It is now a year since the Wigan House of Hospitality started its work. In that time we have made many mistakes, and have learnt much. In this report we are attempting to give some idea of the work, the difficulties, the needs, and the spirit.
Houses of Hospitality, though bearing much resemblance to other expressions of the Church’s care to apply the Corporal Works of Mercy, are something peculiar to our times, and work in a way which, though modern, is nevertheless the essential Christian way.
The first House of Hospitality was opened in New York, and there are now several in various towns of the United States. In Canada there are several more under the name of Friendship Houses. This Wigan House is the first in England, and is inspired by the New York one.
The spirit is that of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew, Chapters v, vi, and vii). It is an attempt to accept the face meaning of the words of Christ and to have Faith in His promises.