In this paper we study the compact and convex setsK ⊆ Ω ⊆ ℝ2 that minimize \begin{equation*} \int_{\Omega} \dist(\x,K) \,{\rm d}\x +\lambda_1 {\rm Vol}(K)+\lambda_2 {\rm Per}(K) \end{equation*}
for some constants λ1 andλ2, that could possibly be zero. We compute in particularthe second order derivative of the functional and use it to exclude smooth points ofpositive curvature for the problem with volume constraint. The problem with perimeterconstraint behaves differently since polygons are never minimizers. Finally using a purelygeometrical argument from Tilli [J. Convex Anal. 17 (2010)583–595] we can prove that any arbitrary convex set can be a minimizer when both perimeterand volume constraints are considered.