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Submission of manuscripts

Electronic versions of papers may be submitted via

Submission of a paper is taken to imply that it is unpublished and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.

Papers should be concise and factual, taking proper account of previous relevant literature; opinions expressed should be based on adequate evidence. Whilst there is no formal restriction on length, authors planning to submit a paper which is likely to exceed 7,000 words (the word count is inclusive of all parts of the manuscript, including the title page, abstract, references, table and figure legends, but excluding files uploaded as Supplementary Materials) should discuss the work with the Editor at an early stage in its preparation.

BCI supports on-line supplementary materials on the journal webpages. Wherever possible lengthy appendices and graphics, and other supplementary materials such as detailed methods, calculations, site-by-site bird lists, sound files and photographs should make use of this facility.

Titles of papers must be accurate and concise, and (for the benefit of abstraction services) include any relevant scientific (taxonomic) name; a running head is needed (the editors will provide this if authors do not). A full-length paper must include a proper summary. We welcome word-for-word translations of summaries where appropriate.

Papers should be double-spaced throughout, with positions of figures and tables indicated in the margin. We prefer MicrosoftWord or a compatible format. If in doubt please supply your paper in rich text format. and give details of the word processing software used. Line numbering is required for all manuscripts.

Guidelines for submitting figures can be found by accessing the Cambridge Core Artwork Guide here.