Human SAP 49, a subunit of the multimeric splicing
factor 3b (SF3b), contains two RNA recognition motifs (RRMs)
and binds another SF3b subunit called SAP 145, whose yeast
homologue is CUS1. Here we show that the predicted
yeast open reading frame YOR319w (HSH49) encodes
an essential yeast splicing factor. Using bacterially expressed
proteins, we find that yeast HSH49 binds CUS1. Mutations
that alter putative RNA-binding residues of either HSH49
RRM are lethal in vivo, but do not prevent binding to CUS1
in vitro, suggesting that the predicted RNA-binding surfaces
of HSH49 are not required for interaction with CUS1. In
vivo interaction tests show that HSH49 and CUS1 associate
primarily through the N-terminal RRM of HSH49. Recombinant
HSH49 protein has a general RNA-binding activity that does
not require CUS1. The parallels in structure and interaction
between two SF3b subunits from yeast implies that the mechanism
of SF3b action is highly conserved.