Global path planning using roadmap (RM) path-planning methods including Voronoi diagram (VD), rapidly exploring random trees (RRT), and probabilistic roadmap (PRM) has gained popularity over the years in robotics. These global path-planning methods are usually combined with other path-planning techniques to achieve collision-free robot control to a specified destination. However, it is unclear which of these methods is the best choice to compute the efficient path in terms of path length, computation time, path safety, and consistency of path computation. This article reviewed and adopted a comparative research methodology to perform a comparative analysis to determine the efficiency of these methods in terms of path optimality, safety, consistency, and computation time. A hundred maps of different complexities with obstacle occupancy rates ranging from 50.95% to 78.42% were used to evaluate the performance of the RM path-planning methods. Each method demonstrated unique strengths and limitations. The study provides critical insights into their relative performance, highlighting application-specific recommendations for selecting the most suitable RM method. These findings contribute to advancing robot path-planning techniques by offering a detailed evaluation of widely adopted methods.