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Publication process after acceptance

Funding open access

Multiple funding routes are available for Gold Open Access articles. Please see this journal's open access options for details.


Once an article has been accepted, the process of copyediting, proofing, typesetting and publishing the article will begin.

Your point of contact will be the content manager of the journal. For more information about how production works, please see our information on publishing an accepted paper, which explains how an article goes from accepted manuscript to fully published. There may be small differences between journals with this process. You can also check our Journal Production FAQs.


Authors will receive a proof of their article as a PDF file. Please note that only typographical or factual errors may be corrected at proof stage. Antiquity reserves the right to charge authors for the correction of non-typographical errors.

Post-publication corrections

Corrections to published content may be issued as either a corrigendum (an author error) or as an erratum (a production error). We are only able to correct errors that affect the published content in a significant way. We will not issue corrections to amend typos, spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, or any other small errors, unless they alter the meaning of an article, review or associated online supplementary materials. Corrections will only be made within 12 months of the original publication; after 12 months has elapsed, corrections will only be considered in exceptional circumstances and published at the Editor's discretion.

When proofs are issued, authors are specifically requested to check the following information:
• Author names are in the correct order and correctly spelt.
• Accuracy and spelling of any binomial nomenclature.
• The supplied Location Map (if applicable) is correct.
• Funding information (including the names of funders and institutions, and grant codes) is present and accurate.
• Figures and figure captions are correct and appear in the appropriate order, and that permission has been granted to reproduce any images attributed to third parties.

No corrections will be issued in reference to the above information after publication.

We will publish an addendum, or additional material, only in exceptional circumstances and at the invitation of the Editor. We are unable to publish an addendum for new data or for changes in interpretation following the original publication.

Online publication and FirstView

Antiquity uses the FirstView system to publish articles online ahead of the print edition. Once published online no further revisions may be made. Articles published online may be cited by their DOI prior to their assignment to an issue. Articles may not be published in print in the same order in which they appear online, but will be assigned to an appropriate issue
by the Editor.