AimsPhysical activity, sleep, mental health, physical health, well-being, quality of life, cognition, and functioning are interconnected factors. Compared to general population average, people experiencing psychosis have lower levels of physical activity, high levels of sedation, and more sleep problems (Soundy et al. 2013; Vancampfort et al. 2015). This is linked to symptoms of depression, lower well-being, hopelessness, lower quality of life and physical health conditions, such as: cardiovascular disease (CVD), stroke, hypertension, osteoarthritis, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (Rhodes et al. 2017; Schuch et al. 2017). Engaging in physical activity is associated with improved quality of life, psychotic symptomatology, cognition, functioning and physical health for people with psychosis experience (Mittal et al. 2017). To be effective, interventions need to be individualised (Griffiths et al. 2021). An early intervention in psychosis (EIP) service intervention was delivered: the provision of a Fitbit and its software apps, sleep hygiene and physical activity guidance, motivational interviewing, workbook goal setting through three sessions with a clinician. EIP service staff used Fitbits themselves, sharing experiences with patients. Aim was to improve sleep, physical activity, well-being, and prevent weight gain.
MethodsOutcome measure data collection from baseline to 6 week follow-up. Change in physical activity, sleep, mental health, well-being and physical weight were assessed in 50 participants, and fifteen participants were interviewed. People with lived experience of psychosis were part of the research team and contributed to design, analysis and reporting.
ResultsImprovements were found in physical activity, sleep, mental health, and well-being, and there was no weight gain. Most patients actively used the Fitbit and its software apps, guidance and workbook to set goals and to make positive changes to their lifestyle and daily routines to improve motivation, quality of sleep, and level of physical activity.
ConclusionHealthy effective sleep and physical activity/exercise is important to EIP service patients’ well-being and mental and physical health. EIP staff successfully and fully integrated the Well-Track intervention into routine service provision. The project has better allowed staff to effectively engage with and discuss issues around sleep, physical activity, well-being and mental health and reducing weight gain. The intervention was beneficial, relatively easy and low cost to implement, and well-liked by patients and staff; and therefore could be offered by all EIP services. EIP services should consider and assess sleep and physical activity/exercise issues and promote healthy effective sleep and physical activity/exercise within recovery focused practice.