The development of this book was a collaborative effort involving 6 editors and 114 authors from universities and research and development organisations from different parts of the world (see ‘Contributors’ list for authors and their affiliations). Many of the authors contributed to this book on their own time, in addition to their primary duties and responsibilities. We sincerely thank all of them for the quality of their contributions, their commitment and the outstanding efforts that made this publication possible. Furthermore, we are grateful for the support of the authors’ host organisations for the in-kind contribution they provided by supporting the authors’ work.
The SDG chapters (Chapters 1–17) were reviewed by renowned scientists and experts. We are very grateful for their generous contributions to the development of this book. Their comments and guidance were crucial for improving the quality of this publication.
Simone Borelli
Joanna Bourke-Martignoni
Duncan Brack
Timothy Cadman
Jeffrey Chow
Marius Claassen
David Ellison
Shelley Feldman
Arturo Gianvenuti
Lukas Giessen
Sarah Giroux
Sarah Hearn
Juha Hiedanpää
Syed Ainul Hussain
Pierre Ibisch
Soo-Yeon Laura Jin
Valerie Kapos
Marko Katila
Steven Lawry
Qiang Ma
Mazlin Bin Mokhtar
Irmeli Mustalahti
Till Neeff
Symphorien Ongolo
Shonali Pachauri
Maureen G. Reed
Mika Rekola
Sandra Rodríguez Piñeros
Chris Seijger
Mila Sell
Gill Shepherd
Markku Simula
Peter Speldewinde
Andreas Waaben Thulstrup
Antonio Tomao
Anne Toppinen
Ingrid Visseren-Hamakers
Sven Wunder
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland that made the development and publishing of this book possible. We are grateful to the Natural Resources Institute Finland for providing the coordination of the WFSE project, and to the IUFRO Secretariat for continuous support in administrative issues.
We are also grateful to the FAO, the EFI and the University of Florida for the in-kind and practical support that made the organisation of the WFSE workshops possible. Furthermore, we are grateful to Amelia Pope and Ree Sheck for language editing and guidance in the technical editing of this book.