The new generic name Bryobilimbia is proposed for Lecidea hypnorum and the closely related taxa Lecidea ahlesii var. ahlesii, L. ahlesii var. nemoralis, L. diapensiae, L. sanguineoatra and Mycobilimbia australis. A phylogenetic analysis based on five genes shows that Lecidea berengeriana does not belong to this group but is more closely related to Romjularia. Both groups of species have been included in Mycobilimbia by some authors but are instead shown to be most closely related to a group of genera (including Clauzadea, Farnoldia, Lecidoma and Romjularia) that do not belong to Lecideaceae s. str. A neotype is selected for Lichen sanguineoater Wulfen and the new combinations Bryobilimbia ahlesii var. ahlesii, B. ahlesii var. nemoralis, B. australis, B. diapensiae, B. hypnorum and B. sanguineoatra are proposed. A lectotype is also selected for L. templetonii Taylor.