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Annotation for Transparent Inquiry (ATI)

Annotation for Transparent Inquiry (ATI) is a new tool designed to facilitate transparency in qualitative and mixed-methods research.

It allows scholars to “annotate” specific passages in a publication with additional information explaining how they generated and analysed their data, along with links to a wide variety of underlying data sources. These annotations are displayed alongside their articles on the publisher’s website, with pinpoint linking to the relevant sections of text.

Why are we using ATI?

Example of an annotated article using ATI

Because rigorous social science requires open data and materials.

In qualitative and mixed-methods research, rich qualitative data sets are often analysed and deployed individually or in small groups, and data, analysis, and conclusions are densely interwoven across the span of a publication. By employing ATI, authors are able to show the data and analysis on which their research is based alongside the main text, therefore enhancing their scholarship and facilitating deeper understanding and evaluation for the reader.

ATI annotations displays alongside the article. The annotations are created by author, curated by QDR, hosted and served by Hypothesis, displaying on Cambridge Core. Elements of an ATI annotation feature one or more of the following: analytic note; source excerpt; source excerpt translation; link to data source. Link to data source housed in an external secure repository.

An image shows ATI annotations displays alongside the article. There is text on this image but that has been replicated in the text of this page.
Example of an annotated article using ATI on Cambridge Core

Example of an annotated article using ATI

An image shows ATI annotations displays alongside the article. There is text on this image but that has been replicated in the text of this page.
Example of an annotated article using ATI on Cambridge Core

Because rigorous social science requires open data and materials.

In qualitative and mixed-methods research, rich qualitative data sets are often analysed and deployed individually or in small groups, and data, analysis, and conclusions are densely interwoven across the span of a publication. By employing ATI, authors are able to show the data and analysis on which their research is based alongside the main text, therefore enhancing their scholarship and facilitating deeper understanding and evaluation for the reader.

ATI annotations displays alongside the article. The annotations are created by author, curated by QDR, hosted and served by Hypothesis, displaying on Cambridge Core. Elements of an ATI annotation feature one or more of the following: analytic note; source excerpt; source excerpt translation; link to data source. Link to data source housed in an external secure repository.

How to access ATI

The tool has been integrated with the HTML versions of publications on Cambridge Core, so viewing the annotations does not require installing any software. To view the annotations you simply need to click the "Annotations" button at the top of the publication to expand the side bar. You can then navigate through the comments and see which section of the publication the annotations relate to.

Development and use of ATI

ATI was created in collaboration with the Qualitative Data Repository (QDR)  at Syracuse University and the non-profit software company Hypothesis . We initially entered a pilot phase of the project and added ATI to a number of articles on Cambridge Core. The articles were selected from various disciplines including political science, international relations, socio-linguistics, healthcare, and bioethics, and showcase some of the diverse uses to which ATI can be put.

In 2022 we published the first ever book to be annotated using ATI, Constitution Makers on Constitution Making, edited by Tom Ginsburg and Sumit Bisarya. This exciting new use of ATI represents a key step forward for transparency of qualitative research, much of which is published in books.

We are continuing to develop our workflows to support the use of ATI in more publications. Please contact [email protected]  if you are interested in using ATI. You can also read more about ATI’s foundations and goals on the Why ATI?  page of the QDR website.

Articles annotated with ATI

We are delighted that announce Annotation for Transparent Inquiry (ATI), was shortlisted for the ALPSP Awards for Innovation in Publishing. The ATI entry was selected along with five other finalists out of 45 submissions, a new record for the ALPSP Awards.

Click here to learn more about the nomination and award .