups.
H.-Q. Li is partially supported by NSF of China (Grants No. 11625102 and No. 11571077) and The Program of Shanghai Academic Research Leader (18XD1400700). Both authors profited from a grant from the Gothenburg Centre for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology.