Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Begus, Katarina
Bonawitz, Elizabeth
The rhythm of learning: Theta oscillations as an index of active learning in infancy.
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience,
Vol. 45,
Issue. ,
Devine, Sean
Neumann, Cassandra
Otto, A. Ross
Bolenz, Florian
Reiter, Andrea
Eppinger, Ben
Seizing the opportunity: Lifespan differences in the effects of the opportunity cost of time on cognitive control.
Vol. 216,
Issue. ,
Wang, Jinjing (Jenny)
Bonawitz, Elizabeth
Children’s Sensitivity to Difficulty and Reward Probability When Deciding to Take on a Task.
Journal of Cognition and Development,
Vol. 24,
Issue. 3,
Lapidow, Elizabeth
Bonawitz, Elizabeth
What’s in the Box? Preschoolers Consider Ambiguity, Expected Value, and Information for Future Decisions in Explore-Exploit Tasks.
Open Mind,
Vol. 7,
Issue. ,
Macias, Carla
Persaud, Kimele
From silos to synergy: Integrating approaches to investigate the role of prior knowledge and expectations on episodic memory.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review,
Target article
Resource-rational analysis: Understanding human cognition as the optimal use of limited computational resources
Related commentaries (25)
Another claim for cognitive history
Beginning with biology: “Aspects of cognition” exist in the service of the brain's overall function as a resource-regulator
Can resources save rationality? “Anti-Bayesian” updating in cognition and perception
Cognitively bounded rational analyses and the crucial role of theories of subjective utility
Computational limits don't fully explain human cognitive limitations
Generalization of the resource-rationality principle to neural control of goal-directed movements
Heuristics and the naturalistic fallacy
Holistic resource-rational analysis
Multiple conceptions of resource rationality
Opportunities and challenges integrating resource-rational analysis with developmental perspectives
Opportunities for emotion and mental health research in the resource-rationality framework
Optimal, resource-rational or sub-optimal? Insights from cognitive development
Representing utility and deploying the body
Resource-rational analysis versus resource-rational humans
Resource-rationality and dynamic coupling of brains and social environments
Resource-rationality as a normative standard of human rationality
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Sampling as a resource-rational constraint
The biology of emotion is missing
The evolutionary foundations of resource-rational analysis
The importance of constraints on constraints
Towards a quantum-like cognitive architecture for decision-making
Uncovering cognitive constraints is the bottleneck in resource-rational analysis
What are the appropriate axioms of rationality for reasoning under uncertainty with resource-constrained systems?
What is the purpose of cognition?
Author response
Advancing rational analysis to the algorithmic level