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- Cited by 5
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Kleiner, Israel 2012. Excursions in the History of Mathematics. p. 67.
Loats, Jim White, Diana and Rubino, Carmen 2014. History of Mathematics: Three Activities to Use with Undergraduate Students and In-service Teachers. PRIMUS, Vol. 24, Issue. 8, p. 698.
Jankvist, Uffe Thomas 2014. International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching. p. 873.
Mayfield, Betty 2014. Weaving History Through the Major. PRIMUS, Vol. 24, Issue. 8, p. 669.
Clark, Kathleen M. Kjeldsen, Tinne Hoff Schorcht, Sebastian and Tzanakis, Constantinos 2018. Mathematics, Education and History. p. 1.
- Publisher:
- Mathematical Association of America
- Online publication date:
- January 2012
- Print publication year:
- 2005
- Online ISBN:
- 9781614443032
- Subjects:
- Mathematics (general), Mathematics
- Series:
- MAA Notes