Our sincere gratitude to the National Science Foundation (NSF), Award No. 1921184, which originally funded a conference to present the papers that appear in this volume. We thank Reginald Sheehan, the NSF Program Officer, for his flexibility in allowing us to turn the workshop into a series of events that were both open to the interested public and also the basis for a seminar class held at the University of Chicago Law School. We thank Dean Thomas Miles and Deputy Dean Anthony Casey for their support. We also thank Ajay Mehrotra of the American Bar Foundation. A special debt of gratitude goes to Paride Stortini who has been an incredible research assistant and overall champion of this project over the course of nearly eighteen months. This volume benefited enormously from his efforts. We also thank Arunima Bhattacharjee for the important early assistance she provided on the project.
In addition to the authors, we had superb engagement from colleagues who attended the series and generously offered comments. We thank David Engel, Rebecca French, Ran Hirschl, Cuilan Liu, Clark Lombardi, Jessica Main, Mark McClish, Fernanda Pirie, Winnifred Sullivan, Vesna Wallace, Matthew Walton, and Roshan de Silva Wijeyeratne. Scholarship is always a collective endeavor and this volume especially so. Finally, the extraordinary students at the University of Chicago Law School seminar in early 2021 enriched this project tremendously.