The Strength of My Scars is an innovative children’s book series created to bring comfort, hope, and key information to pediatric patients and their families. These accessible stories serve as a valuable supplement to conversations with medical professionals with the goal of improving comprehension and satisfaction, and reducing anxiety. Each book increases understanding of childhood illness and the hospital environment pertaining to a specific medical condition, by addressing the anatomy, pathophysiology, hospital course, surgical details, and post-operative care, as applicable. Research has found these books significantly help caregivers understand more about their child’s condition, feel less stressed, and feel happier with their care. Featuring easy to understand language, fun analogies, and full-of-character color illustrations, these books will empower children and help them feel safe, teaching them that their scars and experiences tell a story of resilience, of which they can be proud. The series has been written and illustrated by surgeon, Maria Baimas-George.