Site-specific herbicide applications with remotely piloted aerial application systems (RPAASs) offer the potential for reducing herbicide inputs in turfgrass systems. However, information on spray nozzle selection and application volume for this approach is lacking. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of nozzle type and spray volume on the efficacy of site-specific herbicide application in turf using an RPAAS, focusing on large crabgrass control with quinclorac. The research was conducted in 2022 at two College Station, TX sites. The treatments were combinations of three nozzle types [XR 80-015 (conventional, extended range), DG 80-015 (drift guard), and AI 80-015 (air induction) flat fan nozzles] and two spray volumes [10 and 15 L ha-1], applied with a single-nozzle RPAAS. A spray volume of 102 L ha-1 applied with a CO2 pressurized 4-nozzle boom backpack sprayer served as a check for comparison. Two additional treatments were also included: a pure formulated herbicide application (without dilution in water) using an RPAAS equipped with an XR 80-005 flat fan nozzle at 4.6 L ha-1 and an untreated control. The backpack sprayer application resulted in the highest spray solution deposits on large crabgrass plants (12 times more on average), compared to the RPAAS applications. Nevertheless, applications using the RPAAS with the DG and AI nozzles at 10 or 15 L ha-1 provided similar levels of weed control as that of the backpack sprayer at 102 L ha-1, indicating that RPAAS can be effectively used for site-specific herbicide applications in turf. This study also suggests that large crabgrass can be controlled using RPAAS with a range of spray nozzle types at low application volumes in turfgrass. Further research is needed to assess the efficacy of RPAAS-based herbicide applications across a range of herbicides, weed species, and environmental conditions.