The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve protects a variety of primary montane forest communities on volcanic parent materials. We describe the structure and composition of the forest to provide background information for epiphyte and nutrient cycling studies and for comparison with other tropical montane forests. In a 4-ha study plot in leeward cloud forest, density of stems (2062 individuals ha−1 for stems >2 cm dbh, 555 individuals ha−1 for stems > 10cm dbh) and stem basal area (73.8 m2 ha−1 for stems >2 cm, 62.0 m2 ha−1 for stems >10 cm dbh) were high relative to other montane forests. Stems in a subset of the plot (c. 1/3 of the area) were identified and assigned to 47 families, 83 genera and 114 species, which is rich compared with other montane forests. Large stems had a higher spatial variability of structural and floristic characteristics than small stems.