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- Cited by 6
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Thomas, Alan 2007. Bernard Williams. p. 1.
Heysse, Tim 2010. Bernard Williams on the History of Ethical Views and Practices. Philosophy, Vol. 85, Issue. 2, p. 225.
Kyle, Brent G. 2017. Courage, cowardice, and Maher’s misstep. Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 47, Issue. 4, p. 565.
Gaitán, Antonio and Viciana, Hugo 2018. Relativism of Distance - a Step in the Naturalization of Meta-Ethics. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, Vol. 21, Issue. 2, p. 311.
Queloz, Matthieu 2021. Nietzsche’s English Genealogy of Truthfulness. Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, Vol. 103, Issue. 2, p. 341.
Elson, Luke 2024. No Point of View Except Ours?. Topoi, Vol. 43, Issue. 2, p. 479.
- Publisher:
- Acumen Publishing
- Online publication date:
- February 2013
- Print publication year:
- 2006
- Online ISBN:
- 9781844653195
- Series:
- Philosophy Now
- Subjects:
- Twentieth-Century Philosophy, Philosophy