Bacteriophage φ6 has a double-stranded RNA
genome composed of three linear segments, L, M, and S.
The innermost particle in the virion of φ6, like in
the other dsRNA viruses, is an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
complex, which carries out all the functions needed for
the replication of the viral genome. Empty polymerase complexes
can package the single-stranded copies of the viral genome
segments, replicate the packaged segments into double-stranded
form (minus strand synthesis), and then produce new plus
strands (transcripts) from the double-stranded RNA templates.
The three viral genomic segments contain unique packaging
signals at their 5′ ends, and minus strand synthesis
initiation is dependent on the sequence at the 3′
end. Here we have constructed chimeric segments that have
the packaging signal from one segment and the minus strand
synthesis initiation signal from another segment. Using
purified recombinant polymerase complexes and single-stranded
chimeric and original RNA segments, we have analyzed the
packaging and replication regulation operating in in vitro
conditions. We show that the 5′ end of the L genome
segment in single-stranded form is needed to switch from
the packaging to the minus strand synthesis and the same
sequence is required in double-stranded form to switch
on plus strand synthesis. In addition we have constructed
deletions to the M segment to analyze the possible regulatory
role of the internal noncoding area of this segment.