This paper investigates the use of English within the linguistic landscape of Luang Prabang through a combination of photographs and interviews. Specifically, we examine the characteristics of English in the linguistic landscape of Luang Prabang, the roles played by English, and the perceptions of merchants and consumers towards it. The study finds that: first, English is frequently used alongside Lao, particularly in bilingual signs, and it is also used alongside other languages within multilingual sign combinations. English predominantly appears in areas heavily frequented by consumers, where it is utilized for economic benefit. Second, English primarily fulfills the following roles in the linguistic landscape: cultural heritage bearer, tourism information provider, cultural exchange facilitator, economic opportunities creator, educational resource provider, and international image broadcaster. Third, shop owners and consumers generally express satisfaction with the presence of English in Luang Prabang's linguistic landscape, believing that English promotes economic development, cultural exchange, and brand establishment. However, some interviewees also highlight shortcomings, such as concerns over traditional culture and unfriendliness towards non-native English speakers. This study underscores the pivotal role of English in bridging cultural and economic divides in Luang Prabang, offering insights for policymakers on language policy and tourism management.