This study examines the mediating role of horizontal trust and collective resilience in the relationship between organizational justice and job performance at the team level based on the HEalthy & Resilient Organizations Model (HERO) (Salanova et al., 2012). The sample consisted of 927 workers grouped into 100 work teams belonging to seven healthcare centers in Spain. The relationships among organizational justice, horizontal trust, collective resilience, and perceived job performance of work teams were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results revealed that the perceptions of justice and organizational trust positively impact job performance at the team level. Furthermore, the predictive role of horizontal trust in collective resilience was evidenced, with both variables mediating the relationship between the perception of justice and job performance of work teams. These findings underscore the significance of cultivating both horizontal trust and resilience in work teams, offering valuable insights for healthcare management and organizational psychology in highly complex environments such as healthcare organizations.