In his article, “ The Manuscripts Collected by William Marsden, with special reference to two copies of Almeida's History of Ethiopia,”1 Sir Denison Ross gives a description of MS. 11966, formerly in King's College, now in the School of Oriental Studies. The bulky volume contains four different works:—
1. The final version of Fr. Manoel d'Almeida's History of Ethiopia.
2. Appendix I, containing a refutation of the chief errors in Urreta's “ Historia ecclesiastica de la Ethiopia ”, Valencia, 1610.
3. Appendix II, containing another refutation by the Patriarch D. Affonso Mendez S.J., under the title: “ Informação em que se mostra, em que tempo se pregou o evangelho em Thiopia e começou a vida monastica, e quaes forão seus instituidores e pregadores.”
4. Appendix III (f. 80r–94v), a treatise about the means of opening Ethiopia to the Gospel, bearing the title, “ Informação succinta sobre a reducção do Imperio Abexino pera Sua Alteza vêr e seus Ministros.” The last date mentioned in this last third Appendix is 1669. About its author Sir Denison Ross writes: “ The authorship of Appendix III remains a mystery, but it is obviously the work of a man intimately acquainted with Ethiopia and with recent happenings in and around the Red Sea.” 2