4095 results in Texts in political thought
14 - On some objections to what was determined in the previous chapter, and their solutions; together with a confirmation of what was said in that same chapter
- from Discourse II
- Book:
- Marsilius of Padua: The Defender of the Peace
- Published online:
- 28 May 2018
- Print publication:
- 24 November 2005, pp 287-308
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1 - On three impediments or modes of opposition to the truths contained in this discourse; the bearing of the matters to be discussed; and the manner of proceeding
- from Discourse II
- Book:
- Marsilius of Padua: The Defender of the Peace
- Published online:
- 28 May 2018
- Print publication:
- 24 November 2005, pp 139-143
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22 - In what way the Roman bishop and his church may be head and principal of the rest; and on account of what authority this belongs to them
- from Discourse II
- Book:
- Marsilius of Padua: The Defender of the Peace
- Published online:
- 28 May 2018
- Print publication:
- 24 November 2005, pp 391-407
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- Book:
- Marsilius of Padua: The Defender of the Peace
- Published online:
- 28 May 2018
- Print publication:
- 24 November 2005, pp 570-575
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7 - A summary of what was said in the previous chapter, and a clarification and confirmation of it
- from Discourse II
- Book:
- Marsilius of Padua: The Defender of the Peace
- Published online:
- 28 May 2018
- Print publication:
- 24 November 2005, pp 208-212
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28 - On the replies to the said objections
- from Discourse II
- Book:
- Marsilius of Padua: The Defender of the Peace
- Published online:
- 28 May 2018
- Print publication:
- 24 November 2005, pp 483-519
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9 - On the relation of human acts to divine law and the judge of the other world, viz. Christ, and also on how they relate to the teacher of that law, the bishop or priest, in this world
- from Discourse II
- Book:
- Marsilius of Padua: The Defender of the Peace
- Published online:
- 28 May 2018
- Print publication:
- 24 November 2005, pp 221-231
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Notes on the references
- Book:
- Marsilius of Padua: The Defender of the Peace
- Published online:
- 28 May 2018
- Print publication:
- 24 November 2005, pp lii-lv
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19 - On a certain preliminary to determining the authority and primacy just-mentioned, viz. what spoken or written truth we must believe and confess of necessity of eternal salvation
- from Discourse II
- Book:
- Marsilius of Padua: The Defender of the Peace
- Published online:
- 28 May 2018
- Print publication:
- 24 November 2005, pp 360-366
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6 - On the authority of the priestly keys, and what power of excommunication a priest or bishop may have
- from Discourse II
- Book:
- Marsilius of Padua: The Defender of the Peace
- Published online:
- 28 May 2018
- Print publication:
- 24 November 2005, pp 193-207
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19 - On the productive causes of tranquillity or intranquillity in a city or realm, and the cause that singularly disturbs realms beyond the usual ways; and on the continuity between the first discourse and the second
- from Discourse I
- Book:
- Marsilius of Padua: The Defender of the Peace
- Published online:
- 28 May 2018
- Print publication:
- 24 November 2005, pp 127-136
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2 - On the first questions of this book, and on defining and determining the meanings of this term ‘realm’
- from Discourse I
- Book:
- Marsilius of Padua: The Defender of the Peace
- Published online:
- 28 May 2018
- Print publication:
- 24 November 2005, pp 11-13
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27 - On some objections to what was determined in chapter 15 of this discourse and in other chapters subsequently
- from Discourse II
- Book:
- Marsilius of Padua: The Defender of the Peace
- Published online:
- 28 May 2018
- Print publication:
- 24 November 2005, pp 473-482
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2 - On the explicit drawing of certain conclusions that follow of necessity from what was determined in the previous discourse. By attending to which both those in the position of prince and their subjects can more easily pursue the end intended by this book
- from Discourse III
- Book:
- Marsilius of Padua: The Defender of the Peace
- Published online:
- 28 May 2018
- Print publication:
- 24 November 2005, pp 547-556
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Discourse II
- Book:
- Marsilius of Padua: The Defender of the Peace
- Published online:
- 28 May 2018
- Print publication:
- 24 November 2005, pp 137-138
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3 - On the origin of the civil community
- from Discourse I
- Book:
- Marsilius of Padua: The Defender of the Peace
- Published online:
- 28 May 2018
- Print publication:
- 24 November 2005, pp 14-17
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13 - Concerning some objections to what was said in the previous chapter, and their resolution; and a fuller declaration of what we propose
- from Discourse I
- Book:
- Marsilius of Padua: The Defender of the Peace
- Published online:
- 28 May 2018
- Print publication:
- 24 November 2005, pp 73-80
- Chapter
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- Book:
- Fichte: The System of Ethics
- Published online:
- 05 June 2012
- Print publication:
- 17 November 2005, pp v-v
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- Book:
- Fichte: The System of Ethics
- Published online:
- 05 June 2012
- Print publication:
- 17 November 2005, pp 7-18
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- Book:
- Fichte: The System of Ethics
- Published online:
- 05 June 2012
- Print publication:
- 17 November 2005, pp 345-377
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