Field studies were conducted over a four-year period to determine the weed control efficacy of ICIA-0051 and SC-0774 in no-tillage and conventional corn. Treatments consisted of both pre- and postemergence applications of ICIA-0051, alone and in combination with atrazine, and preemergence applications in combination with metolachlor. SC-0774 was applied preemergence, alone and in combination with atrazine. Results indicated good control of triazine-resistant (TR) smooth pigweed and other annual broadleaf weeds present with no adverse effects on crop vigor and yield with ICIA-0051. Generally, the addition of atrazine to ICIA-0051 improved weed control. SC-0774 provided good control of fall panicum, but generally poorer and less consistent control of giant ragweed, common ragweed, common lambsquarters, and ivyleaf and tall morningglory species.