Let $\mathbb{P}_\kappa(n)$ be the probability that n points $z_1,\ldots,z_n$ picked uniformly and independently in $\mathfrak{C}_\kappa$, a regular $\kappa$-gon with area 1, are in convex position, that is, form the vertex set of a convex polygon. In this paper, we compute $\mathbb{P}_\kappa(n)$ up to asymptotic equivalence, as $n\to+\infty$, for all $\kappa\geq 3$, which improves on a famous result of Bárány (Ann. Prob. 27, 1999). The second purpose of this paper is to establish a limit theorem which describes the fluctuations around the limit shape of an n-tuple of points in convex position when $n\to+\infty$. Finally, we give an asymptotically exact algorithm for the random generation of $z_1,\ldots,z_n$, conditioned to be in convex position in $\mathfrak{C}_\kappa$.