The goal of this study was to determine the effects
of inactivating layer A or the C layers of the cat lateral
geniculate nucleus on the supragranular layers of area
18, including cells antidromically activated from the lateral
suprasylvian visual area (LS). Isolated cells were visually
driven via the contralateral eye while the retinotopically
corresponding regions of layer A or, in some cases, the
C layers were reversibly inactivated with injections of
cobaltous chloride. Simple cells were frequently encountered
and were on average more dependent upon layer A than were
complex cells, a result qualitatively similar to that found
previously in area 17 (Malpeli, 1983; Malpeli et al., 1986).
However, the influence of the C layers on area 18 was much
more apparent than for area 17. In area 18, as in area
17, the dependence of simple cells on particular geniculate
layers appears to follow the terminal patterns of the major
direct geniculate inputs. Those simple cells most dependent
on layer A were located in lower layer 3. Simple cells
in upper layer 3, like complex cells, showed little dependence
on layer A, but were strongly dependent upon the C layers.
All cells antidromically activated from LS were simple
cells with rapidly conducting axons. They had, on average,
the same moderately strong dependence on layer A as the
patches of LS receiving area 18 input (Lee et al., 1997),
supporting the conclusion that the influence of layer A
in these patches is largely transmitted via association
inputs from area 18. These results demonstrate that simple
cells play a major role in association pathways.