Published online by Cambridge University Press: 17 April 2009
C.C. Chen and G. Grätzer have shown that a Stone lattice is determined by a triple (C, D, ø) where C is a boolean algebra, D is a distributive lattice with 1 and ø is an e-homomorphism from C into D(D), the lattice of dual ideals of D.
It is shown here that any Stone lattice is, up to an isomorphism, a subdirect product of its centre C(L) and a special Stone lattice M(L). Special Stone lattices are characterised, in the terminology of the Chen-Grätzer triple, by the fact that the e-homomorphism Φ is one to one.
In this paper we characterise a special Stone lattice L as a triple (H, C, Do) where H is a distributive lattice with 0 and 1, C is a boolean e-subalgebra of the centre of H and Do is a sublattice of H with o such that d ∈ Do & c ∈ C = d ∧ c ∈ Do, and which separates the elements of C in the sense that for any c1 ≠c2 in C there is a d in Do with d ≤ c1 but d ≰ C2. It then turns out that C is C(L) and Do is the dual of D(L).