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Cambridge University Press
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September 2009
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Margaret Masterman was a pioneer in the field of computational linguistics. Working in the earliest days of language processing by computer, she believed that meaning, not grammar, was the key to understanding languages, and that machines could determine the meaning of sentences. She was able, even on simple machines, to undertake sophisticated experiments in machine translation, and carried out important work on the use of semantic codings and thesauri to determine the meaning structure of texts. This volume brings together Masterman's groundbreaking papers for the first time. Through his insightful commentaries, Yorick Wilks argues that Masterman came close to developing a computational theory of language meaning based on the ideas of Wittgenstein, and shows the importance of her work in the philosophy of science and the nature of iconic languages. Of key interest in computational linguistics and artificial intelligence, it will remind scholars of Masterman's significant contribution to the field.


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Source: Computational Linguistics

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Bibliography of the scientific works of Margaret Masterman
Other References
Masterman, M. (1949, 1951, 1953) ‘Three Attempts to Exemplify the Pictorial Principle in Language. (1) The Word ‘Philosophy’ as used by John Wisdom (1949); (2) Towards a Symbolism for Dogmatic Theology (1951); (3) Analysis of a Religious Paradox (1953)’. Unpublished manuscripts.
Masterman, M.(1953) ‘The Pictorial Principle in Language’. In: Proceedings of XIth International Congress of Philosophy, vol. 14, pp. 1011–27.
Masterman, M.(1954) ‘Words’. In: Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, vol. 54, pp. 209–32.
Masterman, M.(1956) ‘The Potentialities of a Mechanical Thesaurus’. Paper read at the Second International Conference on Machine Translation, MIT, October.
Masterman, M.(1957a) ‘Metaphysical and Ideographic Language’. In: British Philosophy in the Mid-Century (Mace, C. A., Ed.), London, Allan and Unwin pp. 314–37.
Masterman, M.(1957b) ‘Metaphysics’. Paper read to the Cambridge University Moral Science Club, 30 May (chapter 2, this volume).
Masterman, M.(1958) ‘The Thesaurus in Syntax and Semantics’. Machine Translation, vol. 4, pp. 35–43.
Masterman, M.(1959) ‘Classification, Concept Formation and Language’. Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Conference of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science, September (chapter 3, this volume).
Masterman, M., Needham, R. M. and Spärck Jones, K. (1959) ‘The Analogy between Mechanical Translation and Library Retrieval’. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Scientific Information, Washington, DC National Academy of Sciences, pp. 917–33.
Masterman, M. (1961) ‘Translation’. Aristotelian Society SupplementaryVolume 35, pp. 169–216.
Masterman, M. and Parker-Rhodes, A. F. (1961) ‘A New Model of Syntactic Description’. Paper read at the International Conference on Machine Translation of Languages and Applied Language Analysis, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, September.
Masterman, M. (1962a) ‘Semantic Message Detection for Machine Translation, Using an Interlingua’. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Machine Translation of Languages and Applied Language Analysis, HMSO, London, pp. 437–56.
Masterman, M.(1962b) ‘The Intellect's New Eye’. In: Freeing the Mind. Articles and Letters from the Times Literary Supplement 3/6, March–June, pp. 62–4.
Masterman, M.(1963) ‘Commentary on the Guberina Hypothesis’. Methodos, vol. 15, pp. 107–17.
Masterman, M.(1964) ‘The Semantic Basis of Human Communication’. Arena, No. 19, April, pp. 18–40.
Masterman, M.(1965) ‘Semantic Algorithms’. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Related Semantics in Las Vegas, NV. December 3–5, pp. 174–87.
Masterman, M.(1967) ‘Mechanical Pidgin Translation’. In: Machine Translation (Booth, A. D., Ed.) North-Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 263–79.
Masterman, M.(date unknown) ‘Man-aided Computer Translation from English into French Using an On-line System to Manipulate a Bi-lingual Conceptual Dictionary, or Thesaurus’. Paper read at the Deuxième Conférence Internationale sur le Traitement Automatique des Languages, Grenoble.
Masterman, M.(1970a) ‘Bible Translating by “Kernel”’. Times Literary Supplement, 19 March, p. 299.
Masterman, M.(1970b) ‘The Nature of a Paradigm’. In: Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge (Lakatos, I. and Musgrave, A., Eds.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 59–89.
Masterman, M.(1973) ‘Interlinguas’. Paper presented at Informatics I Conference, 11–13 April, Cambridge.
Masterman, M. (1975) ‘Life, Death and Resurrection of the Academic Woman: Expounded by Playing the Paranormix Game’. Fawcett lecture, University of London, Bedford College.
Masterman, M.(1977) ‘The Primary Unit of Aboutness’. Seminar on ‘Aboutness’, held at ASLIB, London, 17 April.
Masterman, M.(1977) ‘Reiterative Analysis of a Simile. Part I: The Nature and Stages of the Process’. Theoria to Theory, vol. 11, pp. 57–68.
Masterman, M.(1978) ‘Reiterative Analysis of a Simile. Part II: The Second Instalment of a Philosophic Serial’. Theoria to Theory, vol. 12, pp. 17–29.
Masterman, M.(1978) ‘Reiterative Analysis of a Simile. Part III: The Third Instalment of a Philosophic Serial’. Theoria to Theory, vol. 12, pp. 123–34.
Masterman, M.(1978) ‘Reiterative Analysis of a Simile. Part IV: The Fourth Instalment of a Philosophic Serial’. Theoria to Theory, vol. 12, pp. 191–204.
Masterman, M.(1978) ‘Can we Progress in Determining Criteria for Evaluating Machine Translation?’ Paper for Workshop on Evaluation in Translation Systems, Luxembourg, 28 February.
Masterman, M.(1978) ‘Reiterative Semantics’. Paper for Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge Science Group, 6 June.
Masterman, M.(1978) ‘The Basic Reiterative Semantic’. In: Informatics 3. Proceedings of a Conference held by ASLIB Co-ordinate Indexing Group on 2–4 April 1975 at Emmanuel College, Cambridge (Jones, K. P. and Horswell, V., Eds.), ASLIB, Cambridge, pp. 103–13.
Masterman, M.(1979) ‘The Essential Mechanism of Machine Translation’, Paper read at the British Computer Society, January.
Masterman, M.(1979) ‘Rhetorical punctuation by machine’. In: Advances in Computer-Aided Literary and Linguistic Research (Ager, D. E., Knowles, F. E. and Smith, J., Eds.), University of Aston, Birmingham, pp. 271–91.
Masterman, M.(1979) ‘The Essential Skills to Be Acquired for Machine Translation’. In: Translating and the Computer (Snell, B. M., Ed.), North-Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 86–97.
Masterman, M. (1979) ‘The Implications of Machine Translation for Language Learning’. Obtainable from Linguaphone House, Bearbore Lane, Hammersmith, London.
Masterman, M.(1980) ‘Braithwaite and Kuhn: Analogy-clusters within and without Hypothetico-deductive Systems in Science’. In: Science, Belief and Behaviour: Essays in Honour of R. B. Braithwaite (Mellor, D. H., Ed.) Cambridge University Press, pp. 63–95.
Masterman, M.(1981) ‘First Impressions of a Whiteheadian Model of Language’. In: Whitehead and the Idea of Process (Holz, H. and Wolf-Gazo, E., Eds.). Proceedings of The First International Whitehead-Symposium, Karl Alber, Freiburg/Munich, pp. 21–42.
Masterman, M.(1982) ‘The Limits of Innovation in Machine Translation’. In: Practical Experience of Machine Translation (Lawson, V., Ed.) North-Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 163–86.
CLRU publications authored wholly or partly by Margaret Masterman (dated where this is known)
Masterman, M. (1956) ‘The Potentialities of a Mechanical Thesaurus’. CLRU memo ML-1 (in this volume, chapter 4).
Masterman, M. and Conway, R. S. (date unknown) ‘How Latin Grammar was Built Up’. From ‘The Making of Latin’, CLRU memo ML-2A.
Masterman, M. (date unknown) ‘The Mechanical Study of Context’. CLRU 957 Project II-memo ML-11A.
Masterman, M.(date unknown) ‘Linguistic Problems of Machine Translation’. CLRU memo ML-14.
Masterman, M.(1957) ‘Fans and Heads’. CLRU memo ML-21 (in this volume, chapter 2). Also read as a paper (under the title ‘Metaphysics’) to the Cambridge Moral Sciences Club, 30 May.
Masterman, M.(date unknown) ‘The Use, in Brouwer, of the Terms “Fan”, “Spread”, “Spreadlaw” and “Complementary Law”’. CLRU memo ML-22.
Masterman, M.(date unknown) ‘Note on the Properties of the Successor Relation’. CLRU memo ML-22A.
Masterman, M.(date unknown) ‘Outline of a Theory of Language’. CLRU memo ML-24.
Masterman, M., Needham, R. M. and Spärck Jones, K. (date unknown) ‘Description of Current Work on Syntax at CLRU’. CLRU memo ML-27.
Masterman, M. (date unknown) ‘The Effect of using Electronic Techniques for Examining Language’. CLRU memo ML-36.
Masterman, M. and Spärck Jones, K. (date unknown) ‘First Thoughts on how to Translate Mechanically with a Thesaurus’. CLRU memo ML-43A.
Masterman, M. and Spärck Jones, K.(date unknown) ‘The Analogy between Mechanical Translation and Library Retrieval’. CLRU memo ML-44.
Masterman, M. (date unknown) ‘Syntax (Monolingual and Interlingual)’. CLRU memo ML-72.
Masterman, M., Needham, R. M., Spärck Jones, K. and Mayoh, B. (1957) ‘Agricola in curvo terram dimovit aratro’. CLRU memo ML-84, November (in this volume, chapter 6).
Masterman, M. (1959) ‘What is a Thesaurus?’. CLRU memo ML-90, June (in this volume, chapter 5).
Masterman, M.(date unknown) ‘Fictitious Sentences in Language’. CLRU memo ML-91.
Masterman, M.(date unknown) ‘Classification Concept-Formation and Language’. CLRU memo ML-95.
Masterman, M. and Shillan, D. (1968) Progress Report, Oct.: ‘Text-Handling and Mechanical Translation’. CLRU memo ML-112.
Masterman, M. (date unknown) ‘Manipulating a Thesaurus with a Pidgin Language’. CLRU memo ML-113.
Masterman, M.(date unknown) Half-Yearly Report to the US National Science Foundation: ‘General Mechanical Translation Program for Use on a Digital Computer’. CLRU memo ML-114.
Masterman, M.(date unknown) Final Report: ‘The CLRU Lattice-Theory of Language’. CLRU memo ML-116. ‘The Halliday “Twenty Questions” Analytic Method Re-envisaged as a Procedure’. CLRU memo ML-117.
Masterman, M. and Shillan, D. (date unknown) Progress Report: ‘Work on Text-Handling and Mechanical Translation’. CLRU memo ML-118.
Masterman, M. and Needham, R. M. (1960) ‘Specification and Sample Operations of a Model Thesaurus’. CLRU memo ML-128.
Masterman, M. and Kay, M. (1960) ‘Mechanical Pidgin English (Parts 1 & 2)’. CLRU memo ML-133.
Masterman, M. (1961) ‘Semantic Message Detection for Machine Translation using an Interlingua’. CLRU memo ML-141.
Masterman, M. and Parker-Rhodes, A. F. (date unknown) ‘A New Model of Syntactic Description’. CLRU memo ML-142.
Masterman, M. (date unknown) ‘Commentary on the Guberina Hypothesis’. CLRU memo ML-148 (in this volume, chapter 9).
Masterman, M.(date unknown) ‘The Theory of the Semantic Basis of Human Communication Applied to the Phonetics of Intonational Form’. CLRU memo ML-155.
Masterman, M.(date unknown) ‘Semantic Message Detection Research for Machine Translation (Short Note)’. CLRU memo ML-158A.
Masterman, M. and Wilks, Y. (1964) Annual Summary Report: ‘Semantic Basis of Communication’. CLRU memo ML-167.
Masterman, M., Wilks, Y., Shillan, D., Dobson, J. and Spärck Jones, K. (date unknown) Final Report: ‘Semantic Basis of Communication’. CLRU memo ML-171.
Masterman, M. (1964) ‘A Picture of Language’. CLRU memo ML-180.
Masterman, M.(date unknown) ‘Finding Semantic Patterns with a Thesaurus’. CLRU Memo ML-186A.
Masterman, M.(date unknown) ‘Parker-Rhodes’ Syntax Program – Its Pros and Cons’. CLRU memo ML-188.
Masterman, M.(date unknown) ‘Man-Aided Computer Translation from English into French using an On-line System to Manipulate a Bi-lingual Conceptual Dictionary or Thesaurus’. CLRU memo ML-198.
Masterman, M.(1968a) ‘Semantic Language Games or Philosophy by Computer’. CLRU memo ML-210.
Masterman, M.(1968b) ‘Semantic Algorithms’. CLRU memo (in this volume, chapter 10).
Masterman, M.(date unknown) ‘Computerised Haiku’. CLRU memo ML-221.
Masterman, M.(date unknown) ‘Conspectus of CLRU Research’. CLRU memo ML-223.
Masterman, M.(1971) ‘Studies in Mechanical Abstracting (2)’. CLRU memo ML-227, September.
Masterman, M., Bastin, E. W., Parker-Rhodes, A. F. and Braithwaite, R. B. (date unknown) ‘The CLRU New Research Cube: The Search for a Way of Strengthening a General Combinatorial Conception of Information as it occurs in Natural Language’. CLRU memo ML-231.
Masterman, M. (1970) ‘Compute me a poem’. CLRU memo ML-241.
Masterman, M.(date unknown) ‘The E.E.C. Test Sentences. An Exercise in Pre-editing’. CLRU, Final Report of TH-17, Annex 1.
Masterman, M. and Smith, R. J. (date unknown) ‘The Subsenu Experiment’. CLRU, Final Report of TH-17, Annex 2.
Masterman, M. and Smith, R. J.(date unknown) ‘The “Skeletal” Nature of Systran’. CLRU, Final Report of TH-17, Annex 3.
Masterman, M. and Smith, R. J.(date unknown) ‘The Role of Humour’. CLRU, Final Report of TH-17, Annex 4.
Masterman, M. (date unknown) ‘Note for Translators: How to Read Hex’. CLRU, Final Report of TH-17, Annex 5.
Masterman, M.(date unknown) ‘Routine for Finding the Stress Pattern of English’. CLRU, Final Report of TH-17, Annex 7.
Masterman, M. and Williams, B. (1983) ‘Patterns of Emphasis and Heterodynes of Meaning’. CLRU, CLT 007, March.
Masterman, M., Parker-Rhodes, A. F., Blackmore, R. M. and Spärck Jones, K. (1958) ‘Description of the Tests Carried out on Methods of Constructing Sentence Lattices’. CLRU Unnumbered Workpaper.
Masterman, M. and Needham, R. (1966) ‘Natural Language Analysis as Non-Numerical Data Processing’. CLRU Unnumbered Workpaper, January.
Abercrombie, D. (1965) Studies in Phonetics and Linguistics. Oxford University Press.
Allen, W. S. (1957) On the Linguistic Study of Languages. Cambridge University Press.
Allen, R. and Greenough, L. (Eds.) (1888) Caesar's Gallic War. London.
Amsler, R. A. (1980) ‘The Structure of the Merriam-Webster Pocket Dictionary’. PhD dissertation, Technical Report TR-164, University of Texas at Austin.
Anscombe, G. E. M. (1959) An Introduction to Wittgenstein's Tractatus. Hutchinson, London.
Austin, J. L. (1956–7) ‘A Plea for Excuses, Presidential Address’. In: Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, vol. 56 pp. 12–20.
Baird, A. (1966) ‘Transformation and Sequence in Pronunciation Teaching’. English Language Teaching, vol. 20, pp. 71–9.
Bar-Hillel, Y. (1953) ‘The Present State of Research on Mechanical Translation’. American Documentation, 2, pp. 229–36.
Bar-Hillel, Y.(1960) ‘The Present Status of Automatic Translation of Languages’. In: Advances in Computers (Alt, F. L., Ed.) Academic Press, New York, vol. 1, pp. 91–163.
Barwise, J. and Perry, J. (1983) Situations and Attitudes. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Bastin, E. W. (1953–4) ‘General Mathematical Problems involved in Mechanical Translation’. Mechanical Translation, vol. 3(1), p. 6.
Becker, J. (1975) ‘The Phrasal Lexicon’. In: Proceedings of the First Workshop on Theoretical Issues in Natural Language Processing, MIT, Cambridge, MA, pp. 54–8.
Belnap, N. (1960) ‘Entailment and Relevance’. Journal of Symbolic Logic, pp. 176–179.
Birkhoff, G. (1940) Lattice Theory. American Mathematical Society Publication, 25, Providence, RI.
Black, M. (1962) Models and Metaphors. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY.
Braithwaite, R. B. (1953) Scientific Explanation. Cambridge University Press.
British Standards Institution (1958) Universal Decimal Classification. Trilingual Abridged Edition. British Standards Institution, London.
Brondal, V. (1950) Théorie des propositions. Munksgaard, Copenhagen.
Brouwer, L. E. J. (1952) ‘Historical Background, Principles and Methods of Intuitionism’. South African Journal of Science, vol. 49 pp. 139–46.
Brouwer, L. E. J.(1954) ‘Points and Spaces’. Canadian Journal of Mathematics, vol. 6, pp. 26–34.
Burton, R. (1978) ‘Semantic Grammar: An Engineering Technique for Constructing Natural Language Understanding Systems’. Bolt, Beranek and Newman Technical Report 3453, Cambridge, MA.
Campbell, N. R. (1920) Physics, the Elements. Cambridge University Press. Later reprinted as Foundations of Science. Dover, New York, 1957.
Carbonell, J. G. (1982) ‘Metaphor: An Inescapable Phenomenon in Natural Language Comprehension’. Research Report CMU-CS-81-115, Department of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University; also in: Strategies for Natural Language Processing (Lehnert, W. G. and Ringle, M. H., Eds.) Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NY, pp. 415–33.
Carnap, R. (1937) The Logical Syntax of Language. Routledge, London.
Chai, J. Y. and Biermann, A. W. (1997) ‘The Use of WordNet in Automatic Information Extraction’. In: Proceedings of the ACL workshop on Word Sense Disambiguation, Washington, DC, pp. 62–68.
Chao, Y.-R. (1946) ‘The Logical Structure of Chinese Words’. Presidential Address read at the regional meeting of the Linguistic Society of America in New York, December 31, 1945. In: Language, vol. 22, p. 4.
Chomsky, N. (1957) Syntactic Structures. Mouton, Dordrecht, Netherlands.
Chomsky, N.(1965) Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Clarke, C. (1978) ‘Black Holes’. Theoria to Theory, vol. 12, pp. 275–9.
Copestake, A. and Briscoe, E. J. (1991) ‘Lexical Operations in a Unification-Based Framework’. In: Proceedings of ACL SIGLEX Workshop on Lexical Semantics and Knowledge Representation, Berkeley, CA, pp. 88–101.
Curry, H. B. (1953) ‘Mathematics, Syntax and Logic’. Mind, vol. 62, pp. 172–83.
Dixon, R. M. W. (1965) What is a Language?Longmans, London.
Dobson, J. (1965) ‘Report of an Experiment to Find Semantic Squares in an Interlingually-Coded Text Taken from a Traveller's Handbook’. CLRU Memo.
Dolby, J. L. (1966a) ‘On the Classification of Written English Phrases’. Memo to CLRU, January (unpublished).
Dolby, J. L. (1966b) ‘On the Complexity of Phrase Translations’. Memo to CLRU, January.
Dorr, B. and Jones, D. (1996) ‘Role of Word–Sense Disambiguation in Lexical Acquisition’. In: Proceedings of COLING ’96, Copenhagen, pp. 129–35.
Duff, C. (1947) How to Learn a Language. Oxford University Press.
Fass, D. C. (1988) ‘An Account of Coherence, Semantic Relations, Metonymy, and Lexical Ambiguity Resolution’. In: Lexical Ambiguity Resolution in the Comprehension of Human Language (Small, S. L., Cottrell, G. W. and Tannenhaus, M. K., Eds.) Morgan Kaufmann, Los Altos, CA, pp. 151–78.
Feys, R. (1946) ‘La technique de la logique combinatoire’. Revue Philosophique de Louvain, vol. 18, p. 81.
Fillmore, C. (1968) ‘The Case for Case’. In: Universals in Linguistic Theory (Bach, E. and Harms, R., Eds.) Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, pp. 61–82.
Fodor, J. (1975) The Language of Thought. Thomas Crowell, New York.
‘Freeing the Mind’. Articles and Letters from The Times Literary Supplement, March–June 1962.
Frege, G. (1960) ‘On Sense and Reference’. In: Translations from the Philosophical Writings of Gottlob Frege (P. Geach, trans.) Basil Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 56–78.
Gellner, E. A. (1959) Words and Things. Gollancz, London.
Givon, T. (1967) Transformations of Ellipsis, Sense Development and Rules of Lexical Derivation. SP-2896. Systems Development Corp., Santa Monica, CA.
Gsell, R. et al. (1963) ‘Etude et réalisation d’un détecteur de mélodie pour analyse de la parole’. L’Onde Electrique, vol. 43, pp. 90–101.
Guberina, P. (1954) Valeur logique et valeur stilistique des propositions complexes. Editions Epoha, Zagreb.
Guberina, P.(1957) ‘La logique de la logique et la logique du langage’. Studia Romanica, pp. 87–89.
Guberina, P.(1959) ‘Le son et le mouvement dans langage’. Studia Romanica, pp. 201–13.
Guo, C. (Ed.) (1992) Machine Tractable Dictionaries: Design and Construction. Ablex, Norwood, NJ.
Haas, W. (1961) ‘Commentary on Masterman's Paper “Translation”’. In: Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume, 35, pp. 21–7.
Hacking, I. (1975) Why Does Language Matter to Philosophy? Cambridge University Press.
Halliday, M. A. K. (1956) ‘The Linguistic Basis of a Mechanical Thesaurus’. CLRU Memo. An abstract appeared in Machine Translation, vol. 3, p. 37.
Haugen, E. (1951) ‘Directions in Modern Linguistics’. Language, vol. 27 (Presidential Address to the Linguistic Society, Chicago, 1950), pp. 1–5.
Hausser, R. (1999) Foundations of Computational Linguistics. Springer, Berlin.
Hesse, M. B. (date unknown) Analogy and Structure in a Thesaurus. CLRU Workpaper, ML 101.
Hesse, M. B.(1959–60) ‘On Defining Analogy’. In: Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, December, pp. 79–89.
Hesse, M. B.(1974) The Structure of Scientific Inference. Macmillan, London, and University of California Press, Berkeley.
Isham, C. (1979) ‘Quantum Gravity’. Theoria to Theory, vol. 13, pp. 19–27.
International Business Machines (1958) Literature on Information Retrieval and Machine Translation, Bibliography and Index. IBM Research Centre, Yorktown Heights, New York.
International Business Machines(1959) ‘Final Report on Computer Set AN/GSQ-16 (XW-I)’, IBM Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, 6 volumes.
Jeans, J. H. (1921) The Dynamical Theory of Gases. Cambridge University Press.
Johnson, W. E. (1921) Logic, Part 1. Cambridge University Press.
Jones, B. (1974) ‘Plate Tectonics: A Kuhnian Case?New Scientist, 63, pp. 536–8.
Joyce, T. and Needham, R. M. (1958) ‘The Thesaurus Approach to Information Retrieval’. American Documentation, 9(3), July, pp. 76–89.
Katz, J. and Fodor, J. (1963) ‘The Structure of Semantic Theory’. Language, 39, pp. 170–210.
Katz, J. J. (1972) Semantic Theory. Harper and Row, New York.
Kay, M. (no date) ‘The Relevance of Linguistics to Machine Translation’. Unpublished Manuscript.
Kay, M. and McKinnon-Wood, R. (1960) ‘A Flexible Punched-Card Procedure for Word Decomposition’. CLRU memo ML-119.
Keynes, J. M. (1921) Treatise on Probability. Cambridge University Press.
Kuhn, T. S. (1962) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago University Press.
Langford, C. H. (1942) ‘The Notion of Analysis in Moore's Philosophy’. In: The Philosophy of G. E. Moore (Schilpp, P. A., Ed.) 3rd edn, Open Court, La Salle, IL, pp. 210–25.
Lewis, D. (1972) ‘General Semantics’. In: Semantics of Natural Language (Davidson, D. and Harman, G., Eds.) Reidel, Dordrecht, pp. 61–82.
Locke, J. (1690) An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. London.
Locke, W. N. and Booth, A. D. (Eds.) (1955) Machine Translation of Languages. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Luhn, H. P. (1956) ‘A Statistical Approach to Mechanised Literature Searching’. IBM Journal of Research. Reprinted in Advances in Automatic Text Summarization (I. Mani and M. Maybury, Eds.), MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 23–37.
Lukasiewicz, J. (1951) Aristotle's Syllogistic. Oxford University Press.
Mellish, C. (1988) ‘Implementing Systemic Classification by Unification’. Computational Linguistics, vol. 14(1), pp. 40–51.
Miller, J. (date unknown) ‘Extension and Testing of CLRU Library System’. CLRU memorandum.
Miller, G. et al. (1990) ‘Five Papers on WordNet’. Research Memorandum 43, Cognitive Science Laboratory, Princeton, NJ.
Mooers, C. N. (1956) The Next Twenty Years in Information Retrieval. Zator Company, Cambridge, MA.
Moore, G. F. (1922) Philosophical Studies. Cambridge University Press, London.
Nagao, M. (1989) Machine Translation: How Far Can it Go? Oxford University Press.
Needham, R. M. (1958) ‘Research Note on a Property of Finite Lattices’. CLRU memorandum.
Needham, R. M.(1959) ‘The Problem of Chunking’. CLRU memo ML-75.
Needham, R. M.(1961) ‘Classes and Concepts’. Paper read at the fourth Conference of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science.
Newman, S. M. (1959) Analysis of Prepositionals for Interrelational Concepts. Preliminary study. US Department of Commerce, Washington, DC.
O’Connor, J. D. and Arnold, G. F. (1961) Intonation of Spoken English. Longmans, London.
Olney, J. L. (1964) ‘An Investigation of English Discourse Structure with Particular Attention to Anaphoric Relationships’. Memo, Systems Development Corporation, Santa Monica, CA.
Parker-Rhodes, A. F. (1956) ‘An Algebraic Thesaurus’. CLRU memo. An abstract in Machine Translation, vol. 3, p. 36.
Parker-Rhodes, A. F.(date unknown) ‘The Lattice Method for the Mechanical Processing of Syntax’. CLRU Workpaper, ML-116.
Parker-Rhodes, A. F., Needham, R. M. (1959) Reduction Method for Non-Arithmetic Data. IFIP, Paris, pp. 1125–30.
Parker-Rhodes, A. F., Needham, R. M.(1962) ‘Computational Methods in Lattice Theory’. Cambridge Philosophical Society Transactions, pp. 83–92.
Parker-Rhodes, A. F. and Wordley, C. (1959) ‘Mechanical Translation by the Thesaurus Method Using Existing Machinery’. Journal of the SMPTE, vol. 68, pp. 98–106.
Parker-Rhodes, A. F., McKinnon Wood, R., Kay, M. and Bratley, P. (date unknown) The Cambridge Language Research Unit Computer Program for Syntactic Analysis. CLRU Monograph, ML-136.
Peirce, C. S. (1931–58) Collected Papers. (Hartshorne, C. and Weiss, P., Eds.), Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, vol. 2.
Price, P. J., Ostendorf, M. and Wightman, C. W. (1989) ‘Prosody and Parsing’. In: Proceedings of Speech and Natural Language Workshop, DARPA, October, pp. 5–11.
Pustejovsky, J. (1995) The Generative Lexicon. MIT Press, Cambridge MA.
Quine, W. V. O. (1953) From a Logical Point of View. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
Reifler, E. (1954) ‘The First Conference on Mechanical Translation’. Mechanical Translation, vol. 1(2), pp. 23–32.
Richards, I. A. (1936) Philosophy of Rhetoric. Oxford University Press.
Richards, I. A. and Gibson, C. M. (1956) English through Pictures. Repr. Pocket Books, New York (1952). Originally published as The Pocket Book of Basic English, New York, 1945.
Richens, R. H. (1956) ‘A General Program for Machine Translation between Any Two Languages via an Algebraic Interlingua’. CLRU memo ML-5. Abstract appeared in Machine Translation, vol. 3, p. 37.
Richens, R. H.(1957) ‘The Thirteen Steps’. CLRU workpaper, July.
Richens, R. H.(1958) ‘Interlingual Mechanical Translation’. The Computer Journal, vol. 1, pp. 144–56.
Richens, R. H.(1959) ‘Tigris and Euphrates’. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on the Mechanisation of Thought Process, National Physical Laboratory, HMSO, London, pp. 312–23.
Roget, P. M. (1931, 1962) Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. Longmans, London.
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