This article gives an existence theory for weak solutions of second order non-elliptic linear Dirichlet problems of the form
$${\nabla }'P\left( x \right)\nabla u+\text{HR}u+\text{{S}'G}u\text{+ F}u\text{=}\text{f}\,\text{+}\,\text{{T}'g}\,\text{in}\,\Theta$$
$$u=\varphi \,\,on\,\,\partial \Theta$$
The principal part
${\xi }'P\left( x \right)\xi$ of the above equation is assumed to be comparable to a quadratic form
$\mathcal{Q}\left( x,\xi \right)={\xi }'Q\left( x \right)\xi$ that may vanish for non-zero
$\xi \in {{\mathbb{R}}^{n}}$. This is achieved using techniques of functional analysis applied to the degenerate Sobolev spaces
$Q{{H}^{1}}\left( \Theta \right)={{W}^{1,2}}\left( \Theta ,Q \right)$ and
$QH_{0}^{1}\left( \Theta \right)=W_{0}^{1,2}\left( \Theta ,Q \right)$ as defined in previous works. E.T. Sawyer and R.L. Wheeden (2010) have given a regularity theory for a subset of the class of equations dealt with here.