Patterns produced by foraging mycelial systems of decomposer fungi
might be the visual evidence of strategies for
obtaining differently distributed carbon sources. Mycelial systems might
also be responsive to unevenly
distributed mineral nutrients in the soil. The nature of the mycelial
response might differ between species
inhabiting eutrophicated disturbed sites, such as Stropharia caerulea
(Kriesel), and inhabitants of more typical
woodland soils, such as Phanerochaete velutina DC.: (Pers.)
Parmasto. We examined the effect of enrichment of
soil by addition of different concentrations of N, P and potassium on
inoculum decay rate and on extension rate,
biomass production and fractal dimension (determined by image analysis)
of extra-resource mycelia of S. caerulea
and P. velutina extending from wood blocks across compacted non-sterile
soil in trays.
S. caerulea was more responsive than P. velutina to
both type and quantity of soil nutrient enrichment. P. velutina
grew more rapidly, produced more biomass and decayed inocula more rapidly
S. caerulea under most
conditions, rates of growth and resource decay of the former remaining
stable over a range of soil nutrient
enrichments. In contrast, morphology of S. caerulea altered on
enriched soils compared to controls with greater
and more pronounced fanning (divergence of separate hyphae) of the
foraging mycelial front. These changes were
reflected in fractal values. Extension rate and biomass production of S.
caerulea was less than controls on N-amended soil, but greater on
P-amended soils, with the greatest biomass produced on 0·13–0·27
P g−1 air-dried
soil. Decay rate of inocula was often positively related with mycelial
production rates. These responses indicate
extra-resource mycelium of S. caerulea is able to respond rapidly
to a range of soil nutrient enrichments, and this
is discussed in terms of the different foraging strategies exhibited by
the two fungi.