Initiation of translation of the animal picornavirus
RNAs is via a mechanism of direct internal ribosome entry,
which requires a substantial segment of the viral 5′-untranslated
region, generally known as the IRES (for “internal
ribosome entry site”). Because, however, translation
of the RNAs of members of the enterovirus, and more especially,
the rhinovirus subgroups of the Picornaviridae
is restricted in the reticulocyte lysate system, but is
greatly stimulated by the addition of HeLa cell extracts,
the implication is that, in these cases, internal initiation
also requires cellular trans-acting factors that
are more abundant in HeLa cell extracts than in rabbit
reticulocytes. This was used as the basis of a functional
assay for the purification of the HeLa cell factors required
for translation dependent on the human rhinovirus-2 (HRV)
IRES. There are two such HeLa cell factors separable by
ion-exchange chromatography, each of which is individually
active in the assay, although their combined effect is
synergistic. One of these activities is shown to be polypyrimidine-tract
binding protein (PTB) on the grounds that (1) the activity
copurifies to homogeneity with PTB and (2) recombinant
PTB expressed in Escherichia coli stimulates HRV
IRES-dependent translation with a specific activity similar
to that of the purified HeLa cell factor. Furthermore,
it is shown that recombinant PTB also stimulates the translation
of RNAs bearing the poliovirus type 1 (Mahoney) IRES.