Especially in OECD countries, the reduction of primary energy consumption is a major taskto avoid further increase in CO2 emissions. Since 37% of the annual energyconsumption is related to the building sector, it is a major challenge for the future todevelop methods for significant improvement of the energy efficiency of building design,construction and operation. It has to be noted that the development of sustainablebuildings addresses both engineering and social aspects. From an engineering viewpointmethods to improve the ecologic efficiency of buildings by increasing the lifetime have tobe provided. From a social viewpoint these new approaches must take the future needs ofsociety into consideration. In addition, also governance structures and the regulatoryframework for the construction and operation of buildings need to be modified in thedirection of sustainability. The article will initially identify the major research topicsfor the development of sustainable design principles for buildings. Afterwards, structuralrequirements will be defined and translated into required property profiles for buildingmaterials. Herein, both mechanical and functional properties are of importance, so thatapproaches will be presented how to combine these properties in composite buildingmaterials. With respect to mechanical properties, new steels will have to be developedwith an improved balance of strength and ductility, so that some promising steel designconcepts will be shown. Additionally, new approaches for the failure assessment of thesenew steel types will be presented to enhance the exploitation of the characteristics ofthe innovative materials.