Book contents
- Frontmatter
- Frontispiece
- Colophon
- Contents
- QUESTIONS proposed by the Magistrates and Town-Council of Dumsries to the consideration of Mr. Smeaton. October, 1760
- Answers to the questions proposed by the Magistrates and Town-Council of Dumsries, for the consideration of J. Smeaton
- Questions offered by Robert Maxwell of Cargin to the consideration of Mr. Smeaton
- Questions offered by Robert Maxwell, of Cargin, anent his work on the side of the river Nith, to the consideration of Mr. J. Smeaton
- Answers to the Questions offered by Robert Maxwell, of Cargin, anent his Works on the side of the River Nith
- Letter from Mr. Smeaton to Mr. Simpson on the Water-Works at Halifax
- Estimate for the Water-Works at Halifax
- Proposals for building an Engine for raising water 11 feet from the well or reservoir, into the piece of water in the gardens of Her Royal Highness the Dowager Princess of Wales, at Kew, to be worked by one large or two light horses
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the practicability, &c
- General Estimate for making the canals and works for compleating the navigation and branches referred to, in Mr. Smeaton's report, upon principles of estimation settled between Messrs. Smeaton and Brindley
- The Report of J. Smeaton, concerning the situation of the first lock upon the river Wear
- Estimate for the probable expence of clearing the channel of the river Wear 176 yards, being the distance of the situation of the first lock, as proposed by the Gentlemen Coal Viewers, above the situation as slaked out in November 1760
- General Estimate for compleating the first lock and dam, at or near Jackson's, near Harraton, upon the River Wear
- Comparative Estimate for carrying on the navigation of the river Calder, by means of a long cut from the figure of 3 lock at F, to above Dewsbury low ford at H, and of carrying it partly by the river and partly by 3 short cuts as in the general plan
- Estimate for the navigation by the long cut
- Estimate for the navigation as by the general plan
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the praticability, &c. of a scheme of navigation from Tetney Haven to Louth, in the county of Lincoln, from the view taken thereof in August, 1760
- General Estimate of the expence of making a navigation from Tetney Haven to Louth, according to Mr. Grundy's plan
- The Report of Messrs. John Grundy, Langley Edwards, and John Smeaton, Engineers, concerning the present ruinous state and condition of the river Witham and the navigation thereof, from the city of Lincoln, through Boston. to it's outfall into the sea;
- Report
- The Scheme for the Drainage
- The Scheme for Navigation
- An Estimate of the expences that will probably attend the execution of the foregoing proposed works
- An Estimate of such works as concern navigation only
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the practicability of making the river Chelmer navigable from Malden to Chelmsford, in the County of Essex, from a view thereof taken the 28th and 29th of May, 1762
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the drainage of Potterick Carr, near Doncaster, in the county of York; from a view and levels taken in July, 1762
- Levels from the Dunn at the Crimpsal above Doncaster, to the Participants Drain, near Gatewood Bridge
- Levels from Crookhill Nook to Rosington Bridge
- Level from the old Eau to Cantley Common
- Scheme for Potterick Carr
- Estimate for draining Potterick Carr, Holmes Carr, and Wadsworth Carr, by a passage from Potterick Carr, by Balby out-gang gate and Spansdyke, to the river Dunn, below the engine at Doncaster
- Letter from Mr. Smeaton to Mr. Sheppard, concerning Potterick Carr
- Report of John Smeaton and John Grundy, Engineers, concerning the Practicability of improving the Fossdyke navigation, and draining the Land laying thereupon, from a view and levels taken in August, 1762
- Scheme for a general drainage and navigation
- The operation of the foregoing constructions
- An Estimate of the Works mentioned in the preceding scheme
- Concerning the drainage of the low grounds of Torksey and Fenton, which drain by Torksey bridge sluice
- Letter from Mr. Smeaton to the Gentlemen assembled at a general meeting on the 2d day of September, 1782, for considering of a plan of improvement of the navigation of the river Fossdyke, and for improving the drainage of the lands on each side of the said river
- Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, upon the improvement of the navigation of the river Fossdyke, and for improving the drainage of the low lands on each side of the said river
- The Scheme
- Operation of the preceding Scheme
- Probable Estimate of the expences of the above works
- Estimate of such works as will be neccessary for the improvement of the Fossdyke navigation upon the plan proposed
- Report of John Smeaton, annexed to a Report and Estimate of Mr. Grundy's, concerning the drainage of Holderness Levels
- Mr. Smeaton's examination of Mr. Grundy's plan for a sea sluice for the drainage of Holderness Levels
- Estimate of Mr Grundy's plan for a sea sluice for the drainage of Holderness Levels
- Questions proposed by Mr. Stratford, Engineer, concerning Bristol bridge
- Report of John Smeaton upon the harbour of Rye, in the county of Suffex
- Operation of the foregoing constructions
- An Estimate for compleating the harbour of Rye, according to the plan and report of J. Smeaton
- Schedule proposed to be annexed to the act for finishing the harbour of Rye
- Mr. Smeaton's Letter to Captain Pigram
- Minutes of a view of the river Went
- Minutes taken upon the river Went, in levelling the same, from the river Dunn, at Went's Mouth, to Norton Mills, the 7th, 8th, and 9th of May, 1764
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the drainage of the low grounds in the Manor of Womersley, belonging to Stanhope Harvey, Esquire
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, upon the case of Misterton Sas and Snow Sewer Drain, belonging to the honourable the Participants of Hatfield Chace, from a view taken thereof the 14th of August, 1764
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the works for the defence of the lands of the Right Honourable the Earl of Kinnoul, laying upon the rivers Ammon and Tay, North Britain
- Some points relative to an intended Navigation upon the river Devon, stated by Lord Cath-cart, and answered
- Queries, &c. communicated by Lord Cathcart, relative to a Navigation on the Forth, November 5, 1767
- Answer to hve Queries concerning the Improvement of the Navigation of the river Forth, from the liver Devon upwards, communicated by the Right Honourable the Earl of Cathcart, in a Letter of November 11, 1767, to John Smeaton
- Lord Cathcart's Queries relative to the River Devon
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the practicability and expence of making navigable the River Devon, in the county of Clackmannan, from Mellock Foot to the River Forth
- Estimate for making a Navigation through the valley of the river Devon, from the Cambus to Mellock Glen Foot, supposed chiefly by a canal
- Summary of the Estimate for making a Navigation through the valley of the river Devon, from the Cambus to Mellock Foot, supposed chiefly by canals
- Estimate to shew the difference between keeping the river as much as possible from Tillibodie Dam to Sauchic new engine, and the entire canal before proposed
- Estimate for continuing the navigation, by Canal, to or near Alloa
- Lord Cathcart's Queries to Mr. Smeaton of the 11th of September, 1767
- Answer to Lord Cathcan's Queries of the 11th of September, 1767
- Memorial and Queries relative to Mr. Smeaton's Report of the navigation of the Devon, of the 14th of September, 1767, from Lord Cathcart, the 14th of March, 1768
- Memorial of the Committee of Justices for Mr, Smeaton relative to Perth Bridge
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the practicability of buildings Bridge over the river Tay, at Perth, in answer to a memorial thereupon addressed to his consideration by the Committee of Justices, bearing date August, 1763
- Estimate for erecting a Stone Bridge over the river Tay, at Perth, from the Tender at the North Inch to the opposite shore; to have feven principal arches, extending 605 feet 9 inches, and in the whole length 893 feet; to be 22 feet in the clear, within the parapets, and to have a walking path on the fouth side of 4 feet wide
- Extract Minutes of the I'ruslees for building a Bridge over the Tay, at Perth
- Extract Minutes of the Commissioners for the Bridge over the Tay, at Perth, in relation to Mr. John Gwin trying the foundation, &c. and his report, 1766
- The Report of John Gwin, in answer to orders by him received, and appointed to his inspection and consutation at a meeting of the Commissioners for building a Bridge over the river Tay. February 27, 1766
- Description and Method of fixing the foundation of the second pier of Perth Bridge, according to the plan
- Mr. Smeaton's Observations respecting Perth Bridge
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, upon the harbour of Christchurch in Hampshire, from a view thereof taken the 21st and 21st of May, 1762
- Estimate for the Works proposed to be constructed at the Harbour's mouth, according to the preceding.Scheme
- The Report of John Smeatort, Engineer, upon a view and observation taken of the level of Adling Fleet, &c. from a plan of the said level, Taken by Mr. Charles Tate, Surveyor, in the year 1764
- Estimate for a Drainage, by a new course, to Trent Fall
- Estimate for making a navigable Canal from Drisfield Beck to a place called the Townsend, near Skerne
- A Description of the above Plan, with a comparative calculation of its abilities with the persent work
- Mr Smeaton's Examination of Mr. Gascoigne's proposals for raising Water out of Ships
- Proposals for laying the Ships at the quay of Bristol constantly afloat, and for enlarging this part of the Harbour by a new Canal through Cannon's Marsh
- Description of a portable Fire-Engine, invented by John Smeaton, F. R. S. at the instance of the Right Honorable the Earl of Egmont, 1765
- Award of Messrs. Smeaton and Wooler concerning Whitby Harbour
- Report relative to Market Weighton
- Descripticn of a new Bucket for Fire Engines
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, touching the matter in dispute between Mr. Rich and Mess. Waltons, concerning their mills at Thurlston
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the power of Hubbert's Mill Stream to raise water
- A Table, shewing the quantities of water capable of being raised at Hubbert's Mill, according to the different heads or falls, and according to different perpendicular heights to which it is required to be raised
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the practicability of erecting a Corn Mill, to be worked from the farm yard pond, at Worksop Manor
- Description of the Machine for supporting the temporary Lights to be erected at the Spurn Point
- Explanatory Remarks and Observations upon the designs for building the Light houses upon the Spurn Point, as approved of by the Honourable Corporation of Trinity-House, Dept-ford Strond, London
- Estimate of the expence of building two Light-houses, with proper conveniencies, upon the Spurn Point, as designed by John Smeaton, Engineer, from the orders and directions of the Honourable Corporation of Trinity-House of Deptsord Strond
- Additional Remarks and Observations, touching the construction of the Light houses upon the Spurn Point, as approved of by the Honourable Corporation of Trinity-House, Deptford Strond, London
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the state of the Light-Houses building at the Spurn Point, under direction of the Trinity-House, Deptford Strond, London
- Report upon the Lower Light at the Spurn Point
- Estimate for rebuilding the part of the wall of the low light at Spurn Point, that was taken away by the sea, and defending the same, as per Report
- Estimate for taking down, moving, and re-erecting the great temporary light, and placing the same in line of the other two light-houses
- Estimate of what is further necessary to compleat the light-houses at Spurn Point
- The conclusive Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the Spurn light-houses
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, upon the state and condition of the low light house at Spurn Point, pointing out the most likely means of preserving the same at a moderate experience
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the situation of the Mills and Bleach fields at Waltham Abbey, ia respect of water
- Report on Waltham Abbey Powder Mills, respecting navigation on the river Lea
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, upon the state of the river Lea navigation, so far as the mills abreast of Waltham Abbey Canal are affected thereby
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, respecting the alterations made at Sewardston Mill, so far as they concern the quantity of water taken from the river Lea, as also the loss sustained by Sewardston mill, by an alteration made at Enricld lock, in the year 1781
- Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, respecting the loss of grinding sustained at Tottenham mills by the leakage of the lock gate, from the year 1778, till April, 1781
- Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the practicability of making the Harbour of St. Ive's safe for ships in all winds
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, upon the practicability of removing Topcliff Mills, Yorkshire, to Aftenby Stream, below Topcliff Bridge, consident with the proposed navigation of the river Swale
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, upon the Harbour of Eymouth
- Estimate of the expence of building a north pier for Eymouth Hatbour
- Method of construction of the Bridge over Stonchouse creek, as designed by John Smeaton, Engineer
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, upon Sundry points relative to the Linton Dam and Swale navigation, referred to his consideration by John Smith, Engineer for the said works, by order of the Commissioners
- Proportions and directions for building the Mill at Knouch Bridge, by John Smeaton, Engineer
- Plan for ascertaining the proportional quantities of water flowing down the high stream and Iver stream, being two divisions of the river Coln below Uxbridge, from whence also may be determined the quantity of water discharged at each place per hour
- Description of a Pump for the Dock at Port Glasgow
- Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the Water-road proposed to be carried across the valley of the river Trent from Muskham to Newark
- Report concerning the situation of the intended new bridge over the river Clyde at Glasgow
- Table, shewing the measures, foundings, and observations made upon the river Clyde, relalative to the choice of a proper place for the intended new bridge at Glasgow
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, upon a view of the Harbour of Whitehaven
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, upon the rebuilding the sunken pier of Dumbarton bridge
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the Drainage of Lewes Laughton Level, in the county of Sussex
- Estimate for Lewes Laughton Level
- Particular Works for the Levels west of the Ouse, below Lewes Bridge, and on both sides above, on north of ditto
- Particular Works for Ranscombe Level, and Level on the Glynde, on the east of the Ouse
- Second Estimate for Lewes Laughton Level
- Estimate of works to be done in the west Level
- Estimate for the north Brooks above Lewes Bridge
- Estimate for the drainage of Ranscombe
- Charge of draining the east brooks, or brooks east of Ranscombe, as also those of Beddingham, Asem, and Itsord
- Abstract of the drainage of Lewes Laughton Level, by the second method
- Description of a Ship's Pump, designed by John Smeaton, Engineer
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the Improvements of the Blast at the surnace at Carron
- Description of the Collar of Leather to be applied to the Blowing-machine at Carron
- Mess Grieve and Benson's Answer to Mr. Smeaton's Queries
- Mr. Benson's Answer to Mr. Smeaton's Queries
- Mr. Grieve's Answer to Mr. Smeaton's six Queries
- Explanation for the Design of the Blast Machine for the Furnace No. 2, at Carron
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the quantity and disposition of the water at Carron, from a view taken thereof the 7th of July, 1769
- Resolutions of the Carron Company
- Some Remarks concerning the design for a double-boring Mill for Cylinders and Guns, to be erected upon the tail-water of the Carron Works
- Explanation of the Design for building a Dam for the Carron Works at Duni Pace
- Table shewing the expenditure of water, &c. in the furnaces at Carron, inclosed in Mr.Smeaton's letter to the Carron Company of the 23d of July, 1776, in answer to their's of the 14th ditto
- Directions and Observations concerning the clay-mill to be built upon the tail-water at Carron
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the quantity, regulation, and distribution of the water for working the Blast Machine for the four furnaces at Carron in dry seasons, together with the improvements that may be made therein, so far as regards the power of water to be employed
- Table, shewing a comparative view of the feveral Blast machines as used at Carron, at different periods, from the year 1769 to the year 1776 inclusive
- A Table, shewing the expence of water according to the regulation proposed for short water seasons, and according to different states of improvement of the machines
- Description of the Apparatus for putting in motion and discharging any of the particular motions for boring the Gasconades at Carron
- Explanation of the Apparatus for holding and pushing forward the boring bars for the Carronades without a carriage
- Explanation of the Sketch, fhewing the manner of applying the inclined plane for releasing the work of the discharging apparatus for the carronades
- Explanation of the Design for turning Shot-moulds
- Explanation of two methods of raising the Slide Carriages for the Carronades
- Explanation of the Design for a new Nose-Pipe for Carron
- A comparative View of the State of the Carron Furnaces in October, 1776, and in September, 1778
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the expediency of opening the temporary Cut and Lock near Dalderse, from the canal of Forth and Clyde to the river Carron
Questions offered by Robert Maxwell of Cargin to the consideration of Mr. Smeaton
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 June 2016
- Frontmatter
- Frontispiece
- Colophon
- Contents
- QUESTIONS proposed by the Magistrates and Town-Council of Dumsries to the consideration of Mr. Smeaton. October, 1760
- Answers to the questions proposed by the Magistrates and Town-Council of Dumsries, for the consideration of J. Smeaton
- Questions offered by Robert Maxwell of Cargin to the consideration of Mr. Smeaton
- Questions offered by Robert Maxwell, of Cargin, anent his work on the side of the river Nith, to the consideration of Mr. J. Smeaton
- Answers to the Questions offered by Robert Maxwell, of Cargin, anent his Works on the side of the River Nith
- Letter from Mr. Smeaton to Mr. Simpson on the Water-Works at Halifax
- Estimate for the Water-Works at Halifax
- Proposals for building an Engine for raising water 11 feet from the well or reservoir, into the piece of water in the gardens of Her Royal Highness the Dowager Princess of Wales, at Kew, to be worked by one large or two light horses
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the practicability, &c
- General Estimate for making the canals and works for compleating the navigation and branches referred to, in Mr. Smeaton's report, upon principles of estimation settled between Messrs. Smeaton and Brindley
- The Report of J. Smeaton, concerning the situation of the first lock upon the river Wear
- Estimate for the probable expence of clearing the channel of the river Wear 176 yards, being the distance of the situation of the first lock, as proposed by the Gentlemen Coal Viewers, above the situation as slaked out in November 1760
- General Estimate for compleating the first lock and dam, at or near Jackson's, near Harraton, upon the River Wear
- Comparative Estimate for carrying on the navigation of the river Calder, by means of a long cut from the figure of 3 lock at F, to above Dewsbury low ford at H, and of carrying it partly by the river and partly by 3 short cuts as in the general plan
- Estimate for the navigation by the long cut
- Estimate for the navigation as by the general plan
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the praticability, &c. of a scheme of navigation from Tetney Haven to Louth, in the county of Lincoln, from the view taken thereof in August, 1760
- General Estimate of the expence of making a navigation from Tetney Haven to Louth, according to Mr. Grundy's plan
- The Report of Messrs. John Grundy, Langley Edwards, and John Smeaton, Engineers, concerning the present ruinous state and condition of the river Witham and the navigation thereof, from the city of Lincoln, through Boston. to it's outfall into the sea;
- Report
- The Scheme for the Drainage
- The Scheme for Navigation
- An Estimate of the expences that will probably attend the execution of the foregoing proposed works
- An Estimate of such works as concern navigation only
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the practicability of making the river Chelmer navigable from Malden to Chelmsford, in the County of Essex, from a view thereof taken the 28th and 29th of May, 1762
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the drainage of Potterick Carr, near Doncaster, in the county of York; from a view and levels taken in July, 1762
- Levels from the Dunn at the Crimpsal above Doncaster, to the Participants Drain, near Gatewood Bridge
- Levels from Crookhill Nook to Rosington Bridge
- Level from the old Eau to Cantley Common
- Scheme for Potterick Carr
- Estimate for draining Potterick Carr, Holmes Carr, and Wadsworth Carr, by a passage from Potterick Carr, by Balby out-gang gate and Spansdyke, to the river Dunn, below the engine at Doncaster
- Letter from Mr. Smeaton to Mr. Sheppard, concerning Potterick Carr
- Report of John Smeaton and John Grundy, Engineers, concerning the Practicability of improving the Fossdyke navigation, and draining the Land laying thereupon, from a view and levels taken in August, 1762
- Scheme for a general drainage and navigation
- The operation of the foregoing constructions
- An Estimate of the Works mentioned in the preceding scheme
- Concerning the drainage of the low grounds of Torksey and Fenton, which drain by Torksey bridge sluice
- Letter from Mr. Smeaton to the Gentlemen assembled at a general meeting on the 2d day of September, 1782, for considering of a plan of improvement of the navigation of the river Fossdyke, and for improving the drainage of the lands on each side of the said river
- Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, upon the improvement of the navigation of the river Fossdyke, and for improving the drainage of the low lands on each side of the said river
- The Scheme
- Operation of the preceding Scheme
- Probable Estimate of the expences of the above works
- Estimate of such works as will be neccessary for the improvement of the Fossdyke navigation upon the plan proposed
- Report of John Smeaton, annexed to a Report and Estimate of Mr. Grundy's, concerning the drainage of Holderness Levels
- Mr. Smeaton's examination of Mr. Grundy's plan for a sea sluice for the drainage of Holderness Levels
- Estimate of Mr Grundy's plan for a sea sluice for the drainage of Holderness Levels
- Questions proposed by Mr. Stratford, Engineer, concerning Bristol bridge
- Report of John Smeaton upon the harbour of Rye, in the county of Suffex
- Operation of the foregoing constructions
- An Estimate for compleating the harbour of Rye, according to the plan and report of J. Smeaton
- Schedule proposed to be annexed to the act for finishing the harbour of Rye
- Mr. Smeaton's Letter to Captain Pigram
- Minutes of a view of the river Went
- Minutes taken upon the river Went, in levelling the same, from the river Dunn, at Went's Mouth, to Norton Mills, the 7th, 8th, and 9th of May, 1764
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the drainage of the low grounds in the Manor of Womersley, belonging to Stanhope Harvey, Esquire
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, upon the case of Misterton Sas and Snow Sewer Drain, belonging to the honourable the Participants of Hatfield Chace, from a view taken thereof the 14th of August, 1764
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the works for the defence of the lands of the Right Honourable the Earl of Kinnoul, laying upon the rivers Ammon and Tay, North Britain
- Some points relative to an intended Navigation upon the river Devon, stated by Lord Cath-cart, and answered
- Queries, &c. communicated by Lord Cathcart, relative to a Navigation on the Forth, November 5, 1767
- Answer to hve Queries concerning the Improvement of the Navigation of the river Forth, from the liver Devon upwards, communicated by the Right Honourable the Earl of Cathcart, in a Letter of November 11, 1767, to John Smeaton
- Lord Cathcart's Queries relative to the River Devon
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the practicability and expence of making navigable the River Devon, in the county of Clackmannan, from Mellock Foot to the River Forth
- Estimate for making a Navigation through the valley of the river Devon, from the Cambus to Mellock Glen Foot, supposed chiefly by a canal
- Summary of the Estimate for making a Navigation through the valley of the river Devon, from the Cambus to Mellock Foot, supposed chiefly by canals
- Estimate to shew the difference between keeping the river as much as possible from Tillibodie Dam to Sauchic new engine, and the entire canal before proposed
- Estimate for continuing the navigation, by Canal, to or near Alloa
- Lord Cathcart's Queries to Mr. Smeaton of the 11th of September, 1767
- Answer to Lord Cathcan's Queries of the 11th of September, 1767
- Memorial and Queries relative to Mr. Smeaton's Report of the navigation of the Devon, of the 14th of September, 1767, from Lord Cathcart, the 14th of March, 1768
- Memorial of the Committee of Justices for Mr, Smeaton relative to Perth Bridge
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the practicability of buildings Bridge over the river Tay, at Perth, in answer to a memorial thereupon addressed to his consideration by the Committee of Justices, bearing date August, 1763
- Estimate for erecting a Stone Bridge over the river Tay, at Perth, from the Tender at the North Inch to the opposite shore; to have feven principal arches, extending 605 feet 9 inches, and in the whole length 893 feet; to be 22 feet in the clear, within the parapets, and to have a walking path on the fouth side of 4 feet wide
- Extract Minutes of the I'ruslees for building a Bridge over the Tay, at Perth
- Extract Minutes of the Commissioners for the Bridge over the Tay, at Perth, in relation to Mr. John Gwin trying the foundation, &c. and his report, 1766
- The Report of John Gwin, in answer to orders by him received, and appointed to his inspection and consutation at a meeting of the Commissioners for building a Bridge over the river Tay. February 27, 1766
- Description and Method of fixing the foundation of the second pier of Perth Bridge, according to the plan
- Mr. Smeaton's Observations respecting Perth Bridge
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, upon the harbour of Christchurch in Hampshire, from a view thereof taken the 21st and 21st of May, 1762
- Estimate for the Works proposed to be constructed at the Harbour's mouth, according to the preceding.Scheme
- The Report of John Smeatort, Engineer, upon a view and observation taken of the level of Adling Fleet, &c. from a plan of the said level, Taken by Mr. Charles Tate, Surveyor, in the year 1764
- Estimate for a Drainage, by a new course, to Trent Fall
- Estimate for making a navigable Canal from Drisfield Beck to a place called the Townsend, near Skerne
- A Description of the above Plan, with a comparative calculation of its abilities with the persent work
- Mr Smeaton's Examination of Mr. Gascoigne's proposals for raising Water out of Ships
- Proposals for laying the Ships at the quay of Bristol constantly afloat, and for enlarging this part of the Harbour by a new Canal through Cannon's Marsh
- Description of a portable Fire-Engine, invented by John Smeaton, F. R. S. at the instance of the Right Honorable the Earl of Egmont, 1765
- Award of Messrs. Smeaton and Wooler concerning Whitby Harbour
- Report relative to Market Weighton
- Descripticn of a new Bucket for Fire Engines
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, touching the matter in dispute between Mr. Rich and Mess. Waltons, concerning their mills at Thurlston
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the power of Hubbert's Mill Stream to raise water
- A Table, shewing the quantities of water capable of being raised at Hubbert's Mill, according to the different heads or falls, and according to different perpendicular heights to which it is required to be raised
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the practicability of erecting a Corn Mill, to be worked from the farm yard pond, at Worksop Manor
- Description of the Machine for supporting the temporary Lights to be erected at the Spurn Point
- Explanatory Remarks and Observations upon the designs for building the Light houses upon the Spurn Point, as approved of by the Honourable Corporation of Trinity-House, Dept-ford Strond, London
- Estimate of the expence of building two Light-houses, with proper conveniencies, upon the Spurn Point, as designed by John Smeaton, Engineer, from the orders and directions of the Honourable Corporation of Trinity-House of Deptsord Strond
- Additional Remarks and Observations, touching the construction of the Light houses upon the Spurn Point, as approved of by the Honourable Corporation of Trinity-House, Deptford Strond, London
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the state of the Light-Houses building at the Spurn Point, under direction of the Trinity-House, Deptford Strond, London
- Report upon the Lower Light at the Spurn Point
- Estimate for rebuilding the part of the wall of the low light at Spurn Point, that was taken away by the sea, and defending the same, as per Report
- Estimate for taking down, moving, and re-erecting the great temporary light, and placing the same in line of the other two light-houses
- Estimate of what is further necessary to compleat the light-houses at Spurn Point
- The conclusive Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the Spurn light-houses
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, upon the state and condition of the low light house at Spurn Point, pointing out the most likely means of preserving the same at a moderate experience
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the situation of the Mills and Bleach fields at Waltham Abbey, ia respect of water
- Report on Waltham Abbey Powder Mills, respecting navigation on the river Lea
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, upon the state of the river Lea navigation, so far as the mills abreast of Waltham Abbey Canal are affected thereby
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, respecting the alterations made at Sewardston Mill, so far as they concern the quantity of water taken from the river Lea, as also the loss sustained by Sewardston mill, by an alteration made at Enricld lock, in the year 1781
- Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, respecting the loss of grinding sustained at Tottenham mills by the leakage of the lock gate, from the year 1778, till April, 1781
- Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the practicability of making the Harbour of St. Ive's safe for ships in all winds
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, upon the practicability of removing Topcliff Mills, Yorkshire, to Aftenby Stream, below Topcliff Bridge, consident with the proposed navigation of the river Swale
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, upon the Harbour of Eymouth
- Estimate of the expence of building a north pier for Eymouth Hatbour
- Method of construction of the Bridge over Stonchouse creek, as designed by John Smeaton, Engineer
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, upon Sundry points relative to the Linton Dam and Swale navigation, referred to his consideration by John Smith, Engineer for the said works, by order of the Commissioners
- Proportions and directions for building the Mill at Knouch Bridge, by John Smeaton, Engineer
- Plan for ascertaining the proportional quantities of water flowing down the high stream and Iver stream, being two divisions of the river Coln below Uxbridge, from whence also may be determined the quantity of water discharged at each place per hour
- Description of a Pump for the Dock at Port Glasgow
- Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the Water-road proposed to be carried across the valley of the river Trent from Muskham to Newark
- Report concerning the situation of the intended new bridge over the river Clyde at Glasgow
- Table, shewing the measures, foundings, and observations made upon the river Clyde, relalative to the choice of a proper place for the intended new bridge at Glasgow
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, upon a view of the Harbour of Whitehaven
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, upon the rebuilding the sunken pier of Dumbarton bridge
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the Drainage of Lewes Laughton Level, in the county of Sussex
- Estimate for Lewes Laughton Level
- Particular Works for the Levels west of the Ouse, below Lewes Bridge, and on both sides above, on north of ditto
- Particular Works for Ranscombe Level, and Level on the Glynde, on the east of the Ouse
- Second Estimate for Lewes Laughton Level
- Estimate of works to be done in the west Level
- Estimate for the north Brooks above Lewes Bridge
- Estimate for the drainage of Ranscombe
- Charge of draining the east brooks, or brooks east of Ranscombe, as also those of Beddingham, Asem, and Itsord
- Abstract of the drainage of Lewes Laughton Level, by the second method
- Description of a Ship's Pump, designed by John Smeaton, Engineer
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the Improvements of the Blast at the surnace at Carron
- Description of the Collar of Leather to be applied to the Blowing-machine at Carron
- Mess Grieve and Benson's Answer to Mr. Smeaton's Queries
- Mr. Benson's Answer to Mr. Smeaton's Queries
- Mr. Grieve's Answer to Mr. Smeaton's six Queries
- Explanation for the Design of the Blast Machine for the Furnace No. 2, at Carron
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the quantity and disposition of the water at Carron, from a view taken thereof the 7th of July, 1769
- Resolutions of the Carron Company
- Some Remarks concerning the design for a double-boring Mill for Cylinders and Guns, to be erected upon the tail-water of the Carron Works
- Explanation of the Design for building a Dam for the Carron Works at Duni Pace
- Table shewing the expenditure of water, &c. in the furnaces at Carron, inclosed in Mr.Smeaton's letter to the Carron Company of the 23d of July, 1776, in answer to their's of the 14th ditto
- Directions and Observations concerning the clay-mill to be built upon the tail-water at Carron
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the quantity, regulation, and distribution of the water for working the Blast Machine for the four furnaces at Carron in dry seasons, together with the improvements that may be made therein, so far as regards the power of water to be employed
- Table, shewing a comparative view of the feveral Blast machines as used at Carron, at different periods, from the year 1769 to the year 1776 inclusive
- A Table, shewing the expence of water according to the regulation proposed for short water seasons, and according to different states of improvement of the machines
- Description of the Apparatus for putting in motion and discharging any of the particular motions for boring the Gasconades at Carron
- Explanation of the Apparatus for holding and pushing forward the boring bars for the Carronades without a carriage
- Explanation of the Sketch, fhewing the manner of applying the inclined plane for releasing the work of the discharging apparatus for the carronades
- Explanation of the Design for turning Shot-moulds
- Explanation of two methods of raising the Slide Carriages for the Carronades
- Explanation of the Design for a new Nose-Pipe for Carron
- A comparative View of the State of the Carron Furnaces in October, 1776, and in September, 1778
- The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the expediency of opening the temporary Cut and Lock near Dalderse, from the canal of Forth and Clyde to the river Carron

- Type
- Chapter
- Information
- Reports of the Late John SmeatonMade on Various Occasions, in the Course of his Employment as a Civil Engineer, pp. 4 - 5Publisher: Cambridge University PressPrint publication year: 2014First published in: 1812