Accurately evaluating the aerodynamic performance of the missile with damaged structures is very important for the subsequent flight control strategy. At present, few researchers have studied the aerodynamic characteristics of damaged supersonic cruise missiles. Based on CFD (computational fluid dynamics) solutions and the dynamic derivative identification method, the differences in static and dynamic characteristics between the damaged and undamaged models are compared. The results indicate that when the extent of damage increases, the change rate of drag coefficient at larger AoA (angle-of-attack) is greater than that at the smaller AoA. On the contrary, the change rate of lift coefficient at larger AoA is smaller than that at smaller AoA. Meanwhile, the absolute value of the static pitch moment decreases, but the absolute value of the roll moment increases. Damage causes a change in the absolute values of the pitch and roll dynamic derivatives, and the dynamic derivatives do not vary monotonically with the increase of AoA. The turning point occurs at about
$\alpha$ = 5°. The areas of the hysteresis loops of the pitch-roll coupling moment increase, which makes the dynamic coupling characteristic between the pitch and roll directions increase. Finally, the maximum allowable damage extent of the missile wing that can achieve static trim is obtained and validated by controlling the deflection of the four rudders.