Studies were established near Devil's Tower in Crook County, WY, to determine the potential of 11 grass species to compete with leafy spurge as an alternative to repetitive herbicide treatments. Of the 11 species, ‘Bozoisky’ Russian wildrye and ‘Luna’ pubescent wheatgrass showed the most promise for successful competition with leafy spurge and were selected for further study. Pubescent wheatgrass limited percent canopy cover of leafy spurge to 10 and 15% or less in tilled and no-till plots, respectively, 7 and 10 yr after seeding. Russian wildrye limited percent canopy cover of leafy spurge to 21% or less in tilled and 7 and 27% in the no-till plots, respectively, 7 or 10 yr after seeding. The control plots not seeded to a forage grass averaged 55% leafy spurge canopy cover.