Different aspects of salt excretion from leaves of the
xero-halophyte Reaumuria hirtella Jaub. et Sp. (Tamaricaceae)
were investigated under the extremely arid conditions of the
desert. The diurnal excretion pattern, which
gradually decreased toward midday, showed a negative correlation
with the daily transpiration pattern. The
relative excretion, which is the ratio between the absolute excretion of
and the change in its internal content,
was maximal at sites with low salinity, and decreased when
the concentration of NaCl in the root environment
increased. By contrast, the absolute excretion increased from 253 to 323
Na+ g−1 f. wt per 12 h with increase
in the total soil salinity from 0·24 to 1·23%,
respectively. Water stress conditions, caused either by increasing soil
salinity or by dryness of the atmosphere, greatly influenced
the efficiency of excretion process.
Six ions: Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+,
Cl− and SO42− constituted
96·8% of the d. wt of the field-collected secreted salts.
Na+ and Cl−, which were the predominating
ions in the soil solution of
the root environment, were also the
predominantly secreted, constituting c. 89% of salts secreted.
The proportion
of Na+ which was prevented from
entry into the roots increased with increasing Na+
concentration in the soil solution. More than 67% of the
absorbed NaCl was secreted by leaves during the day.
However, the accumulated salts contributed to the osmotic
potential (ψs) and improved the plant water
status. The osmotic potential of the plant sap at the end of the day or
during periods of low excretion rates was shown to be decreased
−7·3 to −13·7 bar from that in the morning. The
fraction of osmotic potential decreased during the day
(Δψs) was positively correlated with the soil salinity.
retained salts are expelled from the leaves by increased
efficiency of extraction during the night and early morning,
so that the plant begins the day with low internal salt content,
and the leaf reservoirs become suitable for a new
supply. The rejection mechanism at the plant roots and the
secretion mechanism at shoots allow the plant to
maintain its internal salt content at an approximately constant
level despite the great variation in soil salinity.