Child socioemotional difficulties emerge as early as infancy, increase over time, and place children at risk for future internalizing and externalizing symptoms. The aim of the present study was to investigate pathways that originate within the interparental relationship during pregnancy and unfold during infancy that mitigate risk for toddler socioemotional difficulties and to examine the differential effects of these pathways for children with varying degrees of temperamental fearfulness. Specifically, we examined whether dyadic mutually responsive orientation (MRO; i.e., a system of attunement, reciprocity, cooperation, and warmth) observed in the prenatal interparental relationship and in both mother-infant and father-infant relationships predicted child socioemotional functioning at age 2. Findings revealed a significant direct effect of observed prenatal interparental MRO on mother-infant and father-infant MRO. Results also demonstrated an indirect effect of prenatal interparental MRO on socioemotional functioning via father-infant MRO. Temperamental fearfulness did not interact with interparental MRO, mother-infant MRO, or father-infant MRO to impact socioemotional functioning. Taken together, findings suggest high interparental MRO during pregnancy contributes to similar relational qualities in the parent-infant relationship and mitigates the risk for toddler socioemotional difficulties. Further, results underscore the importance of integrating fathers into prevention and intervention efforts when they are part of the family system.