ASTIN Bulletin authors should consult the preparing your materials page and submit using the ASTIN Bulletin ScholarOne site.
Society Affiliation
ASTIN Bulletin is published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the International Actuarial Association.
Aims and scope
ASTIN Bulletin publishes papers that are relevant to any branch of actuarial science and insurance mathematics. Its papers are quantitative and scientific in nature, and draw on theory and methods developed in any branch of the mathematical sciences including actuarial mathematics, statistics, probability, financial mathematics and econometrics.
The journal welcomes papers that present significant and original theoretical developments and papers that present significant and original applications of mathematical, statistical or econometric theory to problems arising in insurance, pensions and finance. We especially welcome papers opening up new areas of interest to the international actuarial profession as well as papers that describe open problems that have arisen in practice.
Papers for possible publication in ASTIN Bulletin should be submitted online via its Manuscript Central site.
Article types
ASTIN Bulletin publishes:
- Original research articles*
- Book reviews
* For the purposes of Gold Open Access funding, this journal considers these article types to be research articles. If publishing Gold OA, all or part of the publication costs for these article types may be covered by one of the agreements Cambridge University Press has made to support open access.
Review process
Articles follow single-blind peer review model. This means that the identity of the authors is known to the peer reviewers, but the identity of the peer reviewers is not known to the authors. The editors aim to complete the refereeing of a submission in around three months.