Held, (1) that an alien who had resided in this country could be guilty of treason in respect of an act committed outside the realm; that the appellant while in the realm owed allegiance to the Crown; that by the receipt of the passport he extended the duty of allegiance beyond the moment when he left the shores of this country; and that so long as he held the passport he was, within the meaning of the statute of 1351, a person who, if he adhered to the King’s enemies in the realm or elsewhere, committed an act of treason; (2) that the Courts had jurisdiction to try the appellant: (3) that from the summing-up the jury could not have failed to appreciate that it was for them to consider whether the passport remained at all times in the possession of the appellant; (4) that as the appellant had admittedly adhered to the King’s enemies outside the realm he had been rightly convicted of treason.