Neurobehavioral theories of autism have hypothesized
core deficits in sensory input or perception, basic attentional
abilities or generalized attention to extrapersonal space,
anterograde memory, auditory information processing, higher
order memory abilities, conceptual reasoning abilities,
executive function, control mechanisms of attention, and
higher order abilities across domains. A neuropsychologic
battery designed to investigate these hypotheses was administered
to 33 rigorously diagnosed autistic individuals with IQ
scores greater than 80, and 33 individually matched normal
controls. Stepwise discriminant function was used to define
the profile of neuropsychologic functioning across domains.
The neuropsychologic profile in these autistic individuals
was defined by impairments in skilled motor, complex memory,
complex language, and reasoning domains, and by intact
or superior performance in the attention, simple memory,
simple language, and visual–spatial domains. This
profile is not consistent with mental retardation or with
a general deficit syndrome, but rather with a selective
impairment in complex information processing that does
not involve visual–spatial processing. This profile
is not consistent with a single primary deficit, but with
a multiple primary deficit model in which the deficit pattern
within and across domains is reflective of the complexity
of the information processing demands. This neuropsychologic
profile is furthermore consistent with the neurophysiologic
characterization of autism as a late information processing
disorder with sparing of early information processing.
(JINS, 1997, 3, 303–316)