Type studies and illustrated descriptions are given of the tropical African Lactarius (Russulaceae) species described by Hennings (1902) and Beeli (1927–1936) which were not included in Heim's monographs (1938, 1955). L. badius Verbeken nom. nov., L. russulaeformis (Beeli) Verbeken comb. nov. and L. kalospermus (Beeli) Verbeken & Walleyn comb. nov. are proposed. L. congolensis Beeli is shown to be an earlier name for both L. craterelloides R. Heim & Gooss.-Font. and L. unicolor Gooss.-Font. & R. Heim which are identical, L. russulaeformis is an earlier name for L. pellicularis R. Heim, L. annulatoangustifolius (Beeli) Buyck is an earlier name for L. pandani R. Heim, and both L. pandani f. intermedius and L. pandani f. pallidus are concluded to be synonyms of L. pelliculatus (Beeli) Buyck. L. zenkeri (Henn.) Singer is neotypified and L. goossensiae Beeli and Lactarius sesemotani (Beeli) Buyck are lectotypified. Finally, Lentinus clitocyboides Henn. is not based on Lactarius, as suggested by Pegler (1983), but on Russula.