- Cited by 2
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Berry, Kenneth J. and Johnston, Janis E. 2023. Statistical Methods: Connections, Equivalencies, and Relationships. p. 379.
Domínguez‐Bustos, Ángel Rafael Cabrera‐Castro, Remedios Ramos, María Lourdes Abaunza, Pablo and Báez, José Carlos 2025. Using Benford's Law to Detect Possible Biases in Reported Catches of Tropical Tuna From the Indian Ocean. Fisheries Management and Ecology, Vol. 32, Issue. 1,
- Publisher:
- Cambridge University Press
- Online publication date:
- November 2023
- Print publication year:
- 2023
- Online ISBN:
- 9781009127950