Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Thibaut, Miguel
Tran, Thi‐ha‐chau
Szaffarczyk, Sebastien
Boucart, Muriel
Impact of age‐related macular degeneration on object searches in realistic panoramic scenes.
Clinical and Experimental Optometry,
Vol. 101,
Issue. 3,
Fenwick, Eva K
Man, Ryan EK
Aung, Tin
Ramulu, Pradeep
Lamoureux, Ecosse L
Beyond intraocular pressure: Optimizing patient-reported outcomes in glaucoma.
Progress in Retinal and Eye Research,
Vol. 76,
Issue. ,
Thibaut, Miguel
Boucart, Muriel
Tran, Thi Ha Chau
Object search in neovascular age‐related macular degeneration: the crowding effect.
Clinical and Experimental Optometry,
Vol. 103,
Issue. 5,
Jones, Pete R
Tigchelaar, Iris
Demaria, Giorgia
Wilson, Iain
Bi, Wei
Taylor, Deanna J
Crabb, David P
Refinement and preliminary evaluation of two tablet‐based tests of real‐world visual function.
Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics,
Vol. 40,
Issue. 1,
Caldani, Simona
Chatard, Hortense
Wiener-Vacher, Sylvette
Bucci, Maria Pia
Visual searching capabilities in Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) subjects.
Applied Neuropsychology: Adult,
Vol. 28,
Issue. 5,
Addleman, Douglas A.
Lee, Vanessa G.
Simulated central vision loss does not impair implicit location probability learning when participants search through simple displays.
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics,
Vol. 84,
Issue. 6,
Target article
The impending demise of the item in visual search
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Analysing real-world visual search tasks helps explain what the functional visual field is, and what its neural mechanisms are
Chances and challenges for an active visual search perspective
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Oh, the number of things you will process (in parallel)!
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Those pernicious items
Until the demise of the functional field of view
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Author response
On the brink: The demise of the item in visual search moves closer