Basic Color Terms (BCTs) use by aged people (normal and tritanomalous) was analysed on the basis of the results provided by two visual search tasks. One task (mapping) required participants to select every stimulus that could be included in a specific BCT. Another task (best representative) required participants to select the stimulus that most accurately identified a BCT. Both tasks' results were used for two different goals. First (descriptive level), to specify the main differences between aged and young people in their use of BCTs (dimensions provided by multidimensional scaling, confusions between specific pairs of BCTs). Second (explicative level), to compare the accuracy of three models for predicting aged people's performance. Model A (filtering without compensation) assumed that aged people must use BCTs as young people do when responding to stimuli similar to the ones produced by lens aging. On the contrary, model B (filtering with compensation) assumed that lens aging effects were partially compensated by a von Kries-type mechanism (white normalisation). Finally, model C (tritan lines) assumed that ocular aging only influences S cone responses (tritan responses). Results showed that model B was the most accurate with the percentage of explained variance over 90% for both aged groups.