Towards the end of June appeared a little work entitled Some Notes on the Petrine Claims by Friedrich von Hügel. An intimate friend of von Hügel’s was, apparently, thinking of becoming a Catholic, and had received from a High Anglican a letter containing ‘a reasoned attack on the Roman position.’ Von Hügel set down these notes in answer to this attack. Though written in 1893, they had not hitherto been published. A warm welcome has been given to the book in the Catholic press. In the July Month Fr. Vassall-Phillips, in the course of a long notice, writes : ‘The publication of such an answer from such a pen, coming, after so many years, from beyond the tomb, constitutes an event of outstanding religious importance.’ A reviewer in the July Blackfriars expresses himself thus : ‘Friedrich von Hügel the resolute thinker, is in every line of this precious little book ... . It is to be hoped that in the circles where Friedrich von Hügel is honoured almost as a prophet this little masterpiece of the prophet may direct tired eyes and feet towards the consolations of the Rock,’